[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

I quizzed you why you thought a normal, common expression of aesthetic taste became a sexual entitlement issue to you immediately, it was weird, it remains weird, you are weird, every comment makes you seem weirder about it, and I don't think this is a healthy place for you to be engaging and tripling down on. I'm blocking you for your good as much as mine.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

I've re-read your comment dozens of times trying to understand why this concept is lost on you, that it's FINE to be disappointed with someone's fashion choices, be it someone you know personally, or a generalized view of trends. It's OKAY. It doesn't MEAN anything other than, some people like things and other people do not. I too feel a sense of disappointment when people with otherwise pretty features accessorize it in ways that distract or detract from my preference. AND THAT'S ALSO OKAY.

You know what else? You're ALSO allowed to be disappointed with how some people dress, talk, act or just about ANYTHING else that you like or don't like. This is called being an adult human with values, taste and self-esteem.

Whatever cartoonish picture jumped into your head of some "alpha male" casting judgement on women he wants to sleep with, which I think you're picturing here, that shit is coming from a place of insecurity or pain inside YOU, this is not an objectifying or entitled attitude to express or hold. Disappointment with someone's choices is a normal and healthy thing that men and women feel and express all the time and sure it can become toxic in extreme circumstances, it's nowhere NEAR that to just express not liking a thing.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

What is your point? Did a billboard with the word "disappointment" fall on your great uncle and kill him?

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

Okay setting aside your clearly toxic and unkind attitude that is betraying what this is really about, some personal issue that is making you seeth, why is the word "disappointment" triggering YOU so hard?

I would be disappointed if my date comes home with me and takes off their shirt and they have a tattoo of Sonic the Hedgehog on their chest. Because I don't want to look at Sonic when we're together, does that make a lick of fucking sense? Do you understand that people have consensual relationships and preferences for their partners?

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

What does random women he has nothing to do with having piercings have to do with him?

Are you not a native English speaker? Do you understand that people can give opinions and critique of things they don't like without it meaning an expectation that someone is going to DO something for them? You immediately made some random, innocuous comment about someone's aesthetic tastes into an issue about entitlement and I assume implications about sex? Don't you get how fucking weird that is? It betrays something on YOUR mind specifically that nobody here is talking about.

Do you think people shouldn't have fashion preferences? Do you think humans can't or should not have feelings about things? Every comment you make here just makes it weirder.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

No you went on a rant about if op is "entitled" to those women. That's just a fucking weird take from someone talking about disappointment in a fashion choice that people choose. Don't reframe your weird comment.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

If I die and find out the universe really works this way, I will renounce all of existence and opt out. I rather an eternity not existing over living in a stupid children's book universe of weird arbitrary rules about who gets to do what and go where through these systems of hierarchy.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

And here I am over here, an agnostic absurdist, just laughing at the silly monkeys.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Why would anyone live there?

The international perception of America is far, far stranger than how the USA really is. Like everything. If we were to go by perceptions of other countries alone by media and memes and news reporting, I can point to a LOT of places that would beg the question, "why live there?" but for the majority of people here, it's a peaceful, expansive and free place to live. You just have to fit into the select population that gets those benefits, which can look like different things in different parts of the USA.

This is why the US is still seen as the "shining beacon on the hill" and why US currency is accepted anywhere in the world. The US has massive problems and we have that little issue with being you know... the actual evil empire and all that. But it's still vastly ahead of many places in the world so asking why anyone would live here is as ignorant as if I were to ask why anyone would live in the UK because I read stories about some of the terrible practices and laws there.

It's very hip and cool to say "USA BAD" online, but most people don't really feel that way. That's a deeply internet attitude and a lot of the time you see people living here complaining about it the same way they complain about their job. They hate it, but wouldn't trade it for the alternative.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You are so cool for being able to point out political ideology you don't like, you're cool.

edit: I also love how I just said "nazis and sexists" and this clown goes "Oh yeah, the left is bad too!" Bruh, doesn't that say something right there that you assumed it was a political attack?

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

So far a lot of the people I've interacted here have been more dense than reddit, I mean, a lot of the people here have been banned from reddit after all.

I mean, so was I. But it was for quoting someone's use of a slur so they couldn't edit it, then evading that bullshit ban. Apparently when you actively call out nazis and sexist assholes the powers that be will find a way to make you regret it.

[-] ameancow@lemmy.world 39 points 4 days ago

The various platforms with their various advertiser-friendly stances have all but maimed the english language. Had someone I know talking about a death in their family and they legit said "unalive" once without realizing it.

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