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[–] 25 points 1 month ago (11 children)

I think that's a good point. I wonder if reasonable politicians should prepare a few outlandish talking points to give the media something tasty to sink their teeth into. Like do a normal interview saying normal thoughtful and nuanced things, but also throw in a couple specific wacky clickbait nuggets so the media has what they crave for their news cycle.

Like, what if Kamala had worked this into her interview: Once his criminal trials are over, I don't think imprisonment in Attica would be appropriate for Trump as an ex president.

Leave it at that and have the media frenzy over it, even though it means nothing. Then they won't spend as much time trying to invent drama over her interview because she gave them some drama to go with.

I think that's what Trump is best at. Trump knows most of his base are dumb and the media are thirsty clickbait whores, so he treats his interviews with the decorum of a 2-bit bordello and ends up getting tons of attention that works for his base.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

6'3" 215lbs, is what Trump claimed for the official Georgia arrest record

For comparison, the same body specs as Ukrainian MMA fighter Nikita Krylov!

[–] 63 points 1 month ago (6 children)

There were 63 US military deaths in Afghanistan during the Trump administration. This piece of shit goes around saying that nobody died in that operation during his watch, and talks about how Biden cost the US THIRTEEN lives during the sundown of the Afghanistan war started by Republicans - a series of wars that go back to the first part of the century and sank the country in unimaginable debt.

Biden will be remembered for putting his foot down on the forever wars. And he will be remembered for eviscerating Russia's military and strengthening our EU alliance, using only a fraction of the US military national budget and without putting a single American solider in harm's way.

This piece of shit thinks that's a bad record for Biden, and he is going to go around lying about it, pretending he is making some powerful points about which parties does most to keep us safe.

Who starts unwinnable wars? Who has a barrage of "unavoidable" incidents on their watch? From terrorist attacks to pandemics to historical financial crashes and absurd deficits, it's always a Republican having to make excuses ... "who could have thought the terrorists were plotting and attack, or that the war on terror would take decades" ... "who could have known the virus wasn't going to disappear by April like a miracle."

Somehow the GOP that keeps us safe and is "best" at the economy are the same asswipes that can't protect us from attacks, start wildly misguided wars, and sink us into unpayable debt planted squarely on the shoulders of our youth.

But it's all somehow Harris' fault now. And this piece of shit is going to tell us why by fabricating some nonsense about the Biden admin, and lying about his party's record and his own.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Brazille was working for CNN at the time of Clinton, not ABC.

Harris is negotiating the rules of a debate she hadn't agreed to yet since she wasn't running for president at the time the debate was agreed to by BIDEN. Trump is also negotiating terms. Seems fair to me that they both get to negotiate for whatever they want before agreeing to final terms.

do a debate on a Conservative network

Conservative news network? WHERE? All I see on the right-wing are garbage propaganda outlets. Why would anyone serious agree to a debate at a propaganda outlet?

A debate has to happen on a real news network like ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, AP, Reuters, CNBC or something of the like, or hosted by a neutral university or some other serious institution. The point is to try to have less BS, not more.

And I agree, if the DNC operative Brazille gave one candidate the questions ahead and not the other, that's a major issue and she is right to be shamed for it and have been removed by CNN. Nobody wants to see that favoritism crap, which is also the reason we can't have the debate at Fox or any other trash-tier outlet either.

There's also politicking involved. Trump is currently losing this election, so he should be more desperate to get a debate going even if he is most likely to do poorly. From a politics perspective, the Harris campaign is right to press Trump and push the rules to make him as uncomfortable as possible. Trump can back out if he wants, but he is the one that needs the debate the most. That's just how politics works. If Trump was ahead he could simply avoid the debate and run a telethon by himself like he's done in the past when he refused to participate, in the same vein of political gamesmanship. It's only fair that when Harris is on top she gets to be the gamester. That's Trump's lack of decorum coming back to roost. Those that lead with being dicks get mirrored treatment when the tables turn.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

When Trump speaks of "immigrants," he means immigrants like his wives and the people that work at his properties that were not born in the US. Not himself as someone born in the US to an immigrant mother, or his children born in the US to an immigrant mother.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What state has categories for mail voting? I'd like to do research to stay informed. Definitely do not lie on your mail ballot stuff.

Generally speaking, mail votes are considered very safe and respected. I posted a PSA elsewhere in this thread. The ACLU recommends mail voting. But if you prefer voting in person, that's also a great option for you. I recommend doing it early so you don't have to deal with long wait times.

