
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Being chronically online isn't a character trait. It's an addiction.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Nah didn't see your name on the door.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (3 children)

While I think that's interesting point, two things:

Destroyed swaths of people is dubious. Cultures, yes, men, yes, but peoples, no (hence the slaves but also why those lands were still administered by high ranking officials).

Essentially, I feel it's whataboutism. There's very good reason why it's said the Philippines was conquered by friars, the Crusades weren't caused by resources, and the age of Empire and the Atlantic slave trade were both back by the concept of monotheistic "other".

Just because other ideologies (and theologies) have negative kernels, it does not excuse the vast negative issues the have directly born out of monotheistic religion as an aspect of otherhood and a sense of colonisation or superiority. That does not make them the sole source (the concept of land ownership, for example, is a non-theistic ideology that is used to cause group division and destruction). We could also talk about Manifest Destiny, as a non-religious movement (though it did have large religious support), but it's not what I am talking about

Monotheism as it has manifested on the world stage has come with colonisation, destruction of old ideas, and entitled due to the other people being sinful heathens. It is a useful tool for the powerful (which is why we see the royal conversions in Europe, leading to internalised oppression of polytheistic beliefs). It is worth questioning.

[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (3 children)

The irony is I'm not even an atheist. I've described a specific ideological problem I have with monotheism as a concept. Why does that upset you so badly? Why would that compel you to say someone doesn't belong?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (11 children)

You are conflating my criticism of monotheism with a direct criticism of Judaism. I am saying the core value of monotheism (i.e. there is one god and its the one I picked) has created a colonial mindset in all monotheistic religion. You're saying "I did it again", but I'm doing it for all. I mean the Arab conquests soon after Muhhamad's death is the same as well.

Monotheism, as an ideology, has stolen a lot from us in terms of ways of thinking, belief, and added division in its stead. This continues to be true in major geopolitical states including America, Israel, Iran, and many, many more countries.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (14 children)

Not really? There is an in-group (Jews) and an out-group (non-Jews, or Gentiles). The same applies for all monotheistic religions in a way that doesn't gel with the fabric of polytheism. These concepts, over centuries and through different forms (especially Christianity for the "West") were used to subjugate people by creating these in-groups and out-groups (to the point that the earliest use of the star of David to highlight the Jewish population I know of was done in England by Simon De Montfort (though I'm not an expert)).

That legacy still exists today and the institutions of wealth and (especially in places like the UK & Iran) governance. It's a legacy of us vs them and colonialism that needs to be examined.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

I'm saying the entire structure of monotheism has created a system of colonial thought and destruction across much of the world. Even the good theists I have met (and I have met many) will think less of or sorry for someone in the out group.

It's not Judaism, it's not Islam, it's not Christianity: it is the colonial ideology embedded in these ideologies that I'm saying are a negative force on the planet.

I was replying directly to the comment above, not so much the context. You are right to point that out.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (24 children)

hatred and contempt

This is a problem. Anything coming from hatred is not coming from a good place.

However, I do have a problem with what monotheism did to the world as a colonising force.

We have depictions of full genocide in the Torah due to a chosen people doctrine (remember, at this time gendercide was nearly the exclusive form of genocide). We had Christians take this after Constantine to take a proselytising mission and turn it into an imperial casus belli. We saw the same with the formation and expansion that lead to the Golden Age of Islam.

While religious tolerance and practices have an increased amount of personal choice now in the "Western" world, that does not mean that the institution that they inherent aren't any more colonial now then they were then. They are ideas that replaced other ideas, often through a theology of "god strengthens my arm and weakens the heathens, so might makes right".

It's not hatred for any set belief, but the "In" and "Out" groups created by "chosen people" dynamics that are inherent within monotheistic religion. They have always been used to perpetuate division among the "foreign", wealth for an elite, and loyalty from the masses.

[Edited to clarify the last paragraph]

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

That's pretty much this labour summed up!

I welcome Conservative Policy but I believe we need to go further! After all, have enough grannies frozen to death?

