[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 12 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

He is chancellor? Could have fooled me by his inaction on a myriad of topics.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 9 points 7 months ago

Kristersson has made expanding nuclear power generation a key goal for his right-wing government, after closure of several reactors forced the country to rely more on less predictable renewable energy.

Yes, who knows if we will have any wind or sunshine at all in 2035?

It's much less predictable than the ever changing political landscape in your country or in the few countries that can deliver the necessary nuclear material.

And let's be clear, nuclear projects have taken much longer than planned in several countries. These are just a few little problems, not to speak of long term disposal.

But "the wind and the sun" can't be counted on.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Die Sicherheit des Verkehrs und das zügige Vorankommen sollen die Kommunen dabei zwar weiter berücksichtigen, beides ist für Entscheidungen aber nicht mehr allein ausschlaggebend.

(aus dem Artikel)

Soweit ich weiß, ist das ein ausschlaggebender Punkt. Kommunen dürfen nicht ohne Grund eine 30er Zone einrichten, weil es den Verkehr verlangsamt. Außerdem steht der Verkehr, was bisher in Deutschland immer vorrangig Autos waren, über dem Wohl der Anwohner oder wichtige Themen wie Umweltschutz und Klimawandel.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 13 points 8 months ago

I can understand the funds for Ukraine 100%. They are fighting a giant aggressor that has superior numbers.

But doesn't Israel have a pretty huge and well equipped army considering their population? Especially compared to Hamas that is a guerrilla force.

Also the fighting is limited to a area that is fenced in by them, Egypt and the Mediterranean. What kind of new military equipment worth 14 billion would be needed?

It's also ironic to support a conflict with 14 billion and on the other side plan 9 billion for humanitarian aid to combat the misery needed because of it.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Die einfachste Methode Migration zu minimieren ist die Situation in der Heimat dieser Menschen zu verbessern. Leider würden dann die "Asylgegner" hier in Deutschland Mord und Totschlag schreien, wenn wir dafür Geld investieren.

Ich finde gut solche privaten Organisationen zu unterstützen, aber sie bekämpfen nur ein Symptom.

Es ist naiv aktuell von einer "Migrationskrise" zu sprechen. Das aktuelle Problem sind fehlende Mittel und politischer Wille. Unser Olaf ist dafür ein gutes Beispiel.

Bald werden wir in Europa Klimaflüchtlinge bekommen, wenn sich das Klima weiter so entwickelt. Dann sehen die aktuellen Zahlen wie ein Zuckerschlecken aus.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I switched from Proton to Tutanota for two main reasons.

  1. I didn't want to put all my eggs into one basket, just like you. With Tutanota I get email and calendar in one package. For VPN and online storage I use independent solutions (Mullvad, local solution via syncthing). Related to this, I don't like paying for a bundle of programs when I only really want to use a subset.

  2. Proton isn't following through all the way. They keep adding services (password manager and captchas recently), but they don't provide the same experience across all devices. I'm on linux and their drive doesn't offer a client that syncs my folder with essential documents. I have to manual upload. That's a dealbreaker for me.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 14 points 10 months ago

When I was little people said dogs would sniff you to figure out who you are. I thought when a dog smells you they know your name, address, ...

And maybe they do?

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

I need a source for that.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

Das ist ja das Irre an der Sache. Die Erhöhung resultiert aus einer Mischung aus der Entwicklung der Löhne und Preissteigerungen bei grundsätzlichen Ausgaben.

Verdienen manche Menschen wenn (Miete etc. dazu kommt) nicht viel mehr? Ja. Wenn man daraus schließt, dass das Bürgergeld niedriger ausfallen sollte, zeigt man nur seinen wahren Charakter. Menschen dürfen nicht am Existenzminimum leben, weil sie dadurch die armen Rentner der Zukunft werden.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 13 points 10 months ago

I actually watched it for the first time recently and quite enjoyed it. Lots of interesting characters and story. Like already mentioned the CGI is really bad. I wish they stuck with models rather than early 3D effects. Season 5 and the end of 4 feel a bit underwhelming after the main threat is resolved sometime in the middle of the penultimate season.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

I don't name my computers, but usually name my OS drive Brain and the media drive Pinky.

[-] b9chomps@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago

Will they actually manage to put all options in a single menu this time? Because it's hilarious that I have to use Options and the a Control Panel in Win11

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