If you have a reason to need to vote by mail, please do more research on your options because as I understand it mail voting is available to all Americans. If you need help with the research, feel free to ask, many of us here would be happy to help.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I would characterize my participation in this thread as PRO early voting, AGAINST voter suppression, and asking questions from your low-effort comments.

RE: Voter suppression This is a very important topic so I'm glad for the discussion.

Voter suppression is most damaging on election day because that's when most of the actions by red states come together. By doing deliberate suppression like reducing the amount of polling locations, sending in older and broken voting machines, and inventing BS laws like prohibiting citizens from giving each other water, the goal is to make Nov 5 particularly gruseome for anyone trying to cast their vote from an urban center like Atlanta. As a result, we routinely see wait times of 12 hours in Atlanta just to cast a vote on election day.

Other efforts towards suppression affect other types of voting. Like the ID requirement and the shifting of mail voting regulations. However, the most damaging of these efforts affect those trying to cast their vote on Nov 5. This is why I recommend that people review their options for their state to vote early, and make a plan to vote as early as possible (in person or by mail).

RE: support for OP This is silly, but I think it's funny that you claim to have reviewed my post history. I've been critical of this poster's memes in this sub a few times and recently too. But why let the facts get in the way of your rant, same as you did in that farm post in which I didn't even comment (what a mess of a thread that was). I only brought it up here because you are doing it again on something important, just ranting on feelings when we are talking about voting. I don't care if you want to rant at anyone on this sub including me, but let's stay on facts when talking about important stuff, please. This is an important election and we are talking about helping people figure out how to cast their vote.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

PSA About mail ballots, because I know a lot of people are worried about this stuff.

Voting by mail is safe in the US. Here are some data points:

The ACLU recommends voting by mail

They would not make that recommendation if they thought your vote could be easily suppressed that way.

The rejection rate of mail ballots is only around 1%,_2020:_Analysis_of_rejected_ballots

Rejections happen typically because the signature on the ballot doesn't match the signature they have on record from your ID (state or driver's license). Another reason is that states can change the requirements, and sometimes voters are not informed on those changes. So make sure you know the latest requirements for your state to avoid problems, and double check that you've followed all steps and your signature matches.

Things to know: You can track your mail ballot. Most states offer online tracking so you can confirm they have it.

You could vote by mail and in person. Check the rules for your state, but in many places they can track your voting and will simply override your mail ballot if you also show up to vote in person. This is done so you can request your mail ballot, and retain the option to go vote in person if you feel like it. Check with your state website if this is an option for you.

Do this stuff early. No reason to delay. Check when your state opens early voting. If you plan to vote in person, going early gives you the best odds at short wait times. If you plan to vote by mail, voting early makes sure there's plenty of time for your ballot to reach the counting place within all deadlines, and to deal with any clerical issues if any happen to come up, particularly if this is your first time voting.

Plus, when you vote early you get to enjoy civic pride for this cycle longer than everyone else.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Are you talking about the post about comparing the quality of life of a farmer in the 1800s vs now, and a bunch of you madlads took the position that the miserly farmer in the 1800s had it better? Wasn't it you that that tried to argue that OP's data was wrong by posting links that proved OP's data was correct?

I swear, sometimes Lemmy makes me feel like I've fallen into a fever dream. The quality of discourse around these parts.

It's not even how voter suppression works...

Please do continue. I've done a lot of research on GOP voter suppression in places like Georgia, so I'm excited to hear what you have to say on the topic.

For those that actually want to look into it:

My recommendation to anyone in a GOP state: Vote early, and I'd personally use a mail ballot to avoid their voting location shenanigans. They can't make you wait in line for 12 hours if you get your ballot via the mail.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago


War is easy. If we want to back off we can simply let Israel get their weapons anywhere else in the world because they don't need top-tier US war gear since Gaza is entirely defenseless and Hamas is fighting with low-tier weapons. So if we do what the pro-Hamas tiktokers want, we could simply have the US disengage, make a show of stopping weapons supplies to Israel, and then both Israel and Hamas would get exactly what they want which is to keep fighting it out to the last drop of blood, with scores of Gaza civilians dead in the middle.

