[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 5 points 2 months ago

Wonder if their thriving has anything to do with scumbags like the one from Wyoming posing with a crippled, defeated wolf in a state where basically no restrictions exist about how many and in which ways apex predators are allowed to be murdered. Looking at Montana, Dakota, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Utah. No that can't be it. The natural way has to be to gun them down from helicopters with gatling guns. That's how it always has been done in good old america.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

FFS it's not only the methane. It's all the GHG sinks we destroy to let cattle graze and feed other animals caught in CAFO. In addition it's the whole infrastructure around the system


Half of habitable land is used for agriculture (5x the USA). 2/3 of that is grazing land. 1/3 crop land. One half of the 1/3 crop land is used for plants that are directly consumed by humans. The rest is animal feed and stuff like biofuel.

Crop land and grazing land for animals combined make up 80% of all farmland. Meat, dairy and fish combined make up only 17% of all calories and 38% of protein.

If everyone went plant based the global farmland use would be reduced from 4 billion to 1 billion hectares and therefore crop death would be dramatically reduced. The land could be rewilded and natural GHG sinks could be established again.

Everyday 5000 soccerfield sized areas of amazonas rainforest are razed to the ground for cattle, leather, soy (for animal feed ofc) and palm oil. Mafia like cartels of cattle breeders threaten and murder indigenous people and activists there and implemented a complicated system of cattle laundering to hide that they burn intact rain forests (green lung of the earth) there. The 10.000.000 anually slaughtered cows there are also exported to US meatpackers. The leather ends up in european car seats. Via container ships.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 6 points 3 months ago

The stringy material is probably Seitan (or vital wheat gluten). It's purely plant based and made from protein rich flour. It has the highest content of protein in plantbased meat replacements (close and above than real meat) but is usually low in the amino acid lysine, opposed to soy-based replacement which contain all 9 essential amino acids in sufficient amounts.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
  1. Jup. That execution was extremely dangerous and I'm sure Iran is still pondering how they could take revenge. Another possible fubar situation if he comes to power. Iran launching a new 9/11 as a retribution for their national hero.

  2. Not meant that you insulted me but rather 46. You're free to do of course but I don't think it fits. I can't imagine it's Biden who's giving commands to carpet bomb Gaza, block aid deliveries or to shoot ~100 people fighting for said deliveries.

  3. I'm not well informed about the independent candidates in the US and their stance to help for Israel. But even if there are some very left parties with no-aid for Israel policy would they stand any chance against Orange Cheato? After him it's just game over. He would be dictator for lifetime. And Don Jr. after. Remember it's very hard for US presidents to traditionally not support Israel militarywise. This doctrine seems to become a bit brittle lately with the dems.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 5 points 4 months ago

Chickpeas, soyflakes, rice, hemp & chia seeds, quinoa, tofu, lentils, flour. Most of the dried goods have a shelf life of 1-2 years. The cost of them is sinking in germany. I'm fine with people complaining about rising cost of meat, eggs and dairy and ignoring that fine sources of protein, minerals and vitamins. More for me.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 5 points 6 months ago

I saw it in the evening news show of a main TV channel (Das Erste) here in germany that Gov. Huckabee of Arkansas introduced a law to roll back child labour laws, which seems a few other of the GOP reigned, god fearing states also like.

Where several parts of Iowas new law are violating federal child labour laws (e.g. Hazardous Occupations Orders) and that's why those states are under federal investigation.

From Europe, I hope your gov keeps the promise of cracking down on migrant child labour in hazardous environment and other trends to return to pre-industrial times (e.g. caregivers who exploit the child labour) and offers those kids better possibilities. Those voters in Iowa, Nebraska and the likes are lost anyway.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Have you tried ditching milk products? I heard it can have an effect on those symptoms. As well as on asthma and allergies. I was plagued by allergies but don't have them anymore. Anecdotal evidence I know but you find a lot of papers regarding this topic.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 4 points 6 months ago

6 years on a Ryzen 1600 with an Asus Mobo now. Intel before. Best buy I ever made in my PC-history, apart from my curved WQHD Monitor. Not playing very much but games like CS2, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Far Cry 5, Yakuza 0, Ghostrunner, Witcher 3 run very well on moderately high settings (Most of them on Linux). If I'd invest in a good AMD graphics-card, I'm convinced I could play most modern games on high settings.

Congrats for going the AMD route. You will be so blown away by your 12-core monster.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 6 points 7 months ago

If I would write about this topic as I feel about it this would end in extreme hate-speech about the demographics who eat them and those who do those unbelievable deeds. It's a beyond vile, absolute devoid of any value, twisted & sick industry. Just read the wikipedia entry for shark-finning.

In addition to causing immeasurable suffering and death to a mindboggling number of sharks, with up to 70-80% reduction within a lot of shark-species, they're setting the fate of other marine ecosystems too...

The main task of sharks is to balance out those systems by hunting too numerous species. A Sea-Wolf. Now there's a constant flow of rotting shark carcasses which will possibly let the wrong species thrive which won't be regulated anymore. But those 400 million years old species time has come anyway in the very near future because it won't have anything to regulate anymore.

Look up what happened in Yellowstone with the reintroduction of the wolf (that was killed off previously in 1930) and the resulting self-regulating system. In the adjacent Montana they shoot up to half of the wolf population and in surrounding states the "game" is coyotes and foxes. With cruel traps like sadistic trappers do. Now they have to mow down super-boar herds with MGs. Instead of finding better ways to co-exist with natures ranger-creatures which are doing a way better job in Yellowstone than hunters.

It's the wolfs merit that beavers, foxes, songbirds and willows came back just by regulating elk and deer populations. But in a completely different way than hunters. Disclaimer: I'm from Europe and only read up on that so I may have recited a few things incorrect.

Don't wanted to discuss this topic and I don't expect an answer. Just wanted to vent.

I can't answer your question and wikipedia doesn't as well. I guess it has something to do with speed. Would fit those pieces of walking excrements who run that industry.

[-] boomzilla@programming.dev 4 points 7 months ago

No probs. I'll post it on waifuhunter.club. It's the only server I'm on. Elsa content is allowed and wanted there so if you got fresh stuff...sharing is caring, k?

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