Caveat about Ender's Game and Orson Scott Card: dude is a fucko whackjob irl, just pirate it lol
You really believe that someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
League of Legends did this when they released new champions. New champ is overtuned for about a month, then it gets nerfed back down to baseline. Who knows how much money they got when people bought RP to get the sexy new champ and all their skins.
I'm making an announcement to everyone:
I'm canceling my plans for today, codenamed Kestrel. You will never know what they were.
Looks like you gotta eat your sneakers. Please do it. For democracy.
An internet classic
I can see it. Arrowhead just wants to keep shoving themselves up our asses.
I hear this guy is pretty good at getting fucked
I bought this game in early access like 10 YEARS AGO lol. Feels like it has been in my library forever now.
Not to rain on Rimworld's parade, but where is the next Rimworld successor? We had Dwarf Fortress > Rimworld > ???
There is an entire generation growing up that only understands "Discord" as "chat app" instead of as the vocab word.
So I'm a dirty pirate and I always thought that at the end of the episode during the "letters to home" gag, I just had a bad copy of S1 and S2 and they were unintentionally cut short. But even in this episode, the letter was cut off... so I guess that's the way they are supposed to be?
Good post, good explanation, sorry you got downvoted by people who can't read