[-] bendan@hexbear.net 3 points 2 months ago

you could also just use the player hotkeys to cycle through subtitles and secondary subs

felt lazy, might post details later

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 4 points 2 months ago

Don’t thank me, thank our gigachad devs

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago
[-] bendan@hexbear.net 3 points 3 months ago

My guess, pandas are also named this way, 熊猫 xióngmāo “bear cat”, but that could be because it’s a rare animal people weren’t talking much about, or that it historically was found in or beyond the southern regions that spoke different dialects or languages. But owls actually exist literally everywhere except the ice caps 🤷

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 7 points 3 months ago
[-] bendan@hexbear.net 4 points 4 months ago

yup: tool > technique > work > industry, and branching off into “construction” from somewhere in there

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 8 points 4 months ago

it originally depicted some variant of this but yeah the I-beam definitely helped cement* the continued use of this character

* kelly

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 8 points 5 months ago

I don't think that sounds appealing?

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 8 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Why settle for 1 when you can have 3:

(and if you're wondering why they start indexing at 3, all I can say is it's a bit 乱七八糟)

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 5 points 5 months ago

Everyone's learning Mandarin lol. I've been on and off for a few years but should get back into it, 亡羊补牢!

I've tried to learn the Arabic alphabet a few times but I just can't keep track of the dots. Are there other ways to group the letters that help learning?

[-] bendan@hexbear.net 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

1st tone ā - a high flat tone, like singing

2nd tone á - rising, from the middle to the top, like a question

3rd tone ǎ - low tone, as low as you can, it often becomes vocal fry. (also rises a bit at the end of sentences or in isolation)

4th tone à - falling, from the top to the bottom, sounds angry

there's also a secret "neutral tone" that happens to the second syllable of many two-syllable words, or for grammatical particles. it changes tone height based on where the previous tone ended, so basically if the previous tone ends low, the neutral tone is high and vice versa. these syllables are also shorter in duration and some diphthongs are flattened.

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