[-] axo@feddit.de 1 points 13 hours ago

Didnt even know carrier locking is still a thing. I think thats long illegal here in the EU

[-] axo@feddit.de 39 points 2 months ago

Accoring to the math in this video: :

  • 150 000 000 miles have been driven with Teslas "FSD", which equals to
  • 375 miles per tesla purchased with FSD capabilities
  • 736 known FSD crashes with 17 fatalities
  • equals 11.3 deaths per 100M miles of teslas FSD

Doesnt sound to bad, until you hear that a human produces 1.35 deaths per 100M miles driven...

Its rough math, but holy moly that already is a completely other class of deadly than a non FSD car

[-] axo@feddit.de 10 points 3 months ago

Never heard of anything like that. Do you know anything where I can read up on it? Is it dependent on the country you live in and the stabliness of the powergrid? Because I do not even remember the last time I had no power, probably 5-10 years ago.

[-] axo@feddit.de 37 points 4 months ago

They make the problem of their supply chain clear. And still, it is probably the most "fair" phone you can get, so I dont understand the critizism really.

Why arent you criticizing all the other manufacturers, that dont even try to do anything positive? Its always the small companies, that try to improve on things and then get shitted over for not going all the way. I dont understand it...

[-] axo@feddit.de 9 points 4 months ago

But tgats stupid, since no manufacturer has parts available for that long. And fairphone released an update for the FP2 after 8 years of being available. Thats crazy! I think it got out around the same time as the Samsung S3. Try finding a genuine battery for that thing.

And also the FP1 and FP2 were sold in really low quantities. The FP3 was the first proper product, which therefor has much better support and will have parts available for much longer

[-] axo@feddit.de 24 points 4 months ago

Its legal in the EU. You can sell your windows key for example, despite the windows eula disallowing it

[-] axo@feddit.de 9 points 7 months ago

Also the german pirates are often incredibly sexist. Overall really not voteable

[-] axo@feddit.de 36 points 9 months ago

Wollte grün wählen. Dann im Wahlomat 54% Übereinstimmung mit den Grünen gehabt. Ich werde links wählen.

Die grünen haben sehr rechte Ansichten hier in Hessen. Von NSU Akten müssen verschlossen bleiben, über Kinder sollten Deutschtests vor der Grundschule machen, Schuldenbremse hat sich bewährt (lol?) bis Ausweitung der Rechte der Polizei im Internet "zu Bekämpfung von Hasskriminalität".

Sorry, CDU hat angerufen und die wollen ihr Wahlprogramm zurück. Ich glaub ich spinne

[-] axo@feddit.de 31 points 9 months ago

Eher Weltcringetag scheint mir.

Grüße aus c/kreisvegs

[-] axo@feddit.de 15 points 9 months ago

Die Gebühren bei Kreditkarten sind hoch: oft um die 2 Prozent. Wer aber VISA/Master Debitkarten annehmen will, muss auch Kreditkarten akzeptieren, da es das gleiche Protokoll ist. Die Debitkarten haben wesentlich geringere Gebühren (ich meine um die 0.5%, aber nicht sicher)

Girokarten haben im ähnlichen Bereich ihre Gebühren. Für das kleine Restaurant bringt aber annehmen von Debit/Kreditkarten kaum Vorteile, im Zweifel aber Nachteile, wenn danach mehr Leute mit Kreditkarten zahlen.

Daher Zeit für den digitalen Euro mit vernünftiger Karte, die keine astronomischen Gebühren verlangt. Muss man sich ja mal vorstellen, was Master und Visa damit für Kohle scheffeln...

[-] axo@feddit.de 10 points 10 months ago

"Nazis is politics" is here in germany often used in a paraphrased way by far right people to justify their point of view, since nazi symbols and thing like that are forbidden by law.

By adopting such prases, even if unintentionally, one reproduces and legitimates such thinking.

[-] axo@feddit.de 31 points 10 months ago

Sorry, but "nazis and antisemitism" is not politics. It is racism. Saying something like this is nazi-speech one should not repeat

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