
joined 6 months ago
[–] argon 5 points 6 hours ago

It would be great if politicians could all be philosophers writing political theory.

But that's not what gets the votes. In a democracy, the most important skill of a politicians is being able to sell their ideas.

There's a reason populism is popular. Because people don't read theory, people read posts on X.

[–] argon 31 points 2 days ago (5 children)

My cat likes to jump on my shoulders. When I wear clothes, she uses her claws to keep her balance. But when I'm topless, she doesn't use her claws (and instead awkwardly tries to get down). It seems like she knows that clothes mean I'm protected and that she can use her claws without hurting me.

[–] argon 2 points 5 days ago

YouTube recently started blocking IPs showing bot-like behaviour.

I don't know what the best way to circumvent that is, but for me using a Cambodian VPN successfully bypasses the blocks.

[–] argon 7 points 6 days ago (2 children)

It promotes investing into electric cars tight now. Without the bans, some investors might be hopeful to still profit beyond the 30s. But with the ban, it's clear for all investors to invest in electric cars.

[–] argon 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Eh, the AfD has always, and still does, represent some extreme positions that the CDU is still far away from. Remember that the AfD was founded as an anti-EU party, a position they still hold. The CDU has only really copied the AfD when it comes to migration. Otherwise they are still very different.

Even the Merz CDU is left wing compared to US democrats. Remember all the social programs we have, for example public healthcare.

Schon wieder (
[–] argon 5 points 1 week ago

"ANDERE" ist auch nicht gekürzt

[–] argon 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Die Stimmen für Parteien die die 5% Hürde nicht schaffen gehen verloren.

[–] argon 68 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Context for the non-Germans: The CDU has led our government for 16 out of the last 20 years. The CDU leading is not a significant shift. But the pressure that's being put on by the AfD is certainly an issue.

[–] argon 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

You can leave off your tinfoil hat; the surveys (by many different organisations) predicted this result fairly accurately.

[–] argon 7 points 1 week ago

Especially now with Blizzard moving their games back to Steam, running them on Linux doesn't even require tinkering anymore.

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