[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 65 points 3 weeks ago

Right? Instead of publicizing his bullshit, we should be ignoring him whilst simultaneously hoping he runs into the wrong end of a lawnmower.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 68 points 1 month ago

the Temple [...] named a telehealth abortion clinic after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mom.

This is a beautifully poetic insult and I love it.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 73 points 2 months ago

Colton Gilbert, the debate coach at Central High, said [...] “Every day I walk into class and think to myself: is today’s conversation the one that will get me fired?”

Free speech being chilled in real time. JFC.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 67 points 2 months ago

Excellent chaser to my sleeve of saltines.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 63 points 4 months ago

You work with Clarence Thomas?

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 95 points 4 months ago

You bringing socialized health care?

I've left the back door unlocked.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 68 points 5 months ago

I don't even understand how this could qualify for felony murder (which is what I'm assuming they're going for; the article only somewhat talked about the charges), since it was natural causes and not homicide. Sure, you've got an argument for the first element of resisting an officer with violence, but the second element isn't met; no one was killed.

Fucking bass ackwards Florida.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 96 points 5 months ago

C'mon down to Lil Bits

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 86 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Friendly reminder (for everyone) from someone in the field that the vast majority of people who study law do not end up making millions of dollars a year at top firms. If you're just going into law to make money, there are much less expensive ways to do so.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 99 points 5 months ago

Short answer is that it is always much easier to (successfully) sue a private party than a government entity. Also probably to deter the private companies from participating in human trafficking.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 88 points 7 months ago

The Israeli mission to the U.N. in Geneva called the comments "deplorable and deeply concerning" and blamed Hamas for civilian deaths.

(Insert "why would they do this" meme here.)

Hamas is evil, yes, but that doesn't prevent the Israeli government from also being evil.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 80 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah; I feel like people need to recognize that

Neither side is good


Both sides are bad.

There is one party that is actively unraveling our democracy and it's not the Democrats. I don't have to love them to realize that they are the better choice. And even then, I'd say the Democrats are "good-ish," and many are trying to be good. They're just not great. ¯\(ツ)

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