[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 5 points 4 days ago

Most importantly, since there are infinite other options in-between that are just as likely as God existing, some can have negative reward values if you choose "worship God anyway". It is just as likely that there is a vengeful Anti-God that will torture you for eternity if you worship the Abrahamic God, which would completely negate the rewards from the original wager.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 2 points 4 days ago

This is what I've seen too. Directors come back from a conference and suddenly we're learning a newer but objectively worse system. Obviously the grunts using the systems aren't consulted, but are expected to be team players through this educational experience.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 24 points 2 months ago

Goatse. It took me like 20 tries to finally see it, but now it's unmistakable.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 40 points 2 months ago

I was just thinking this should be a "First time?" meme instead. It feels like there's always one instance down.

But it's nice that Lemmy as a whole is never down, just individual pieces.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 17 points 3 months ago

I thought this was one of those Korean street vendor corn dogs where the meat is wrapped in cheese. Took me a minute to realize the pale part is apparently a hollowed out pickle.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 20 points 3 months ago

In college I lost one of my jobs and knew I needed another one fast or I wouldn't be able to make rent. I spammed my resume on Indeed and Monster.

I got an email offering an IT-adjacent job in town. It was Saturday and they said I could stop by in a few weeks to fill out the paperwork or we could do it over the phone and start Monday. I called so I could get my first paycheck before the end of the month. We eventually got to her asking for my Social Security number and I froze.

I realized this could be a scam, but I was really desperate. I tried to think of a way to test them, so I said that I just realized I would be unavailable during certain hours, would that still be okay? She said she had to put me on hold to talk to the manager. After a while she came back and said it should work, but I would have to discuss the specifics with my supervisor once I started.

That sounded real to me. If it was a scam surely she would have just immediately said my schedule was fine, right? I gave her my SSN. She said I was ready to go and to have fun on Monday. I got there and it was just a parking lot. Couldn't get a response via phone or email.

A couple months later I found out someone across the country had used my SSN and I had to freeze my credit.


cross-posted from: https://midwest.social/post/9219144

My son is obsessed with Mario LEGO and had his own little table in the corner of the LEGO room. It was overflowing and my wife hated how messy it looked. While she was away for a few days I made this.

Two partial sheets of 3/4" birch plywood with French cleats attached, painted white, were mounted on the walls. Then the desk just slots into the second-lowest cleat, using the bottom cleat as support.

As he grows we can raise the desk a couple times, eventually bringing it up to 29" from the ground which is about regular desk height.

I also made a few shelves and a box for him to organize with out of the plywood scrap.

He likes that he can rearrange his storage as he pleases. I made a couple more medium-sized shelves that aren't pictured, and I may someday make a corner triangular shelf for Bowser to sit on.


My son is obsessed with Mario LEGO and had his own little table in the corner of the LEGO room. It was overflowing and my wife hated how messy it looked. While she was away for a few days I made this.

Two partial sheets of 3/4" birch plywood with French cleats attached, painted white, were mounted on the walls. Then the desk just slots into the second-lowest cleat, using the bottom cleat as support.

As he grows we can raise the desk a couple times, eventually bringing it up to 29" from the ground which is about regular desk height.

I also made a few shelves and a box for him to organize with out of the plywood scrap.

He likes that he can rearrange his storage as he pleases. I made a couple more medium-sized shelves that aren't pictured, and I may someday make a corner triangular shelf for Bowser to sit on.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 13 points 5 months ago

I have the exact same issue. I thought buying directly from the manufacturer's site would fix it, but I still get Amazon boxes from some of them. I don't buy from them again, but it still sucks. I have ended up buying even less, and I wasn't buying much before.

I try to buy things used, but sometimes that's just not possible. If it has to be new I try different sites until I find one that doesn't go through them. You can even call customer service for some smaller sites and find out ahead of time.

I don't agree with the "don't bother" hopelessness in this thread. Trying to do the least bad thing is still worthwhile, even if you can't do something perfectly ethical. I'm proud of you for doing your best.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 16 points 5 months ago

I was gonna say the same. If I had to go back the only change I would make is avoiding the cops, school councilors, relatives, and judges I thought I could trust. Every attempt we made to get away from our mom made the beatings worse.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 18 points 6 months ago

When I was 10 or so my cousins and I put a basketball hoop in the barn loft after all the hay bales were used for the season. My uncle came up the ladder and told us to be careful or we'd "get a bunch of coons in here playing ball." I didn't know that word was a slur at the time, so the image of a bunch of raccoons playing basketball was hilarious to me.

When I was in my 20's I told that story and everyone just grimaced. Someone had to tell me what he had actually meant.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 14 points 7 months ago

I don't understand, haven't these robots existed for almost 20 years? We've got a half dozen of these where I work moving pallets of stuff around the warehouse.

[-] adhocfungus@midwest.social 18 points 7 months ago

Incredible how well this matches.

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