[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 60 points 4 months ago

Calling opposition to genocide antisemitic is one of the most anti-semitic things one could do - it paints genocide as inherent to Judaism - a ludicrous position that is about the best reason one could find to justify exterminating the Jews.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 62 points 5 months ago

Not sure about you, but I'll take workers reminding everyone who is in charge and how democracy works over cops constantly shooting the innocent - people, dogs, whatever, and generally carrying on like thugs.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 57 points 6 months ago

The US healthcare system doesn't exist to provide healthcare - it exists to provide profits for shareholders. Any positive health outcomes provided are a fortunate byproduct - they certainly won't be delivered if they're unprofitable.

Of course, the same is true of any product under capitalism, but US health is a stark example.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 62 points 7 months ago

It's a little too... European for a Texan regressive.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 55 points 7 months ago

Because a global power engaging in aggressive colonialism is bad - even when it's not the US doing it.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 56 points 7 months ago

Oh cool - Israel, a foreign state that's currently working on a genocide are openly interfering with US domestic political operations, and noone seems to care enough to stop them.

Any influence is legitimate influence if you can afford it.


[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 67 points 8 months ago

Thousands of children and innocent civilians are killed by a fascist, genocidal government, and a jihadi group.

Won't someone think of the shareholders

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 59 points 8 months ago

Ask Hamas... also, get within 6 blocks of Hamas, and we'll probably kill you. Given a little time, we'll probably kill you anyway.

Israel have the motivation and means to commit a genocide. Hamas terrorism was always going to be the pretext, it was just a question of when. Meanwhile, the civilians all get fucked - though not remotely equally.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 57 points 8 months ago

Because the GOP has their house in order above from the trump problem.

...and MTG problem ^and ^Santos ^problem ^^and ^^Gaetz ^^problem ^^^and ^^^Boebert ^^^problem ^^^^and ^^^^Lake ^^^^problem ^^^^^and...

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 54 points 9 months ago

So someone tried to steal one of the robots, and the robot company was keen to give the footage to the cops?

There's a lot of potential for fuckery here, but dishonestly spinning this non-issue to look like some kind of crisis distracts from real problems with privacy and the police. Hack "journalists".

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 56 points 9 months ago

I'm well aware - they approached me with a lucrative job offer years ago, which I declined because I knew who they were.

Are you so naiive as to imagine that a major social media platform headquartered in Beijing is not censoring content at the direction of the CCP when there's multiple, credible sources pointing to collusion between them?

TikTok executive refuses Jake Tapper's multiple requests to acknowledge China's treatment of Uyghurs

TikTok's owner is helping China's campaign of repression in Xinjiang, report finds

Xinjiang's TikTok wipes away evidence of Uyghur persecution

Exclusive: ByteDance censored anti-China content in Indonesia until mid-2020

Revealed: how TikTok censors videos that do not please Beijing

Here's the TikTok CEO addressing Congress as it relates to their management of US data.

I wonder if you'll:

  • Engage the point (to fight a losing battle),

  • Pivot to whataboutism and American diabolism that fails to engage the point, or

  • Do the smartest thing under the circumstances (assuming you're incapable of learning) and quietly skulk away.

[-] WaxedWookie@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago

...or he'll just skip out on the bondsman like most of his other creditors.

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