Spoilers for the movie, obviously.

How dare the US pretend like they would be the peaceful nation and that China would be belligerent the entire time. Don't get me wrong, it didn't stop me from enjoying the movie. The atmosphere, setting, plot, editing. Everything was so fantastic. The aliens, the themes about language and culture.

And I know that it was a US made movie with US main characters, but everytime they mentioned China being hostile felt so cringe. I doubt Villanueve was being intentionally anti-China, he just needed a non US ally to be belligerent so the protagonists would have a clock to race against. But even having Russia in that role would make more sense. And even weirder that China was ruled by a general from the People's Liberation Army.

Now this isn't me coming from a "China would never do anything bad" perspective. It's just silly pretending that the US wouldn't immediately send sidewinder missiles into that thing before it landed. The US would shoot first, second, and third before thinking to ask questions. The Chinese weather balloon tells us all we need to know about that. Now for the sake of the movie I was willing to accept the premise, but when it became all of the non West countries acting hostile it stung with me.

I think I'm only ranting because it was such a good movie and the whole theme of language being the key to understanding culture was undermined by making China the Bad Guys. If this was a shlockier, worse movie I wouldn't care to complain about that detail. I haven't read the original short story, but I'm sure that it didn't have this element.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 18 points 10 months ago

Pretty much every assuming USians have about Russia comes from Nazi propaganda.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 10 points 10 months ago

Don't forget Boko Haram got their start of Libya's destruction too.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 16 points 10 months ago

Tan suit Dijon mustard obama-drone was amusing until I realized how much of politics is theater. It was just too blatant this time, but so much of American news is only slightly more serious than Dijon mustard.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 18 points 10 months ago

Is that a paragraph of text? Nope that's a leftist meme.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 44 points 10 months ago

I'm gonna try to follow your logic in good faith. If both Russia and the US should be held accountable for their crimes, then who should actually hold them accountable?

NATO is the international arm of the US military and it has committed war crimes over its entire decades of existence, some of the most recent ones in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. If the US is to be held equally accountable for their actions as the RF should be, then all NATO operations should be held under the same scrutiny.

So by this logic how can you support a NATO in it's actions in Ukraine. Before Russia invaded, NATO was supported the bombing of the Donbass and the destruction of that region. If the US and NATO has a history of destabilizing regions through warfare for the benefit of the US, how can any of their actions be justified?

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 11 points 10 months ago

But what if I want dead US troops?

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 37 points 10 months ago

that it sends a message to other dictators

What message is America sending to the dictators that we bankroll while they perform genocide using US equipment and training?

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 40 points 10 months ago

Don't invade countries or we'll send the other country stuff to make it go badly for you

Man I wish someone sent that message to the US before they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, carpet bombed Syria and Libya, and funded various forms of jihadist militant groups for the past 20+ years.

There's exactly one county that's been toppling democracies and bankrolling dictators for almost a 100 years and it's amerikkka baby.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 50 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Please Jack, another $40 million or Lockheed Martin is gonna JFK me. biden-alert

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 89 points 10 months ago

Telling someone they suck a man's dick as an insult is pretty basic homophobia. Unless you meant it as a compliment, then by all means I hope xigma-male gets his knob schlobbed for all his hard work.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 82 points 10 months ago

Go read about BRI infrastructure projects in Africa and Asia. The global south is generally very positive about Chinese politics because Chinese give them hospitals and roads and ports.

[-] ZapataCadabra@hexbear.net 91 points 10 months ago

Casual homophobia to own the tankies xi-square-up

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