[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 6 points 1 day ago

Pure, unapologetic sleaze. If that's your thing, you should check it out

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 1 points 4 days ago

I have no issue writing a compose file. Dockge offers a bit more than that with logs and buttons for common commands which makes it easier and quicker to manage than through SSH.

To each their own 🙂

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 2 points 4 days ago

This is pretty much my situation. "Away from home" for me isn't just a trip to the shops, it means being away for weeks at a time. I need to be able to fix things remotely if needed.

I've seen people recommend SSH, which seems worse because that would give potential hackers access to the whole system.

VPN is a very good suggestion, and what I've implemented now. Thank you to everyone who contributed


Dockge allows you to start/stop containers and edit your compose files from a handy ui.

Pros: if something goes wrong while you're away, it would give you a tool to restart a service or make some changes if necessary.

Cons: exposing that much control to the outside world (even behind a log in) can potentially be catastrophic for your stack if someone gets in.

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 1 points 5 days ago

Just tried their demo, and they aren't kidding about it being lightweight. Its super fast!

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 2 points 5 days ago

I don't know what hydrogen is, and none of my search terms return anything useful. Would you mind explaining what it is?

submitted 5 days ago by anytimesoon@feddit.uk to c/matrix@lemmy.ml

I use the desktop app frequently and it would be great to have a modern, fast(er) app



I've noticed that when I restart my docker compose stack, the app seems to think that the server doesn't have copies of the latest files and re-uploads them.

The files can be seen in the filesystem of the host, but not through the web interface until they have been re-uploaded. The app uploads duplicates of all the files, at which point the web can see them again, and the fs has duplicates of everything.

This happens when I restart the stack, no upgrades to the system, just docker compose down and docker compose up -d

My set up is using an unmodified compose file from the docs. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 9 points 2 weeks ago

To be fair, if those were my options, I certainly wouldn't opt for a life of politics

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 18 points 3 weeks ago

This is just a proposal. It'll take years to pass into a law/directive (if it ever does). I'd say now is probably a decent time to visit, in case it does go forward

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 25 points 3 weeks ago

My gf already complains it's too salty. I'm not sure what market you'll be targeting with that condom

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 7 points 4 weeks ago

Thank you for the name, but I don't know who he is so I don't understand the joke

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 5 points 4 weeks ago
[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 9 points 4 weeks ago

I think they're trying to say that the amount of brownie is dictated by the amount of batter you have, and you can use one tray as many times as necessary to use up all the batter

[-] anytimesoon@feddit.uk 6 points 2 months ago

It would have just been something else. Antisemitism is just the one that stuck, but if that hadn't worked they would have kept trying to put people off one way or another.

As much as Corbin had decent ideas, his handling of the press was abysmal

High fashion (feddit.uk)
submitted 2 months ago by anytimesoon@feddit.uk to c/atbge@lemmy.world
Gaggia classic pump replacement (www.bluestarcoffee.eu)
submitted 11 months ago by anytimesoon@feddit.uk to c/coffee@lemmy.world

The pump on my 1999 classic just stopped working between coffees yesterday. I brewed one coffee fine, and when I tried doing a second, the pump wouldn't start. It still makes a click sound when the pump switch is pressed, so the solenoid still works. There's definitely power to the machine because the pid lights up. So I have a couple questions.

Firstly, is there anything I missed in my diagnosis? Maybe there's something obvious to look for when opening the machine...

Secondly, if the pump is broken, is it simple to replace with something like the one in the link? My particular model is quite old, so maybe they don't make compatible pumps anymore

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