Yeah I don’t miss dripping a HTC phone and watching the pieces scatter.
I propose a new cinematic universe, and/or game series of wrestling matches between the gods.
Fascinating thanks for sharing.
What if an extraterrestrial had the same mitochondria? Would sort of scientific impact would that have of our understanding of everything.
9 is one of the two I haven’t played yet.
Oh I didn’t think confetti would work. I should give that a try.
Any tips on which ninja tricks to try using?
Yeah I’m pretty bad at partying in general. Working on it though enjoying the game so far?
I’m working on my first playthrough of Sekiro right now but I’m kinda stuck. Corrupted Monk just takes so little damage from my attacks I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong.
I used to be pretty anti green day because they weren’t pink enough. The last few news articles I’ve seen they’ve really embodied punk in my eyes. I may not enjoy their older music but I’m loving what they stand for today.
It’s honestly my favorite game most both to solo and in group(specifically if I get to use my ship) I do wish the RJ specific things all had a higher drop chance though. Been off and on farming Nautilus for a year and now prime is out lol.