[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 6 months ago

Moreover, Alexander H. Stephens and West Hughes Humphreys were never found guilty of a crime, there was no court case or conviction against them.

They participated in an insurrection, rebellion, and gave aid or comfort to enemies. (Stephens was the vice president of the CSA and Humphreys was a judge). Folks in congress didn't want to be sitting next to a guy who just a few months ago was trying to kill them, so they started writing Section 3. It did not require a crime to be tried or a court ruling to be made, they participated in a rebellion and that's enough.

Okay the constitution isn't written for people to wriggle out on technicality.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 11 months ago

Thought I saw a UFO one time too, took video and posted it on a message board and everything.

They explained it was probably one of those paper lanterns that people let up at parties, which upon description completely made sense. Looked strange though, red light in the sky that was definitely way up there, not like an airplane but maybe where a low-flying one would be, too small to be an airplane though, irregular flickering, irregular movement.

Yeah, fully explained it.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 months ago

Sometimes it seems as though only good people die young.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 11 months ago

See that's something else I liked about Sync for Reddit, it only showed gold awards. They never got on board with all the wacky shit they added later.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago

That's exactly what I have! An X570-A-PRO. We'll see, haven't gotten around to messing with this.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

I had a similar experience with one of the more recent NBA games.

Like, shooting the ball was a whole process. First you initiate a gathering action or decide what kind of plant or pick you're going to make, there's a button for whether you jump or not, what kind of jump (fade away, in place, diving towards) and then timing for shot accuracy. God help you if you're going for a dunk.

Damn it all, what ever happened to one button for pass and the other for shoot!

I'm out here doing advanced Street Fighter combos just to throw a damn ball. It's easy as doing a tatsumaki super canceled into a neutral aerial shakunetsu hadoken. And that's just one thing, every damn mechanic in the game felt like this.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

I'm a Linux system admin, I literally do this for a living, and I usually feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Now I'm wondering if my board supports one. I think it'd be cool if my big fancy custom cooling loop gaming build sounded like it's from the early 90s.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago

Heck you get that on stackoverflow and github pages.


I post on a forum where you need to be a certified professional admin to post there, it's a thing for work. And people are dumb there too, it never ends.

"Why you running the Linux version? Just use windows" Oh why didn't I think of that? Because we're an enterprise application! I don't get to pick the platform I just fix the damn thing.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have a set of screwdrivers that I'm pretty sure came from the dollar store, and they're the favorite tool I have.

Used to work in IT and those screwdrivers disassembled many hundreds of computers, maybe over a thousand. They're magnetized just right too, so I can put a screw on the tip and place it with the tool instead of by hand. They're small, fit in your pocket, very convenient.

I've tried several times to replace them with something nicer but I never prefer the more expensive tool.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 year ago

I used an apple phone for the first time at work, they gave us apple phones.

I was blown away when I realized you can't just dump any old file on it, because I'm used to plugging in my android phone and throwing on some files like it's any other removable storage. Not so with apple phones, incredibly limited.

See, I used to flash firmware for copy machines from my phone. Like if I went out to a site and didn't prepare firmware before going I could just download it on my phone and flash from that.


The apple phone couldn't do a bunch of stuff that I always thought was standard smartphone things. Also couldn't display cell and wifi reception in decibels, and I used to do informal site surveys with my phone. Nope, apple can't do that either, "bars" aren't a good metric to wrote down.

That thing was about damn useless except to be used as a phone and an mp3 player.

[-] catshit_dogfart@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 year ago

Also, I find that basically every search result that isn't reddit is sponsored content.

Search something real specific like "Best aftermarket injector coils for a 2009 Toyota Corolla" and you're going to get 100% advertisements and listicles for search results, likely written by somebody who doesn't know shit about cars.

Append "reddit" to that search, and you'll be led to a post from a car mechanic giving their opinion on the matter. And, well, I do trust a random stranger on the internet more than I do an advertisement.

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