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[–] brambledog 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The nation wasn't developed by the people who escaped. That's an ahistorical way of framing the issue

Taiwan was developed by the overthrown proto-fascist military junta who just lost the civil war. After taking the island, they didn't tell the people of Taiwan that the war had been over and they were no longer China until 1991. The first labor laws outlawing slavery were introduced to the people of Taiwan in 2006. The people of Taiwan still consider themselves China (it is afterall the name they go by, not Taiwan) and full Taiwanese independence is still a minority held belief on the actual island.

Just to be clear, I am a supporter of their independence, but this is a very messy situation in which the political party who comrade the country is the same fascist party who lost the war in the first place and still maintains to the UN that they are the legitimate government of the mainland. Full separation is convenient for the West, but neither side actually wants that, they just don't want to be ruled by either fascists or communists, and I think that is incredibly fair for all people actually involved to want.

[–] brambledog 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If anybody can patent it, it's the W3C who holds it.

Aaron Swartz was working on self hosted social media before ycombinator merged his product with what became reddit.

Facebook is a little too late to the game to get any credit.

[–] brambledog 3 points 1 year ago

This comment has been posted from a Windows 11.

[–] brambledog 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think I misunderstood you the first time. I thought you were a musk fan boy claiming the regulators themselves were the deepstate.

[–] brambledog 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

If you are expanding the deep state to include regulatory bodies, you are just talking about the state.

Can you provide an instance of the state ever hiding the fact that they regulate businesses, or did you just find out that was one of their powers?

[–] brambledog 0 points 1 year ago

I feel that google already perfectly fits this function.

The only other issue is every other tech company wants to share Google's pie.

[–] brambledog -2 points 1 year ago

I don't personally do it myself just because I know the majority finds it disrespectful, but I actually enjoy it, especially when they are playing a good song and i can audile who the artist is.

[–] brambledog 32 points 1 year ago

Except there largely is no explanation for these occurances in the Bible either. Almost all interpretations are not given in the text and are highly culture-dependent.

The issue is that the claims of the Bible are insane.

[–] brambledog 1 points 1 year ago

A loss in coal jobs doesn't mean a loss everywhere in the energy sector.

When we are looking at Appalachia, their descent into what could almost be described as fifth world or failed world alignment isn't necessarily because of technological advancement but of cultural stagnation.

From the 1880s to the 1920s the rednecks were imprisoned and murdered while the hicks consolidated power.

The jobs are still there nationwide, just mostly in the places that still have educated workforces. A large reason why coal country is hanging onto coal instead of supporting those retraining programs that will allow them entry into the markets that historically red places like Arizona and Montana are getting in on is that the inhabitants of those States didn't murder their intelligent people at the behest of business.

[–] brambledog 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Never heard of this game in my life, no idea to its quality but the title is absolutely hilariousmy bad. It makes me want to play it.

Does the game deliver on the camp or is it a legitimate game with just a bad English title?

[–] brambledog 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

According to this podcast on collapse I once heard, not once in human history has a technological breakthrough made humans less productive.

[–] brambledog 1 points 1 year ago

Indian curry is a gravy while Thai curry is a soup and the flavor profiles of their curries largely have no overlap.

They both are amazing.

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