[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 2 points 6 days ago

Everspace 2 is really close in terms of combat and overall gameplay, but it lacks the immersive simulation aspects. Freelancers idle radio chatter did some heavy lifting back in the day.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 2 points 6 days ago

Black tie highly optional

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 10 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The path of grace is literally a giant yellow floating laser pointing in a general direction. It's not precise, but "subtle" is not exactly the word I would use.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 84 points 1 month ago

Cheaper labour in the most expensive town in a country that is well known for high labour costs?

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 83 points 4 months ago

I see that as a kind of professional fu to Elon. As in "We know we need to call it X now, but since nobody actually does that, we'll also add the actual name".

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 142 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This was already asked, please use the search function.

I'll go ahead and lock this thread.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 138 points 8 months ago

Sad times for everyone that still believed in antitrust.

submitted 9 months ago by bob_lemon@feddit.de to c/guildwars2@lemmy.wtf

I just saw this video in my feed. Darens does a good job of criticizing the objectively terrible "review" that LazyPeon made a few days back.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 85 points 9 months ago

A commuter train from Erkner (which is well connected to the greater Berlin network) to the factory, running 54 times a day while coopting the existing industrial rail the factory needs anyway seems much more reasonable than using a bus shuttle service.

Kind of makes me think that Elon had no say in this decision.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 108 points 9 months ago

We should just stop exempting airlines from taxes. There's no reason why kerosene should not be taxed.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 169 points 9 months ago

Nina learned a valuable lesson that day: never show your boss how much time you actually need to produce results.

submitted 10 months ago by bob_lemon@feddit.de to c/gaming@beehaw.org

At some point in this millenium, it became ubiquitous in games to ask for a button press before switching to the main menu and it has become a pet peeve off mine.

Why is that there? It's your main menu so ugly that you have to shield players from it? Why can I not double click the game Icon, go to the kitchen to get coffee and return to the PC/console to find myself in the main menu ready to continue my game? Seriously, cui bono? Sometimes, they even show a different screen before that press, which some artist got paid for creating, so the developer is also losing (a tiny amount of) money here.

I honestly just don't get the point of these screens.

Bonus negative points for games that only check DLC after that button press instead of any other point of the losing process. Calling a server could easily be threaded while the game assets are loaded since it takes very little hardware load to do so. But no, I get to wait an additional 10 seconds because the game devs want me to for no apparent reason.

On a related note: just allow players to auto skip intros, please. Just put an checkbox in the settings, so that everyone can see it once.

[-] bob_lemon@feddit.de 82 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

As far as I know, the "logic" is as follows:

  1. The ionosphere is very important for the weather
  2. HAARP is doing something with it
  3. Obviously not just studies, these antenna arrays use lasers or radiation to influence it directly.
  4. Pew pew
  5. Tornados
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