EDIT: Since reading about this, I've changed my mind. Finding better ways to means test a relatively wealthy generation is not a bad idea.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Completely agree, and through no fault of our own. We've not been raised to be informed or taught how to become informed. A lot of people struggling through after the propaganda blitz of education and the mind-numbing effects of modern labour & surveillance capitalism.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Whether Trump or Harris wins, the US military is still the single largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.

Will global warming be accelerated under Trump? Yeah, probably, but the problem is here and now. Without addressing the US military complex emissions and billionaires taking space walks, the speed is a relatively moot point.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Honestly? A really good therapist, reading some very interesting books, and prioritising building a community & finding my people.


4thewords are increasing their price from $40 a year (equivalent in-app currency) to a straight subscription model for $144 a year. I've never seen a hike quite like this and I'm now priced out.

Is there any other similar gamification tools for writing out there?


Before the humble bundle came out, I bought the "complete" Godot course - I had a good early bird discount since I've used them for Unity.

Over the past few years, I have completed the 2D, 3D, and several of the RPG intermediate courses for unity as well as a Blender course so was super excited for this new one!

And then was super disappointed.

I start with the 2D course every time and this one was...hollow. Super empty. Maybe a quarter of the content as the Unity course with a lot of basic things missing and some really bad practice promoted. I did the whole course on 1.25x speed and still had to skip through a lot of waffle.

I'm now doing courses for free on Youtube and have learnt far, far more.

It really is a shame as I'm a fan of, but they really missed the mark with the Godot offering.

EDIT: clarity


Hi! I've been making games for a little while, though nothing too fancy - mostly mobile platformers, delivery games, and visual novels. I recently moved from Unity to Godot and finished the "Complete" Godot 2D course on

I want to challenge myself and have a really strong design for an AR mobile game. I have never programmed an AR app before. I have found dozens of courses/tutorials for Unity, but none for Godot.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've read the documentation, but would much rather a hands on tutorial or course.


Came but to NMS after about 2 years off. Played a new permadeath game with a friend, no other options changed from normal. But I couldn't last more than a few minutes.

Had to sprint to ferrus, I had to sprint to sodium, and even then I died about 50% of the time. Three sodium plants got me to maybe 30% hazard protection. My hazard protection was ticking down at 1% per second. Falling from any height (even jetpack softened) meant my jetpack broke.

And after four attempts, I finally got the ship and recharged to max with a good ten harvested sodium plants before going off on the Hermetic Seal quest. Half way there, the game throws a storm at me. Totally open ground, no shelter at all. And my entire stock of Sodium goes in seconds and then I die.

My friend's hazard protection was going down a lot slower, even when we were next to each other and his sodium filled him up a lot more (he said about 50 to full, I needed over 100 to full).

No idea what I did wrong.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Recently I feel like I'm working, sleeping, or waiting for work to start. I hate it, I can't figure out how to break this waiting mode. Does anyone have any advise?

EDIT: That ADHD moment where you see loads of people have given great advice, but there's so much it's overwhelming! Thank you all, I'll try and go through and implement what I can


I've been diving headfirst into the world of short story magazines and found some absolute gems!!

Khoreo Magazine has been my absolute favourite so far! I 100% recommend it. Diaspora-focused speculative fiction, usually with very novel story telling techniques and beautiful artwork.

Clarkesworld I've found to be pretty hit and miss, though the hits make it worth it! Some really great new and established authors with vivid sci-fi stories.

CRAFT has been great for a more literary and CNF bent.

Do you subscribe to any creative magazines? If so, which ones? If not, why not?


What do you want to achieve this year as a writer and how's it going?

I'm writing a drabble a day and posting them online. I'm editing a short story and want to send it off to some magazines. And I'm reading way more than usual!


I'm looking for a place to share my short stories and flash fiction, get comments and critiques, and give feedback in return. There are a fair few websites but they all seem to either focus on smut or fanfiction. Do you have any recommendations for active writing communities?


Flicking through the front page and around half of all posts have the world "rule" in the title. What's that about?


From Fall of Eagles

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