Peace is hard. Staying involved so we can lean on Israel with Western influence and threats of pulling broad support, and working to bring half a dozen state actors to the negotiation table, drawing up several rounds of cease-fire proposals, trying to enforce food deliveries to civilians in a war zone. All that stuff is very hard. Even harder is to negotiate Palestinian statehood and sell it to the international community for full support. Even more will be having me, the US tax payer, pay for the Gaza reconstruction. And for the US troubles, they get labeled "fascists" by the tiktok crowd that would simply let Hamas have exactly what they want to prolong Gaza's suffering and destruction.

If any of this sounds foreign, take a moment to think about this. Gaza's population at the start of the conflict was 4 million people. They are fish in a barrel, locked in on every side by all countries, with no way to defend themselves against modern war weapons. People keep calling this a "genocide" under the accusation that Israel wants all Gazans dead. There are 40k dead by the count of the Hamas Health Ministry. That's 1% of the Gaza population. They've been fish in a barrel for nearly a year and only 1% official casualties. This is because the US puts guardrails on what Israel is allowed to shoot at as part of their anti-Hamas operation, as the US seeks to find a way to end the conflict with some form of agreement. If we pull out completely and let Israel and Hamas have at each other no-holds-barred like they want to, you think the death toll after 1 year of modern war rockets on a defenseless population would be 1%? Israel has the military might to wipe Gaza completely within weeks. The West is standing in their way using international pressure and the rules embedded in the weapons agreements.

The reason we DONT want to pull out of Israel is so that we can continue to stand in their way to protect Gaza's civilians. So that we have a say in pushing in food convoys. So that we can head the negotiation table and demand a cease fire.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

1/2 In short: No more bullets or rockets on either side moving forward. It would be a culmination of centuries of deeply rooted animosity in the region.

There are only 2 ways to get there. Either the bigger side kills every one on the smaller side, as is customary in human history. Or (#2) the Western world order steps in to force a Palestine state that will be fully recognized and protected by international agreements (the same way that Israel is allowed to draw breath today, through the protection of the bigger Western guns demanding peace).

Since it's clear we are simply not going to allow Israel to do #1, the only option left is to do #2. As long as Biden ->Harris goes, this is the direction of things. So on the current path we are on, we are most likely to end the Hamas terrorist rule, secure Palestine as a state and let them form a government, use my tax money to pay to help rebuild Gaza, and apply social equity investment to help Palestinians form trade and communication ties with the world to guarantee their place.

Once Palestine is a fully recognized country with a seat in the international community, they'll have to answer at a state level for any Hamas-like BS they might start later, and they'll also be protected from any future Israel incursions.

We all wish this could be done in a few days with zero civilian casualties, but that's not how things work, particularly when the terrorists that run Gaza want their own people dead (as martyrs and meat shields) with twice as much gusto as the invading force. The reason negotiating a cease fire is so complicated is that Hamas doesn't want one, because they are getting exactly what they want, a nasty war with lots of dead civilians for their propaganda channels.

Biden's strategy so far has been to use Western influence to put guardrails on what Israel is "allowed" to do in terms of operations and certain weapons use, and lean hard on all sides to accept a peace agreement. Mind you, settling ALL sides is quite a complicated mess because Hamas terrorism has a lot of support from Israel-hating states that love the depth of the conflict. Region countries that don't see human life as valuable like we do in the West, and are happy to use a destitute population in Gaza as martyrs for their political objectives against Israel.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

"What an evil comment" says the

that's being manipulated with propaganda warfare by terrorists groups, to support an agenda of hate and death on both sides of the conflict, including Palestinians civilians.

Those of us that want a decades-old conflict to reach a sustainable end are now "the fascists" in the eyes of the deeply disinformed and dangerously vocal tiktok simpletons.

You haven't made any effort to ponder on why the leaders of my country that take this stuff seriously and are trying to solve it won't waste a minute of their day to listen to your nonsense Hamas talking points. You just decided that anyone that is not like you knee-deep in terrorist propaganda has to be evil. Fantastic. What a champion of morals, willing to teach the rest of us how to not want children to die - we would be so lost without your moral guidance and tiktok-tier understanding of these complex issues.

Thank you for helping with today's demonstration.


A Canadian bill that will require Google and Meta to pay media outlets for news content that they share or otherwise repurpose on their platforms is set to become law. The Senate passed the bill Thursday amid a standoff between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government and Silicon Valley tech giants. Ottawa has said the law creates a level playing field between online advertising giants and the shrinking news industry. Meta confirmed Thursday that it plans to comply with the bill by ending news availability on Facebook and Instagram for its Canadian users, as it had previously suggested. Meta would not offer details about the timeline for that move.

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