[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 6 points 11 hours ago

Yeah... they just dont want to change their lifestyle though

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 5 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

Its frontpage material in all 3 scandinavian media (denmark sweden norway). I imagine most of the world really though. Although the rest of the world has no influence on the result, the result has a huge impact on the rest of the world

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

'Sir, my apologises that I didn't realise in time that you were Cognitively Impaired. How about we replace your order with our exclusive package-free version that we have prepared for special guests like yourself?'

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

This AI needs a reboot

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

Although I share your sentiment about the US not being the world, this case I think is self explanatory. Myself I am in central Europe with no affiliation to the US but you'd have to live under a rock, if you've missed the buildup to this debate

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Unless people buy the medium instead. Then its good buziness

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 46 points 1 day ago

Then they should be able to just sell fewer but in a large box/bag

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

So basically a meme-war

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

This is how you make sure nobody gets exonerated ever

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 25 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)
  • Biden faints
  • Trump walks over and slaps Biden
  • Trump just leaves
  • Biden justifies Israels attacks
  • Violent demonstratos occupy CNN
  • Terrorist attacks during the debate
  • CNN cuts the debate short
  • Trump gets caught with wireless bone conductor transmitter in his butt
  • Biden reveals palm full of keywords written with a pen
  • Trump talks about Stormy Daniels not being the best in bed and not worth the money
[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

God took him because he misses him

[-] cosmicrookie@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

I dont even know who this is, or why comments about her are flooding my Lemmy feed.

Do people really care that much about fake celebrities?


Waiting for the presidential debate feels like waiting for a train to crash. But how bad can it be?

What are your guesses at what will happen? I am curious to compare the answers to what actually happens tonight

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by cosmicrookie@lemmy.world to c/topview@lemmy.world

Testsing and development of components and systems for commercial solar thermal power plants. The aim is to make solar thermal power plants more efficient. They also test processes for solar water splitting, the production of solar fuels and the use of solar heat in industrial processes.

More than 2,000 movable mirrors (heliostats) cover an area of around ten hectares in front of Jülich's two solar towers. They catch the sunlight, concentrate it and direct it onto the two solar towers.

In the solar tower power plant, a volumetric receiver at the top of the tower absorbs the concentrated sunlight and uses it to heat the surrounding air to up to 700 degrees Celsius. A steam generator inside the tower uses this to heat water into steam, which drives a turbine that produces electricity via a generator.



Look closer for the almost pixelated elevation lines on those hills


22 days old boys (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by cosmicrookie@lemmy.world to c/guineapigs@lemmy.world

These are babies that we foster for the local animal wellfare. Their mother never really recovered from giving birth but the boys are doing great!

More than 200 very hungry animals were found at the home of the deceased owner. Mostly guinea pigs, rats and snakes. We took 3 females in, who were very close to giving birth. They each had 2 babies the day after we got them!

Support your local animal wellfare if you can! Even a small amount goes a long way!


If there is one thing that I keep noticing, when I look for cool places from above, it is golf courses! There are so many, and they are everywhere! This one is Murasaki Golf Club, with 27 holes, and 108 par.

The largest golf course I could find, is Mission Hill Resort in Shenzhen China. It has 12 courses, with 18 holes. 216 holes in total. Id does, IMO not look quite as good as the one from Murasaki


Found during a wet summer in scandinavian.

Mostly pine trees and beech forest


This may not look like much if you don't watch motorsports, and in particular the 24hr Endurance race in Le Mans, but if you do, you may be able to identify the classic track on this map!

Bellow are a few closeups of some of the most legendary corners

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joined 11 months ago