[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

I agree with this perspective. The CEO felt like the more reasonable guy here who wanted to respectfully and professionally clear his name through polite conversation. And the writer here seemed very aggressive. The line of questioning was outwardly hostile and accusatory with literally nothing for good evidence.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Well sort of but not really. They can justify that the Chinese ownership makes this a national security issue. Which makes this 100% legal. Now the American shareholders of tiktok however just like last time they tried to do this with tiktok have a claim that their rights are being infringed. Last time they tried to do a tiktok ban the shareholders sued and won.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

I think the US at this point should invade israel and disarm their military like we did to Japan. And strip them of their statehood. Let that be a lesson to any who think they can behave like this and call themselves civilized people.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

This law was JUST put in place

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

Just do a judge trial instead of a jury trial. Lol

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

However they aren't our only choices we also have radagast ( RFK ) LOL

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 8 points 5 months ago

Its ironic. On a decentralized platform we are discussing how a big issue with streaming services is that they are not centralized ^-^

I dont even disagree with you. I just think its interesting that we dont apply the ideological standard of centralization and monopoly being inherently bad evenly across the board.

Im not really sure I have a greater point to make here. I'm not trying to knock or dissent what your saying at all.

Just a stoned observation.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

When your in a warzone, the police no longer have jurisdiction and handling of the civilian populace DOES fall under the army. The aid trucks should be militarily escorted and those protesters should be forcibly moved. Blockading humanitarian aid is an international crime if your a civilian doing that you should be arrested and charged as a criminal.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

This is a strawman argument. The Jew and Christians aren't the people in question here. But the people being talked about have been very upfront and very self proclaiming about exactly what their motives are. Their motives come from an age where everyone was using religion as the end all be all of power grabbing. But it does not change that ya this is basically the ideology of Hama's. Jerusalem has been fought over for thousands of years. But now whether people likenitnor not Israel is a real country with a real albeit troubled government and a very and well organized western backed military. And if the militants of Palestine have to insist on claiming what does not belong to them by force? Then the reality is that they will be neutralized with finality or win the fight. The law of conquest will once again as it always does, determine the owner of Israel. Its sad for all the innocent lives caught in the middle. I think we can all agree on that.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

Florida is a weird place. But DEI is nothing but a huge scam. We have a DEI department where I work and a PHD that they keep on payroll to run these ridiculous trainings. The DEI trainings make a large number Having sat the African american and Latino folks uncomfortable at work and have had to deal with many of them coming to me about it privately in supervisions. Equity is a philosophy that in my personal opinion is not the way the world should work. And this opinion is shared by many. If you want equity go to north Korea.

[-] Zengen@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

Doing all those things would cost hundreds of times what it costs to build a reactor. There are reactors already engineered and that exist elsewhere in the world capable of powering entire cities for over a hundred years that are easily decomissionable unlike the older 1970s reactors that we have. Also renewables are unable to produce power on demand when load demands spike suddenly. U need fossil fuel for that currently. Not to mention the process of creating solar panels is one of the most environmentally damaging manufacture processes and the only country that possesses the materials to make them is China.... Oil receives metric assloads of government subsidy. Why should nuclear not get the same? Nuclear power is the only thing we know of that has rhw ability to fill all of the functions that fossil fuel power plants have.Idf theres actually other options then cool but iv looked at every alternate energy source and rhw big thing that sticks out is a couple things. If the weather gets too cold, or too hot, theres a natural disaster or other condition that necessitates a very sudden and high increase in kilowatt hour demand renewable energy sources buckle. And then your left having to fire coal to meet the energy need.

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