[-] bremen15@feddit.de 40 points 3 days ago

Actually, the industry is fully investing in wind and solar and wouldn't touch nuclear with a long pole, because excessively expensive.

[-] bremen15@feddit.de -3 points 6 days ago

My main issue with it is that it is not evidence based but that the development of the target socially is speculative It's incredibly hard to predict such development and Marx didn't have the tools to do it properly.

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 33 points 4 weeks ago

Atomkraft ist viel teurer als die Alternativen. Bei der Gewinnung der Rohstoffe für die brennstäbe wird soviel giftiger Abfall frei dass ganze Landstriche (in anderen Ländern, nicht Deutschland) verwüstet und unbenutzbar werden. Also überhaupt keine saubere Energie.

submitted 1 month ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/deutschland@feddit.de

Zur Zeit sieht es so aus als liefe die Abstimmung anders als geplant.

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 13 points 2 months ago

Sorry, we are busy with real problems like climate change mitigation.

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 13 points 2 months ago

German here. We import power because it is cheaper then nuclear. Also we export more than we import. The majority of imported energy is from renewables from Norway and Sweden.

submitted 2 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/android@lemmy.world

Please let me know how I should deal with my banking apps in the future. I used LineageOS and Magisk to convince SafetyNet that everything was as it should be.

Now I read that SafetyNet was depreciated and LineageOS would become a red flag for banking apps (in Germany).

What is the way forward?

How can I use up-to-date firmware (i am fine with using something besides LineageOS) and still use my banking app on my phone?

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 9 points 3 months ago

Is this actual content people share and believe?

submitted 3 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I am looking for a recent working sci-hub instance. any ideas?

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago

And you understand, why it is preferable that prices go up and actual green products are sold to pseudo - green products at a lower price, right?

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 10 points 5 months ago

I run Debian since 1998 and am happy.

submitted 5 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I look for this article:


, and it seems to be on archive.is, but not really. The zip file can't be downloaded, and the article frame never comes alive.

Is this content available? If so, where?

If the content WAS on archive.is, why is it gone?

submitted 5 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

2022 wurde im Osterpaket beschlossen, das Vermieter bei schlecht isolierten Wohnungen an den CO2-Kosten beteiligt werden können:

Bei Wohnungen mit einer besonders schlechten Energiebilanz (>=52 kg CO2/m2/a) übernehmen die Vermieter 90 Prozent und die Mieter zehn Prozent der CO2-Kosten. Wenn das Gebäude jedoch mindestens dem sehr effizienten Standard (EH 55) entspricht, müssen die Vermieter keine CO2-Kosten mehr tragen. Ausnahmen kann es geben, wenn Vermieter, etwa bei denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden oder in Milieuschutzgebieten, keinen Beitrag zur energetischen Sanierung leisten können.

Das mit der schlechten Isolierung trifft auf mich zu, und ich sitze auf einer Gasheizung. Wie kann ich diese Kosten vom Vermieter zurückfodern?

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 9 points 6 months ago

Danke für die Zeit, die du investiert hast um das zu machen. Bist du zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis? Glaubst du die Nachricht, die du transportieren wolltest, kommt gut rüber? Wenn nicht, was könntest du noch verbessern?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by bremen15@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Ich möchte meine Etagenheizung aus der Ferne an und ausschalten können. Kann ich mein Gerät gegen ein anderes austauschen, das das kann? Wie heißt so ein Ding?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by bremen15@feddit.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I am looking for this article https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/das-klimageld-kann-die-akzeptanz-der-klimawende-nicht-erhoehen-19209438.html without a paywall. I checked archive.ph, searched for faz.net, checked what was available, and found nothing.

What is the correct approach?

EDIT: this is about the content of finding articles behind paywalls, not just about the content of just this specific article.

submitted 9 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

I am looking for an app for note taking that is compatible with my Linux Org-roam setup?

submitted 9 months ago by bremen15@feddit.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I am looking for for an app that registers as a YouTube endpoint, but has no ads and tracking (or backdoors). I had one (forgot the name) which stopped working. Please advice.

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 10 points 9 months ago

"... ausser DER Taube."

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bremen15@feddit.de to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I am struggling to get my proxy setup to work, as described here https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivity/Proxy/1047410732/Proxy-setup-on-uTorrent.htm

I successfully got the nordvpn login and password, added it to the connection GUI of qbittorrent on my Debian gnu Linux machine, and applied the settings. I use the nl.socks.nordhold.net proxy server, and port 1080. But the final test with the magnet link from ipleak.net fails, and I never see the data from the magnet URL.

Does such a setup work for anyone else out there? How can I debug the setup?

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 11 points 10 months ago

ja. die Ziele sind uneingeschränkt gut. Es gibt noch wirkungsvollere was Klimaschutz angeht (hoher, steigender CO2 preis + Klimageld, und nötigere was Gesellschaft angeht (starke Besteuererung von Hypervermögen, Wachstumsdefinititon, Wirtschaftssystemänderung).

[-] bremen15@feddit.de 12 points 11 months ago

I started to become politically involved in a non-partisan, very low key way: I started approaching politicians, ask them for meetings and very kindly but determined ask about their agenda for climate protection. For that I connected with CCL-D (Germany) and ccl-eu (Europe) as well as with a local group, so we don't operate in a vacuum. This is surprisingly efficient and while it requires some preparation and social skills, I works well for me.

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