[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 1 month ago

I feel like most of this "plan" is just a return to status quo. The deal says nothing about acknowledging and educating Israeli's about the horrors of the Nakba and Zionism, or about apologizing for it's crimes and genocide, or about recognizing Palestinian statehood, just about Israel still having the region in a chokehold.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 2 months ago

This is a misconception bordering on a fucking lie. For all intents and purposes, in China you do own the land you purchase. The 70 year lease is mostly a formality. The government owns all the land legally speaking, much the same as literally any other country on Earth. Regardless of what a piece of paper says, the land is yours. The 70 year lease is just so the government can keep tabs on all the land in the country for different purposes, such as organization, urban planning, taxation, regulating land use and waste, and the state will compensate you for more than your home is worth, if the land is required for development, ala imminent domain.

Ironic that despite officially being a lease, in China you own your land more than you do in the U.S., which is a blanket nightmarish patchwork of banks and home owners associations.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 3 months ago

"I broke into your house and shot you and your wife! Yet you still survive. This is more proof that I should have shot you more, because you're dangerous!"

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 4 months ago

Stripping democracy and independence is when you fight CIA-backed terrorists in the Caucasus.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 4 months ago

Not that I care much for international bourgeois law, and I wouldn't expect this to get far, but I could see an argument being made that the destroyed monuments were/are Russian property and akin to grave sites, and Estonian officials could be in trouble over destruction/erasure of past atrocities, rewriting history, disturbing monuments that honor the heroics of dead soldiers, yada yada yada. I'm not expecting it to get far though.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 4 months ago

How much battery acid did you drink to write this?

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 5 months ago

Yet we are "tankies" for thinking that racism is fucking disgusting.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 6 months ago

Obligatory "Shut the fuck up Crakkker"

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 37 points 6 months ago

Do these fucking useless crakkkers ever consider that there is enough war, genocide and oppression going on? Capitalism is already on the way out, an no matter how many more F-35 submarines the U.S. creates, China and Russia now have the technological, material and supply chain upper hand.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 8 months ago

I feel like even Marvel is way more complex and nuanced and logical than the vast majority of neoliberal's racist capitalist dogma.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 49 points 10 months ago

It drives me up the wall that cracker pieces of shit like that sit on their ass and whine about imaginary oppression in Shanghai. She's probably pissed that she can't scream at brown people about how much better the West is, and thinks her words are worth their weight in gold. If she thinks its so miserable, let me take her residency in Shanghai.

[-] cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 10 months ago

China's youth, even when faced with some of the difficulties and challenges in China, are still way more motivated and reasonable and directed than most Americans. This fever-dream and delusional cover story from Time is like Olympus Mons saying the Empire State Building is too tall.


And they took it slightly better than I thought they would!

I was born and raised Catholic, and so were my grandparents. Due to multiple reasons, such as having a cocktail of mental disorders or conditions, I live with them.

My grandparents are from a different era, and they used to be vehemently homophobic. But they've told me that across the previous decades and numerous social movements, their views have softened and changed.

My grandfather is agnostic and my grandma is a moderate Catholic, but because of my knowledge, love, care and my passion, I have actually converted both of my grandparents into being hardcorre communist sympathizers. My grandpa loves Fidel Castro, Stalin, and even got a Che Guevara shirt because of me.

They were stunned today when I came out. While people often say they will love and understand no matter what, its different when its your own family, and actions speak louder than words.

My grandfather was in tears, but not because of me being bisexual. He was in tears because I had been "hiding" or not talking about it for so long, and that I was never upfront about it, and he feels fucking ashamed and guilty that I was ever afraid of telling him and that I shouldn't keep shit to myself.

I feel like I climbed fucking Mt. Everest. Imagine telling your Southern and Texan former Latino gangster grandfather that's covered in tattoos and with a criminal record and a dark past and previous intense homophobia that you're bisexual.

Or your German immigrant grandmother that was abused and forced to become a perfect Catholic, now feels thankful and non-judgmental, and how it feels to feel safe around your family.

They both have lots of questions, but they don't want to pry and they don't know where to start, and they know I'll tell them more when I feel like it.

I'm still fucking reeling, but I think I'll be able to sleep moderately better tonight.

I'm so happy and fucking tired.


For roughly 10 goddamn months now, I've been reading constant articles, reddit posts, tweets, and seeing news segments throwing hissy fits and slandering Russia's anti-imperialist liberation war against Ukranazi Imperialism.

I'm fucking pissed off and sickened by the amount of hackneyed overdramatic sympathy that Ukraine gets, the amount of jokes about neckbeard redditors wishing Zelenskyy would plow their wives, about how poor Ukraine just needs another few hundred billion dollars to destroy big bad Putin, about how the Russian army are monsterous rapists, and how NATO is a defensive organization, and how Putin is a dictator for setting up schools and hospitals in liberated areas in Ukraine.

It brings my piss to a boil. I'm just trying to read actual news, have my coffee, play Destiny 2 and Gotham Knights, but nooo.

It genuinely seems like 70-80 percent of Amerikkkans are window-licking tools that believe everything they read.

I swear to fucking Christ, I can't look at anything even remotely resembling the color combination of gold, yellow and blue without wanting to punch a rhinoceros.

(Of course I'd never hit or take my anger out on an animal or innocent person, I'm expressing my anger in a humorous way)

But I guess I'm an "evile tankie Putin bootlicker" for wanting the Ukranazis to get what they deserve.

Some cracker piece of shit flew into a mayo rage at me a few weeks ago because I dared to say that I wouldn't mind Zelenskyy being killed and Ukraine being liberated and Russia returning to socialism if I had to "sacrifice" Putin for it to happen.


I was honestly very worried that the gusanos and papists would have prevented the passing of this family code. I doomscrolled on Twitter and saw a surprising number of anti-communist Cubans, CIA cutouts and reich-wing fascist rejects either refusing to vote or admitting to voting no or advocating for regime change, but this warms my heart.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/374048

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/374047

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/374046

The comments of the video are mouth-breathing capitalist bootlicking pond scum feigning moral outrage as the U.S. sanctions DPRK


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/245777

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/245776

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/245775

I live in/near Denton. I'm wondering how we can expose and take down this fascist alt-reich bootlicker and child diddler. This man is a horrible cracker monster. Street justice.


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/245776

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/245775

I live in/near Denton. I'm wondering how we can expose and take down this fascist alt-reich bootlicker and child diddler. This man is a horrible cracker monster. Street justice.


I looked up Boris Kagarlitsky, and I'm not surprised to find that he was likely a Russian gusano.

This article peddles liberal BS behind a veil of objectivity.

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