[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) ANARCHY (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago

Never had someone point a gun at me like that, but I dated a girl in college that had a dickhead 2nd amendment gun nut dad who never missed an opportunity to mention he had guns and wasn't afraid to use them if I "didn't take good care of his daughter." It didn't intimidate me in the slightest though, and just let me know he was a scared, insecure loser.

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Can you share the source for this chart? It doesn't list whether this is for a specific country, region or global.

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

The chart also considers protein supply for this reason.

It's extremely rare that grazing land is used for anything else. In fact, over half of tropical deforestation is done to create pasture land for cattle.


[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

"Crop residues" or "crop seconds" only account for about a quarter of global animal feed, and the grain fed to cattle in the US alone could feed a billion people.


[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Please don't present this as the norm for animal agriculture, as it's disingenuous at best. The rare instances where this occurs are far outweighed by the habitable land use that animal agriculture accounts for globally. And even in the countries you call out, such as New Zealand, factory farming is on the rise, and pigs are almost exclusively factory farmed.

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 147 points 3 weeks ago

We're undoubtedly in the midst of another mass extinction, caused by human activity. Here's another one that will freak you out:

Jackfruit Gua Bao (lemmy.world)
Sushi bowl (lemmy.world)

Info in comments

Channa Masala! (lemmy.world)
[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 67 points 3 months ago

K-pop agencies are reportedly keen to promote their stars as romantically obtainable, while in Japan many pop stars have "no dating" clauses in their contracts.

Wouldn't being banned from dating make you the opposite of "romantically obtainable"?

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 74 points 3 months ago

An evolutionary biologist might argue that all of these are done in the service of being able to have sex:

  • Gotta make money so I can live comfortably and keep having sex.
  • Gotta defend my country because all of the women who want to have sex with me live there.
  • Man, chicks dig firefighters. I'm gonna have so much sex.
[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 128 points 3 months ago

Having a gun for self defense fucks with your head. When my wife and I lived in a relatively rural area, I used to keep a shotgun under our bed for protection, but I eventually got rid of it. Never shot it a single time, but you'd better believe every time I cleaned it or moved it or just remembered I had it, I was imagining the horrible situation I might be forced to use it in. That shit low key fucked me up. Strange sound in the middle of the night? Better grab the gun.

I can't even begin to imagine carrying one on me, especially in public. I like to think I have a pretty level head, but some people are just waiting for you to look at them the wrong way so they finally have that moment. So frightened or psychotic or some combination of the two that their first instinct is to just start shooting. Hell, my wife's cousin-in-law got in a fucking shootout when he cut someone off in traffic.

Used to be very pro responsible gun ownership, but lately I'm thinking that level of responsibility is far too rare in people.

[-] chetradley@lemmy.world 95 points 4 months ago

Careful, you keep insulting Ted Cruz like that and he's going to be tripping over himself to endorse you for president.

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