[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

Beautifully done.

My dumb ass initially missed the lowercase L, and read your headline as A.I. Pastor. Then I contemplated a completely robotic church, and, thanks to your pic, got really hungry.

But mostly I just want to start the "Robots to save your soul" campaign and automate religion.

Welcome to the church, fellow human. Please attend to the baptismal dunking machine. That's Henry, our resident industrial arm robot. 7487 pitches this week, and he's never missed. Alexa will take your confession in the next booth. Don't worry, anonymity is a thing of the past, and your confessed sins will be reflected in your Amazon shopping list. Finally, the two vending machines will provide the body and blood of Christ, both expertly prepared on the spot with both wine and grape juice options available.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

Hot car panties. Haven't you been paying attention?

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

"Cold snap" he says, staring at you Wisconsinly.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

Got three of those monster sized books--

One each movies, music, and software. Plus two shelves of blurays and a further three old spindles of software.

You can pry my physical media out of my cold, dead, hand.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

First time I've seen your username and I laughed for a solid three minutes. I was on the edge of a breakdown, and it was exactly what I needed to distract my brain and keep me from going over the edge. Thank you so much.

Excellent photo, too. Well done!

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

At random times whenever you are traveling in any vehicle, you simultaneously feel a sneeze coming on, and yet have to pee a little bit too. However, you can neither sneeze nor pee until you are out of the vehicle.

Inconvenient on a bus/train or as a passenger, deadly if you're driving. Bicycles are right out, I suppose.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Except, somehow, in the comments section, it comes out right! Will our torture never end?!

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Get to know a taxi driver. Ask locals where to go and what to see. Stop by a visitors bureau or welcome center. Hit up a local colleges student center.

When I traveled a lot, I used to start with the local phone book. Not only did it have business information, but government info, and a section devoted to local arts and museums. These days I (gasp) talk to people at pubs or bars or coffee shops. Obviously, if they are annoyed, I let them be, but you'd be surprised how many people are happy to brag about their community.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Fistula maybe? They are more common in cows, but not unheard of in pigs.

Either way... Well, if you can't bring yourself to eat the meat...

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I had an old flip phone that came with a demo of Uno. I could play a single hand, then reset the demo and play again and again. There was only a nag screen when you were exiting/restarting the demo, and not a single other ad.

Passed hours with that little game.

I miss mobile gaming when it was like that.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Actually, it works amazingly well together.

Futurama and The Outer Worlds.

[-] breathless_RACEHORSE@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Yep, problem's with the ball joint. It doesn't jingle when it rolls.

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