One thing that states hate to lose is the monopoly on violence. The best way to prevent (overwhelming) violence that will imminently arise in bourgeois states is to scare the larger class into submission or win it over with concessions. Narratives like "knowing" about Oct. 7 can be used to scare people who would otherwise join resistance groups away from doing so. Not so easy to see in this case, but it's more clear when looking at how certain people cast the CIA and the NSA as all-powerful and all-knowing. Even the detractors of the alphabet agencies sometimes end up reinforcing this narrative. It's true that they do possess a wide variety of resources, but they are still made up of humans and will never be perfect. My point is that yes it could be used to make someone look malicious or incompetent (by their detractors), but it can also reinforce the "invincibility" or a "precognition" narrative that will be later used to dissuade resistance (by supporters or by detractors).

I think what OP wants to say is that maybe they never suspected a thing or maybe it was brought up as a point in some morning standup meeting in the IOF that the "filthy hamases are plotting something" and everyone ignored it. One thing is clear: the attack was not planned by Israel, and they did not have perfect knowledge of it - and those that repeat that last line are clearly coping.

hello little trans people in the 'puter

common in parts of russia as well

he walks over to biden's mic

Apple had a vulnerability in the chip of like 3 or 4 generations of iPhone that was basically only used by the US

this is literally me

If you plan on hiding it then it might never be a problem, but if you don't want to do that then slowly "switching it up" (to be almost unnoticeable) is probably better than spontaneously coming out

[-] 14 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You're right to be skeptical, the source is RFA/Radio Svoboda and their article also mentions that Memorial calls him a political prisoner, and it's an "international human rights society" (another NGO) where two of its founders wrote for RFA or were caught (and admitted to) receiving funding from foreign sources. There needs to be more information before baselessly parroting such propaganda.

where are the leftist women who answered females dominating

Can anyone read this?

I can only see the words: الموجه, الدروع, ضد

can one of you write to these guys asking wtf is up with them and how did they find this hingle dude


I hear it used a lot in old USSR programs, in texts by Chinese marxists and even in old citations of Deng Xiaoping. Specifically per capita. What makes this the metric they reach for, instead of GDP, which is more famous.

Prisekai (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Interesting interview with a historian talking about what went into crashing the USSR into the ground. I think the autogenerated captions aren't that great, but the English speakers can let me know..

original Youtube URL


Feels like this would be a prime topic to look at through the lens of foreign debt, nationalism, wealth transfer, etc.


So the message of these past few episodes where Yor is trying to find her life mission is "You must kill for an unspecified goal, and secure the existence of your family and a future for your children"? (along with all the Shinzo Abe child-rearing bullshit)

I like this show just because Anya and her relations with her mom and dad cute cute, but ugh. Why does my political education have to ruin my enjoyment of mainstream media. I especially like (abhor) how the target audience (anime fans) are exactly the wrong people to be receiving these shit themes, although it's a chicken and egg scenario - maybe their prior anime watching habits made them the way they are.


40 years in prison for a crime at 17... I think I would also find Islam if I were in his stead, otherwise God save the system and the captors from me.


We should be more careful. 1 in 30,000 is a pretty good chance to not get found out, but when it comes to videos with smaller viewcounts, we should not be allowing them to be shared.

Also we should do something about the tracking links that people keep sharing here willynilly. Even if it's just a rule change. Feels like 6 months since I last posted about this without change.

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