
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I would +1 this. I'm completely bald, and almost never leave the house without a hat, even in summer. It's also important protection against sunburn :).

For something comfortable in the summer, I personally often go for brimmed hiking hats. A few that I like:

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Last I checked, it was out of print, so I bought Unfathomable instead (reimplementation in the Lovecraft universe). Still good, but missing pilots, so not as good :).

[–] 17 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I'm working on some outdated memories, but IIRC:

Germany allows dual citizenship now, but used to not allow it in most cases. In those cases, if you applied for German citizenship, you had to express that you were willing to give up your old citizenship. Once you were granted citizenship, you had a certain amount of time (two years?) to show a certificate that you renounced your old citizenship. If you didn't, your German citizenship would be revoked.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The only one I really remember is Trogdor, but in order to keep it in my heart, I am a proud owner of Trogdor!!: The Boardgame

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I finished Dave the Diver a few weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it. For me, it hit this sweet spot of "Remember where everything is and grind the same thing over and over" without getting boring.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

TIL. Thank you!

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Thanks for that link! That does seem very similar to what I read about in Machi Koro 2, and I think we will definitely try it the next time we play.


I just played a round of Machi Koro with a friend, and at a certain point, he was far behind. He didn't have many buildings that grant money on other people's turns, and the rest of us had also purchased a lot more red buildings than him.

I'm looking for ideas of house rules that make help provide some sort of catch-up mechanism if you're far behind. Do any of you have any tips?

If it matters, we usually play with the Harbor expansion, but are willing to play without it as well. We're already considering it because of how extreme the Tuna Boat can be.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for 2.99€ and I've been enjoying it. I've always heard good things about the series, but never tried it before. Definitely feeling that Cyberpunk had some inspiration from Deus Ex.

I also bought Firewatch for 4.99€ and beat it in a day. I wasn't spoiled about the story, but I had read a bit about it. At the end of the day, I'm glad I played it, but I'm not sure that I would necessarily recommend it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

That is a crazy process. But I'm happy that you were somehow able to get a new passport :).


I do not know if it's true for all countries, but at least the USA and the UK require your passport to be signed to be valid. And I know that when I fly, I sometimes get checked if it is signed.

Is there a practical reason for this? Does the signature get checked against anything? Or is it simply that the law says a passport must be signed to be valid, so there you go?

I googled around a bit, but only found resources on how to sign, but not why it needs to be signed.

Thank you Internet hive mind!

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Have you watched the show? The game is not for me, horrorness being a part of the reason, but the show was very well done.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

My basic approach is: Esc works like in normal evil-mode, and takes me into vterm-copy-mode as well. Without doing that, I have C-w C-w remapped to move to another window, so I can switch to another window for all the rest of my keybindings. And I have C-Esc mapped to send Esc into the terminal itself.

I'm using evil-collection for the basic bindings, and I have my own custom stuff here:

Edit: Forgot C-Esc

[–] 15 points 5 months ago (1 children)

This immediately made me think of Scythe, and sure enough, he did the art. Fantastic.


As far as I am aware, grazing animals like cows or sheep poop in the same meadows where they eat grass, but presumably don't have any problems eating the grass and pooping in the same space. But if humans would eat vegetables that they had pooped on, my understanding is that we would get sick.

Why? Am I incorrect that grazing animals poop where they eat? Are their stomachs more resistant to whatever makes it dangerous?

Thank you!

Emacs Meetup at CCC (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

If any of you are at the Chaos Communication Congress, we're having an impromptu Emacs and Org mode meetup today at 16:00 (in 40 minutes).

Maybe see some of you there :)


Hello folks! I'm using straight.el for my package management, but one thing that I'm missing is some sort of easy way to see what's changed, when I do a straight-pull-all. Ideally, I could see which packages that I explicitly have a dependency on have changed, and see either a changelog or a list of commits.

Does anyone know if something like this already exists?



Please forgive me...I'm over 30 and was never a clubber.

In a number of songs, women "get low". In "Low":

Shawty got low low low low low low low low

In "Belly Dancer", they drop down and touch the ground;

Hey, ladies drop it down, just want to see you touch the ground


You ain't even gotta drop down if you want to

What activity is being described here? What are these women doing?


Hi all! I'm looking for a service where I can port my phone number, and then make and receive phone calls and SMS, all over data, not cell service. My particular use case is that I live in Germany, but I still have a US phone number, and occasionally need to receive SMSes or phone calls on that number.

I am aware that Google Voice offers this service, but as you can probably guess given that I'm here, I am unwilling to use it :). I saw JMP here:, but TBH, I don't think that it will give me the experience that I'm looking for, given that it seems to translate everything back to generic Jabber.

Edit: Thank you all for the suggestions! I have decided to go with I tested it today, and am working on transferring my number to them now.


So, yesterday I broke my dominant arm. Yay! For the next 6 weeks, I have a cast, and at least for now, I can't use my right hand or arm at all (I am typing this with my left hand).

I'm looking for suggestions what I can play. Some thoughts:

  1. On PC, of couse
  2. Can be played only with the keyboard
  3. No time limits or need to respond quickly (e.g. many RTSes)
  4. I like puzzle games, RPGs, and good storytelling. I want to like sim games, but haven't yet found one that I love.
  5. Nothing too difficult

Here's a link to my Steam profile, if that helps:

Thank you all for any advice!

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