[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 24 points 1 week ago

It seemed a lot worse than being a little hoarse. He was conflating issues, mid sentence. And getting confused regularly in addition to seeming really feeble and not being able to answer what is asked of him. Listen if this was the first i was seeing this from the president, then i might buy this is just him mid fever. But it’s not and is expected from a man at his age. Still voting for him, but i am thinking Kamala Harris is going to have to take over the presidency before long.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago

I mean, it was a reward for plowing a straight row at a fair. That seems like a fitting and generous reward imo. And still makes the dude a good neighbor.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If the point is to be disruptive, then loudly pointing out they are getting arrested for protesting is on brand and should be expected. The real question is why are you confused they continue to protest after being arrested?

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 21 points 2 months ago

This is kinda horse shit. I have said this before on here and i will say it again. Blaming the individual is inefficient and its only purpose is to shift blame, and to specifically not solve the problem. If you really wanted to solve the problem you go to the source. You control the corporations. Will this make things more expensive? Yes. Will it disrupt the market? It better. Will it force people to adapt and be unpopular? Only if you are doing it right. Thats the point.

If these facts upset you, then you do not really want to stop global warming or control garbage, or save the animals.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 23 points 2 months ago

In fiction, a character killing a puppy is short hand for irredeemable monster. Its one of few lines that when crossed, the audience will not accept their possible heel turn. It is a fundamental human trait. Even in situations where a hero kills an attack dog in self defense it’s imperative that not only is it emphasized that the hero has no choice, but the necessity of this situation negatively impact the hero, specifically to not lose the connection with the audience.

For example, The puppy getting killed in John Whick was in the story because the audience would find rooting for John as he goes on a prolific murder spree hard just because he got beat up, and has his car stolen. But after the dog died, you have literally everyone immediately primed for a 2 hour reverse horror movie.

I say this because you currently are seeing a political party using the unnecessary murder of a puppy for the sake of convenience and as a show of … “ChArAcTeR” to speak to their base.

An individual may be psychopathic which could be considered a medical condition. But for a political party? Thats mask off.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 22 points 2 months ago

Is this a ”we have done nothing and are out of ideas!” Thing. Or a “nothing we are doing is stopping the rapes, we have done everything short of holding the officers accountable, and for some reason it still happens!” Thing?

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 22 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Well hey now! They did fire that one officer! You know! The female poc officer who forced another officer off the neck of a protester during the protests about the police murder by neck standing. What was her name? Totally didn’t jive with the force and the union. /s

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 23 points 4 months ago

Possibly, but they lost me at people on the spectrum having super human senses not available to neurotypical brains as a means to explain why the feelings of not wanting to be seen is not ‘mearly’ anxiety. Then mention to nebulous “studies” to back them up without citation.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 22 points 6 months ago

The law is not “powerless” that would assume politicians wanted to stop this from happening.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 23 points 6 months ago

You used to be able to use google to skim free music from peoples unprotected online storage. But thats not a thing anymore both because google is worthless as a search engine, and because companies and scam artists figured out how to appear as these directories in the lists.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

Yep, that’s why ACAB. Anyone who holds their peers accountable are removed leaving only the corrupt or the feckless.

[-] WraithGear@lemmy.world 22 points 8 months ago

You don’t steal from the rich

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