[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 62 points 1 week ago

That’s typical of today; executives screw up and the workers get fired.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 69 points 3 weeks ago

No they’re simply trying to emulate Google and Facebook by becoming data gatherers and hoarders. They’ve been jealous of how much data other companies have gathered about people, and then realized they could easily do the same.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 66 points 1 month ago

A white man was applauded while a black man was attacked.

Does that cover it?

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 98 points 1 month ago

I wish someone would confront Trump about that during an interview. “So, do you have an armed guard, because you’re saying Biden can legally kill you?”

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 59 points 2 months ago

"Without Mastodon , Truth Social would have been impossible," the filing should have said said.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 62 points 3 months ago

Middle Ages? Try the mid 20th century.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 75 points 4 months ago

Single click was always the first setting I changed.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 66 points 5 months ago

You’re right; someone should put up a large statue of this guy and his back. Make it visible. With a huge sign explaining who he was and why he looks this way. I’m sure republican supporters would complain, damage it or try to tear it down.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 73 points 7 months ago

Ironically the linked site doesn’t show content if you’re using an ad blocker.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 79 points 9 months ago

If they no longer wanted you because investors told them to get rid of you, why would they care about you if you rejoined?

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 75 points 9 months ago

It’s shocking how many lights are left on during the night in a city or a built up area. Does a big box store need to keep its logo lit all night? We’re so desperate to shut out the beauty of the planet and blind ourselves with human made ugliness.

[-] YurkshireLad@lemmy.ca 59 points 10 months ago

The difference is I can go to a restaurant’s kitchen and talk to the chef and watch him work.

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