[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 4 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

For some reason you're trying to install it as a system service so I suspect you need to start it with sudo and probably do the daemon reload with sudo. Not entirely sure its in the right folder but it might be fine.
You can also try systemctl list-unit as a way to debug if its getting found by systemd.

Fwiw I have spotifyd installed as a user service in ~/.config/systemd/user that way I can start and stop it with systemctl --user instead of sudo systemctl. This is important because spotifyd will disconnect and need to be restarted after inactivity.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 7 points 15 hours ago

I'm from there too. I could feel myself slowly becoming that type of libertarian shit head growing up until I moved away. Libertarianism is the only way you can rationalize all the bullshit you see around you and still remain in that environment.

It takes a severe level of willful ignorance to work for the MIC. They're so close to the contradictions at play that whenever you try to interrogate them on those contradictions they just short circuit in a way. Often they'll repeat some sort of aphorism.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 13 points 18 hours ago

Replace many federal workers with those who are loyal only to the president

This is the key point that actually makes all this possible. From the wiki

It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with loyal conservatives to further the objectives of the next Republican president.

"Tens of thousands". There is absolutely not enough young republicans in the nation to replace that many federal workers. The outcome if they fired them anyways would be orders of magnitude worse than the De-Ba'athification of Iraq. Its declaring class war on Northern Virginia and its a fight the GOP would lose.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 4 points 18 hours ago

Thats also roughly the amount of force the Brachiosaurus would need to exert with just stomach and throat muscles to get the vomit up that high. I think they wouldn't be able to do that and would constantly get heart burn in their 30' esophagus.

Much more likely is that they lowered their heads in humiliation and let the vomit slide all that way out.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 5 points 1 day ago

Bernie is a year older than Biden so that'd be hard to explain why they swapped him out for an older guy. He's probably more lucid still but he'd be a turnip by end if he lives. That said the main reason is still because he's an outsider

The obvious choice is Kamala since its literally her job. But she's also somehow an outsider.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 71 points 1 day ago


[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 12 points 2 days ago

Same happened in Wisconsin but it seemed like he lost everywhere after super Tuesday.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

French food is true Fatboy Food. It's like the yank who salivates over a triple bacon burger knew what herbs were.

Its for sure better than anything else in northern Europe but thats not saying much.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 28 points 5 days ago

They'll never give it to Kamala even though it's probably the best decision for them. Have Biden resign, then she fills his place as the VP does. You avoid most conspiracy allegations of backroom dealings because its all above board. You excite the base with the first woman president (and she's black gasp). But otherwise a milquetoast politician.

But this is the party of Van Bueren, they gotta do their back room deals and Kamala has nothing to bring to the table for them. So its going to be the most corrupt person in the DNC cedar-rapids

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 43 points 5 days ago

As stupid as this sounds its probably way more likely than you think. You must have political clout to make such a bid and only Hilary has the clout capable.

[-] ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net 36 points 5 days ago

Sounds like the most likely candidate


The Atlantic is calling for Biden to drop out.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Allegedly the fix is less tone deaf.

Edit: Lol y'all aren't even getting past the first image. The second one is more rage inducing IMO.

Hollow threats (hexbear.net)

This person does not speak for the entire uncommitted movement. Many people participating will not be voting for Biden come November. And more importantly they won't be participating in any GotV campaigns for the general. There won't be any "heroic" GotV campaigns that carried Biden in 2020. I won't call it for Trump yet. He might not have any juice left in him either. But its going to be close.

If Biden wants my vote he can show he has the strength to twist Bibi's arm. The longer he takes the harder he better twist. His October surprise better be a No Fly Zone over Palestine, '67 borders. Obviously, he won't. But if we can pretend he will I can pretend I'll vote for him. Asking thousands of activists to not just vote for genocide but actively campaign for it is more futile than harassing Biden.

submitted 4 months ago by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

Feb 24, 2024.

The Indigenous Embassy in Jerusalem does not represent a specific state or country. Rather, it embodies the voices of indigenous leaders and their people from across the world.

“I want to apologize to the people of Israel for the horrible thing the South African government did. We are sorry.” Regent Xami Thomas, leader of the Khoi Kingdom of Southern Africa, delivered this message to a packed audience at the Friends of Zion Museum (FOZ) in the heart of Jerusalem on the night of February 1. The crowd cheered their approval.

Emphasis mine: this is the only Indigenous group present that was named in the article. Other groups are only mentioned by their origin country.

The guest list for the evening included ambassadors, several tribal chiefs, a princess, and a king. One by one, the indigenous leaders – all committed Christians who love and support Israel – took to the stage, bringing messages of hope, love, and encouragement to the Jewish people.


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Yes their both fascists of a decaying empire but you need to vote for the lesser fascist.

The OP is one of the semi-weekly Have you considered how bad Gaza will be under Trump? posts on lemmy.world. Obviously these people dont give a shit about Palestinians or else they'd have different priorities. So there's no point actually trying to debate them because they aren't being honest. Its just wild to see how far they will bend to the left's framing and rhetoric while offering them absolutely nothing.

I bet I can get one to say "Please vote for the turd currently sponsoring a white-supremacist settler-colonial apartheid state's genocide of the indegenious population, or else the other turd will sponsor it more." if I said it would make me vote for Biden and I was in a swing state. They're so fucking desperate. My man, that shit ain't gonna work. The jpeg of a hundred mediocre things Biden's done because you couldn't point to any one good thing was working more than this.

PS: Of course they said yes to the bottom question.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I watched most of the South African case. You only need to watch the 10min-30min window where they just quote all their Israeli leaders making explicit calls for genocide.

Is there a point in the Israeli case where they address this? I'd rather not listen to the entire 2.5 hours to confirm it doesnt exist.

Edit: using this upload for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxGJfdBi3SM

South Africa's case as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2vQ7suQWGg

submitted 6 months ago by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Has the US actually achieved oil independence or is MBS and the Emirates spineless cowards? What's up with that.

Don't mind me (hexbear.net)
submitted 10 months ago by ZWQbpkzl@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

I'm just going back to bed

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