[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I mean I feel like it's a little more than disappointing since for years I was asked by people why I could just "be like him" and asked "oh, are you a trap like finnster?" He's genuinely fostered so much fetishization of my identity and existence that I cannot and will not forgive him until he shows the community support for once in his career, and in a consistent way. He's built a career on sexualizing downplaying transness to a decision you just make one day, and the "I decided not to get the surgy today guys" meme is genuinely unforgivable, considering that it wasn't even a one-off. I've tried watching his streams, but the chat is so toxic that I get blinded by the Hitler particles. That's not a mistake. He fostered a toxic community for profit. If I bring up these issues, I get replies that tell me I'm being "too woke" or that is should just not be offended, oftentimes alluding to the idea that I'm an illegitimate woman. Maybe it's changed since the announcement, but I fucking doubt it.

I'm so fucking tired of being told I should sell sex or do live streaming, and I think it's pretty fucking evident where they get the second idea from.

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 3 months ago


I'm pretty much completely unwilling to forgive him for the way that affected me materially, meaning I legitimately had people comparing me directly to him because of his ambiguity and flippancy with joking about things that I torture myself over, like getting bottom surgery.

He hasn't done anything positive for me, and I can only say that he possibly helped the community by being visible, but I would be lying to you if I said I really believed that. He can do better, and I hope this is the start of him trying, because as it stands I've only been hurt by the things he's produced.

Good to see you again, Cromalin. Sorry that it's always me with the depressing takes.

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 4 months ago

I have a deep respect for that decision.

Liberals are broken (lemmygrad.ml)

How can you recognize that

  1. Trans people revolutionize thought about gender and sexuality

And then not recognize that

  1. Trans women revolutionize politics

I love like

"Yeah trans people are fine but sometimes their politics are crraaaaazyyyyy"

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 24 points 4 months ago

Wow I didn't know little kids could decapitate politicians by being trans but he's right the little girl is dangerous lol

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 4 months ago

Same honestly

That plus her like, insanely powerful dysphoria about an aspect of her breasts made it a very difficult discussion

I kinda feel bad for her wife cuz she's like

Helping her buy bras and stuff but idk

Like if she'll do that it might be the case that she already knows

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 4 months ago

I...met someone who is ten years out on hrt and her wife and kids don't know, or rather are in denial

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 4 months ago

I haven't been able to enjoy a single game since I saw her videos, and now I'm a fucking woman 🤬

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 24 points 4 months ago

Feeling shitty about living generally

But some people make it better

I told the cashier at my local 7-11 about how much I loved watching Victoria Monet's live performance and she was very receptive so it was nice

I just wish people would stop asking me if I have a penis


I'm hot and I pass, they just wanna know how much to fetishize me (the answer is more if I say I do have a penis)

Fortunately I dealt with nobody today at work so that made things easy

I hope things get better

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 4 months ago

Lmao A guy around here claimed Irish heritage and I was like "oh yeah I love listening to 'come out ye black and tans' and 'my little armalite'" and said something vaguely implying that the british were bad and he got all quiet

I barely think that I might have some Irish ancestry and I made sure to know how they really fuckin felt about their lot in life

Kinda boggled my mind that he wouldn't do the same

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 4 months ago

I had a guy tell me he misgenders ppl because "it's funny" and he's "an asshole" and I told an older black trans woman about it and she said she'd drop voice and beat his ass so that made me feel a lot better honestly

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 5 months ago

I talked to a guy who called her and Kissinger "geniuses". 🙃

[-] WitchHazel@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 5 months ago

Literally more unity than the libs have. If a Lenninist-Maoist-Marxist revolution happens I'm a Lenninist-Maoist-Marxist. Idgaf we need to fix this shit

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