[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 47 points 18 hours ago

This is the best news I've heard since the debate.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 2 points 18 hours ago

Before my adblocker quashed it, I got a Biden-Harris ad. Probably not the best channel for governing politicians to be advertising on.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 2 points 18 hours ago

I think most Democrats are worried about him being elected more than will he be able to be president for four years. Like he probably won't, but there's lots of structure and support to prevent a failing Biden from a catastrophic presidency. There's basically none to prevent him from tanking his reelection campaign.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 1 points 18 hours ago

If he gets elected I'm not worried. He can die or be puppeted by his staff and things will be roughly as ok as they are now. I'm worried he won't get elected.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 2 points 18 hours ago

Mostly true. The DNC is the organization that makes the rules and can change them at any time. That would be a pretty bad move though unless the party really felt united in needing to do a hostile expulsion. Realistically Biden needs to be on board for a change to work, so being able to play Calvinball with primary voting rules isn't really an out.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 15 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

You also don't really need to think for a speech. You've got a friendly audience who won't challenge you and you know exactly what the next topic is, so you can focus on inflection and timing and emotion. It's good to see him have some life in the speech, but it's not really much of a counter to his terrible debate performance.

And incidentally, that's probably why Trump's performance sounded better. He also didn't really need to think about substance because he was just speaking to whatever topic he felt like and making things up without concern for truthfulness or challenge.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 6 points 18 hours ago

Not that it helps, but she's currently more popular than Biden.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 4 points 19 hours ago

If our system had an option for "none of the above, find new candidates and try again" it would be leading.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 8 points 19 hours ago

I think all the "Biden should step aside" calls are due to concerns about Step 1.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 1 points 19 hours ago

Actually Breonna Taylor's boyfriend was acquitted for firing at them as self-defense. In very specific situations and with suitably embarrassing incidents for the police you might be able to avoid having the entire weight of the justice system come down on you. Assuming you survive the encounter in the first place.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 8 points 20 hours ago

Yeah, like what are the stats on 13 year olds actually shooting cops vs. just having toy guns? Like at some point you gotta realize it's probably not actually a threat and proceed more cautiously.

[-] Zaktor@sopuli.xyz 13 points 20 hours ago

He’s old, it was his bedtime and instead we asked him to go to a debate.

Holy crap how can you say things like this and think it's supporting him? The presidency isn't something that just pauses for bedtime and campaigning involves a lot of being "on" over and over again, sometimes at night.

submitted 3 months ago by Zaktor@sopuli.xyz to c/politics@lemmy.world

A new budget by a large and influential group of House Republicans calls for raising the Social Security retirement age for future retirees and restructuring Medicare.

For Social Security, the budget endorses "modest adjustments to the retirement age for future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy." It calls for lowering benefits for the highest-earning beneficiaries. And it emphasizes that those ideas are not designed to take effect immediately: "The RSC Budget does not cut or delay retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement."

Biden has blasted Republican proposals for the retirement programs, promising that he will not cut benefits and instead proposing in his recent White House budget to cover the future shortfall by raising taxes on upper earners.

submitted 8 months ago by Zaktor@sopuli.xyz to c/politics@lemmy.world

Harlan Crow (of the Clarence Thomas patronage scandals) donated the max individual donation ($3,300) to Cornel West's campaign, which invited obvious criticism.

Text of his response on Twitter:

As an independent candidate and a free Black man, I accept donations within the limits of no PACs or corporate interest groups that have strings attached. I am unbought and unbossed. Despite my deep political differences with brother Harlan Crow (who is an anti-Trump Republican), I’ve known him in a non-political setting for some years and I pray for his precious family. I find it hypocritical for those who highlight his $3300 donation to my campaign but can’t say a mumbling word about the PAC-driven billion dollars to support the genocidal attack in Gaza sponsored by their candidate! I’m fighting for Truth, Justice, and Love! Onward!

Frankly, the pleasant words make this look much worse than just saying "if some asshole wants to send me money, I'll keep it". Sounds like someone he wants to keep on the good side of, but y'know they're only political differences, not stuff that really matters.

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