[-] b3an@lemmy.world 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Fuck Broadcom. I liked VMware and their products and actually paid for them as a consumer. Broadcom is a ham-fisted money grabber and cares little about anything else. This will not end well for any businesses they serve to. Why? Maya Angelou: 'When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.' They’re focused on milking the cow dry, not spending money on anything (despite their R&D claims). They have a history and have straight up said who they are before, and said who they’re planning to continue to be. Flee while you can.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 45 points 1 month ago

Somehow, idk why. This one is stuck in my head:

tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz
[-] b3an@lemmy.world 38 points 2 months ago

Same! Also a Kagi subscriber. Hello! I thought Reddit might cave on the 3rd party thing for a while. Then they were doubling down and treated the developers of those apps like shit. I was a happy Apollo user, and I trusted what he said about how Reddit acted. I moved to Lemmy. It was confusing at the start but now I feel as at home here as I did in Reddit. If not more actually, since our user base is smaller, I feel like community is closer and has a little more tech know-how too. I do miss some fun Reddit things but I think Lemmy and the fediverse has a ton of potential and I want to be part of it ☺️

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

Same! I’ve actually been really good about using Lemmy now. I only end up on Reddit when there is some obscure question someone answered ages ago. Not for the new content and certainly not posting comments or submitting any. Spez burned us all. He can rot in hell.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 35 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This user is just a troll account.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 42 points 4 months ago

Maybe this isn’t the place for this but, I do pay for their website, and some stuff is quality. However, even as a paid user, I’m subjected to CONSTANT, and I mean CONSTANT aggressive ‘upgrade’ offers. I was even thinking to post to mildlyinfuriating about it. I did the math a bit back and it was something like every 3-4 days since 2022 that they send me emails pushing me to upgrade from their least expensive plan. Not to mention forcing me to reject it anytime I clear my browser cache and have to re-log in. Also when I’m on the site I’m subjected to it. It’s frankly disgusting. When it comes to marketing they are only marginally better than Condé Nast 🤮🤮🤮

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 40 points 5 months ago

As someone who was bright-eyed and bushy tailed when I started college, I was not expecting that being a student was a constant bleed of money.

The college partnered with some student loan vendor? and that vendor issued only a debit card which only worked on campus at specific ATMs. There was no apps for this shit. There was no bank withdrawal. Is was only the card and the ATM. They charged a fee for every use of it. So when I need to get that tuition money, I had to pay to get my money. It limits at 300$ so you’d have to repeatedly get charged to take multiple sums out. Tuition was exorbitant too. Didn’t include cafeteria or anything else. Books also out of pocket and 3-4 new ones each semester. We were also forced to pay ‘health fees’ for access to the newly built rec center, which you paid whether you ever stepped foot there or not.

Look it’s one thing to have a ‘way about things’ but by this point it was more like an excuse to fleece us for everything we had and more.

After 2.5 years of it I finally had to get a job on top of everything just to afford to be there. The job then took most of my time and it was not easy working around the school schedule. I finally had to quit school. What did I do? I stayed in my job because it was the only income source I had as a young person without a college degree and at least I was literally getting working experience.

Tell me, who benefited here? You can argue it was me, but I have no degree in my hand. I have now almost 20,000$ on top of my original amount (40k) due to interest. I’ve always struggled to make ends meet and I’m essentially trapped with this debt. Is this really fair? I didn’t know the true consequence of these loans adding up. It was only after I got so far and saw how big a problem was growing that I had to bail. There was no way I could afford it. I was a kid, I was told I had to go to college and I had no choices in life unless I did that. So much pressure growing up.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 35 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Is that what we should do for the Nazis? Have sympathy for them and the Nazi propaganda at the time? Mass killing is not ok period. Sympathy be damned.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 43 points 6 months ago

There are a lot of pieces of shit out there. This guy is one of the kings of turds.

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

Something round and flat and blue. If only that technology existed 😩

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 45 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Until Musk decides to play with the service? Based on his own ideas of how to play God in the war? CNN: Musk turned off Starlink near Crimea to disrupt Ukraine's strike against Russian fleet

[-] b3an@lemmy.world 43 points 10 months ago

What an out of touch wind bag. Oh sorry I meant douche bag. I’ve literally never seen a single positive story in the news about Amazon like ever. Plus their shit is filled with cheap Chinese ripoffs, exactly why I stopped using eBay too.

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