Ok yeah just a total incapability to understand the position we have relative to this considering where you placed this comment. Maybe you're one of those "the debate is a sham and there's a deep state" kinda people, idk. Or maybe you're a lib thinking that Bidens performance doesn't matter because he's still effective regardless? Those are all just muddled ideologies. Join us, learn to have a concrete analysis

Who are you taking about? Americans in general or the people on hexbear talking about it? If it's the latter, you have wildly misinterpreted our intentions lol

Fucking shitty article by the Guardian. It never explains for a second what "powder paint" is. I don't know what it is specifically, but I'm gonna guess this is easily washable (as in rain will take it away) and non-harmful. But instead they just interview like 10 weirdos who give are angry and call it front page material. Just terrible work regardless of how one feels about the action. I tend not to care too much, personally, about this sort of action but I see its place in a broader movement I guess

Waving goodbye until someone is out of sight is a fairly normal thing in many cultures. The only reason it doesn't apply to planes in more cultures is the security preventing it (though people still do it until you disappear form sight at the gates).

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 52 points 3 weeks ago

Other labor theory of values had been proposed before Marx, but Marx developed it into a consistent and rigorous form. It was (and should now still be) obvious to even liberals that value is created through labor. How that works, in what amounts, and how that value is imbued and made useful in an economy are things that Marx developed entirely differently to his predecessors

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 35 points 1 month ago

I'm going to rant here, so it's not aimed at you specifically but it's something I need to vent here.

I saw that video, after seeing many others some of which I didn't want to see and some of which I searched for for confirmation. Today, seeing that one, I realized I've experienced a sort of desensitization. I didn't feel ill, I didn't feel particularly disgusted at the image (did feel disgusted that people are doing and supporting this, of course), I mostly felt anger. Idk if that is desensitization or something else, but I just am constantly unbelievably angry at what has happened and can't feel much else when seeing these images.

I used to describe to libs and non-Marxist leftists :same thing: how I felt about seeing unhoused people on the streets. People would mention how I was visibly angry when walking by someone, and I would always bring up that I'm constantly so angry about these people being unhoused in wealthy countries, and am upset that there's no way to fix it without much bigger changes than they want to comprehend, and I try to channel this anger into energy to read about how to fix this, strategize, organize, work for a better world, etc.

I don't necessarily think this is good mentally or morally, especially when projected onto the suffering of Palestinians now. I feel like I'm so upset that it builds to be unbearable in its form and I can't deal with it as it is anymore, but can only try to become more energized and focused from it. Maybe it's dialectics like that.

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 36 points 3 months ago

I learned who he was, read 1 book, read another book that was the same book but only slightly increased racist jokes, and then gave up. Glad I dropped him. Though some of his jokes were actually funny but more absurdist that useful dialectics or so. Pretty sure he just stole those jokes

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 38 points 3 months ago

Liberalism is associated with those things because it allowed them to happen to avoid a negative effect to property rights (revolution, riots) once more radical people pushed for them. Liberalism is reactionary and regressive, but some liberals are easier to convince of specific rights extensions than others. You've been lied to a lot if you think liberals did these things

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 49 points 9 months ago

Someone can't get past liberal definitionalism and thinks that the goal of LGBT+ alliances are based on necessary and sufficient conditions ("attraction, specific, others don't count" claims) instead of understanding the goal of opposing a line of oppression everywhere it reaches. The way homophobia works is very similar to transphobia, so the fight is perfect to combine. Put the oppressors all on the wall because this chain of phobias will only change focus if you don't end it at the root.

Then we have the gay fascists who want to just put others on the wall using similar oppression to appease their own oppressors. It's the same function as fascists at the geographical edge of the imperialist/fascistic expropriation border.

Saying this for the people listening not to you, turtle power. You're an asshole and only shame can possibly make you reconsider your assholery

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 35 points 9 months ago

Lolyou think this is "indiscriminate"? Fuck, you should've zeen Fallujah or Vietnam or Korea. Ukraine has so much infrastructure and housing left in perfectly usable conditions. One of my major issues at the beginning was that I expected Russia to be much more violent and have been very surprised at how little of the violence has been on non-combatants

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 78 points 10 months ago

No but it does clearly show prioritization when the 2 conflict, which is the point of contention (as well as using coal at all, if you give a shit about our planetary environment)

[-] commiewithoutorgans@hexbear.net 36 points 10 months ago

You replied to someone from hexbear at the top of this chain. Find them then claim they found you. Be serious or PPB


Can't figure out a goddamn way to send money for food or gift card or whatever to someone using Euros. Insert Stalin quote about hunger not waiting. Anyone got a nice way? Or a way at all? Like do i have to use fuckin Bitcoin?

Any help appreciated

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