
joined 3 months ago

I'm noticing a trend of scientific-sounding announcements about physics results that turn out to be theoretical explorations of simulations. The whole "false vacuum" idea isn't really even a hypothesis, just a what-if. We have no indication that the ground vacuum state isn't the lowest energy configuration. I think people just find a non-zero minimum unintuitive.

Anyway, the key figure in all these theoretical simulation articles is the multi-billion dollar quantum super computers running these simulations. Wouldn't it be funny if tech investors with a lot of money staked on quantum devices pushed for low-quality science that required their machines to be done, thus expanding the market and value of their otherwise pointless supercomputers? This article ends on a very optimistic "these computers have so many uses in cryptography and science" which seems a little out of place when discussing physics results.

[–] 25 points 1 month ago (8 children)

I switched fully over and am in the process of degoogling and de-microsofting my life. No more easy defaults of VS Code, back to custom configuring my emacs. No more surveillance, self-hosting and encryption. No more shitty windows gaming, Linux and Proton for gaming bliss!

[–] 46 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's also too fucking late. They've already got all the data and have backdoored the systems.

Elon and his little hack squad needs to be arrested and investigated not just for this but going back to whatever secret projects they were doing at Space X to interfere with the election. Trump and Musk both have admitted in public speeches that they did something to technologically undermine the election.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

imho, BLM is a textbook example of recuperation. To start, you have a revolutionary movement with a revolutionary message/goal (abolish the police). Over time, the movement centralized leadership and softened message (defund/reform the police). And now today the movement is a brand that is owned by a company and the leadership is too timid to be effective or promote anything other than slogans and t-shirts.

The Harris campaign ran and died on exactly the same playbook. Come out strong and rally the base with revolutionary talk, then walk back demands to reformist ones that are palatable to the donor class you've become dependent on, then become irrelevant and fail.

History on this is clear to me. America is in terrible state, and everyone living here knows it, which is why revolutionary ideas are so immediately popular with the masses. But those ideas are too dangerous for Capital so they get watered down and defanged every. single. time. Until we build a decentralized mass movement that isn't susceptible to leadership ideological capture, we're going to keep losing.

[–] 17 points 1 month ago

Willkommen bei Lemmy!

By choosing to join the dbzer0 family, you're making a smart commitment for you and your family's future!

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

I want to know what word they replaced with "potatoes" and didn't even bother to pick a close looking font.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Often in the daodejing also called wei wu wei: "acting without action" or "doing without doing"

Truly: this is The Way

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I think the analysts last Monday calling it the end of closed AI weren't too far off after all. It's wild too because basically no technology of any value isn't commoditized in short order, so to think they could keep a billion-dollar moat around it forever shows some incredible hubris.

I'm really excited though, hopefully getting more and more parts of the complete contemporary AI tool chain into the FOSS world will make these tools available to access and for the benefit of the majority of people.

Looks like a fantastic snore: so much cgi that it's half-cartoon; Volume-sets so every scene takes place in a big round room with really busy walls and lots of superfluous "props" and that no one interacts with (because they're cgi); boring "comic accurate" costumes that look both cartoonish but also desaturated and dull.

Ben Grimm's voice sounds terrible and those lines are such quippy marvel BS. He's playing him exactly like Ruffalo's Hulk because I guess there's only one big-strong-but-good-monster archetype allowed at Disney/Marvel/StarWars/Fox/ABC. Don't forget the highly marketable comic relief robot character!!! Gotta have a robot because kids love robots and buy robot toys and also when we put a police drone in everyone's house to force them to comply if we make it look like BB-8 they'll welcome it with open arms!

I can't wait for the part where in a single unbroken rake, Johnny chugs an entire coca cola two liter before melting the plastic bottle, making a global warming joke, winking into the camera, and flying off.

I just love cinema so much!

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

That's the thing, they aren't public employees. DOGE isn't a valid government department, which requires congress. This is a private citizen and his private employees/associates (is he even paying them?) staging a take over of the government. Don't just grant them authority because they claimed to have it.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

Damn! ExistentialComics author ain't messing around no more!

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