Favorite Binder So Far (www.underworks.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/13660667

I got this "binder" recently. I like it better than any one I've had so far (I'd estimate that I've gone through about eight from various brands).


-Very breathable, can exercise in it without feeling like death

-Not terrible in hot weather

-Doesn't show under a lot of shirts, though if you have a shirt with a wide neck it'll show, but does look like an undershirt as opposed to a bra since the neck is high.

-Helps with hiding hip fat

-Feels natural. I forget I'm wearing this sometimes. Probably would be fine sleeping in it as well, though it's good practice to take breaks.


-If you have a bigger chest this isn't gonna do the best of jobs binding since it's got less compression than a typical binder. It's still not the worst option in that case, but you won't look completely flat. It's worked well for me flatness wise.

-I wouldn't wear this by itself because it doesn't fit like a regular shirt. Definitely looks an undergarment.

-It smells like a McDonald's playground right out of the package. I recommend you add baking soda into the wash to get the smell out faster.

-I suspect this will stretch out the longer I use it. The solution is to dry it on low as opposed to air dry it. It's got cotton in it so it'll shrink.

I recommend you only get it in black or white if your concern is passing. A lot of cis men will wear undershirts (typically in white, sometimes black, but never in nude).

If you're in-between measurements, order a size up. I made the mistake of getting a size down and I wasn't even able to get it over my head. Had to exchange it which took a while.

If you're interested in a binder with flatter coverage I will post a review of the underworks ultimate binder if requested. Underworks is by far my favorite binder brand for many reasons.


cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/13674539

Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room

If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

Sharing and updoots appreciated.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/libertyhub@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Not sure if this is the right community to post this, but I'll give it a shot.

One of my very good friends is planning on going into the Navy in about a year. He's generally a moderate left leaning kinda guy, but is trans. He comes from a navy family which is part of the reason he decided to go in the first place. He's going into mechanics and stuff and not combat which is slightly better I guess, but it's very concerning to me that he's planning on joining especially because he's trans. I also feel that ethically, actively participating in that system is bad.

How can I dissuade him from joining? I don't wanna go full force argument mode because it's ultimately his choice but I would like advice on how to softly nudge him away from it without affecting our friendship negatively. Thanks.


Hey y'all,

This is specifically for people in the US healthcare system.

If you are getting a test or procedure done, ask them what the cost is without insurance. It may end up being significantly cheaper.

I had to go get a basic metabolic panel blood test today and they were going to charge me $350. When I asked what the cost was without insurance, it was $100. Mind you, I have good insurance. It's around $1500 a month.

This has happened multiple other times with different people that I know. Just asking could save you a significant amount of money.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Questions for potential candidates:

  1. What is your vision for this community

  2. What time zone/country are you in

  3. Do you have mod experience with reddit or Lemmy

  4. What do you like about c/trans? What would you improve?

  5. Do you have experience with using bots on Lemmy and with the python language?

Note: there are no right and wrong answers to these questions. The only hard requirement that we have to be a mod is that you have to be an active member of the community and have a history of that.

Edit: The new mods have been selected. Thank you to everyone who applied.

What's your story? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Y'all, we have a problem.

These are some of the results of a survey done on our community concerning gender identity:

1.08% Binary Trans men (4).

1.08% Transmasculine people (4).

1.35% Cis women (5).

That's right, there are more CIS WOMEN on a TRANS community than binary trans men or transmasculine people alone.

We have a problem.

This isn't just a Blahaj problem. Another queer instance did a similar survey and found only 3% of their users were trans and use he/him pronouns.

Not having enough transmasc voices is going to be detrimental to our community. There are plenty of transmasc people on the internet. The problem is with Lemmy.

So what are we gonna do about it?

Behold, The Results Are IN (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

For context, these are the results of a survey that I gave to the users of c/Trans.

What are your thoughts?


There's a space for people just like you. It's a good place to ask questions and get support from your fellow dudes and transmascs. We are few and far between on Lemmy, so having a place where we can congregate and have our own place is a rarity. I hope you'll consider joining.

It's !ftm@lemmy.blahaj.zone

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

EDIT: Don't vote on this poll if you don't interact/lurk in this community somewhat regularly. This survey is for those people.

Hi everyone,

I made a survey to better gauge the demographics of this community. I don't have any reason to, just doing it out of curiosity.

I'm glad that everyone felt free to talk about it in detail and have some good discussion on my previous post, but it made it hard to count all those comments up. Someone suggested that I do this to get more accurate results.

The poll ends on April 6th at 11pm. I'll post the results when it's over. You can also view the live results of the poll on the website.

Might make a future one for sexuality. Data is fun, what can I say.

What are your predictions for this poll?

I was at a summer camp a while ago and there was this pre-transition trans man who was also there. Eventually as the camp progressed and everyone got to know each other better, I told some of the queer people there I was trans so they could relate to me better.

This person, I kid you not, said "Ha, I knew no one from cowboycrustation's state would have a name like cowboycrustation's name!"

I was like...wtf. My name irl isn't one of those names like fern or star that aren't common among cis people. My name is a somewhat common men's name. I literally have a cousin with the same name.

Keris does have PayPal. That's very generous of you. I'll ask them about their details real quick.

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

That's such a sweet interaction. Us trans people can definitely sniff out our own much better than cis people can. He was so sweet to hand you all those resources. We need more people like him in the world.

I definitely recommend visiting the church. Churches are one of the best ways to find tight knit community who will help you in your time of need in most red states (ESPECIALLY rural areas or small-ish towns). It's also a good place to help other people through church ministries such as clothes closets, soup kitchens, crowdfunding for someone in need, etc. An openly queer church is a MAJOR bonus.

I'm not a Christian at all and likely will never be, but I still go to church because it is a very good hub for community and I live in a rural area. My main thing is singing in the choir and I mostly tune out the sermons, haha. My church isn't like accepting accepting, they don't go out of their way to help queer people specifically or talk about it much at all, but there's not much judgement around it either. I still feel really lucky that I found a church like that, though. Point is you are VERY lucky to have a church like that near you and I heavily encourage you to try it out. Lutherans generally have a good reputation for progressive theology and activism. I'm very excited for you!

My thoughts on this are complicated.

On one hand, if I were never trans I would never have understood systemic oppression as well as I do. I can understand some of the struggles that women face physically and socially even though I am not one. I'll be able to tell future generations about existing as a trans person in this important part of queer history. I also have the experience of living as both genders physically and socially, which is an experience the vast majority of the population will never get.

On the other hand, I wouldn't have wasted as much of my life if I had been cis. I probably would have still struggled with depression and anxiety, but wouldn't have lost all of the opportunities that I did and isolated myself because of being trans. There's also be less future health problems to deal with if I were cis. It's still unknown what a lot of the long term affects of testosterone are for trans men's bodies, but it's possible it can increase the chances of getting reproductive cancers in addition to the increased risk of cardiovascular events and heart disease. You don't come across many old trans men compared to trans women. There's also all the surgeries and general stress of being trans in this day and age that can't be good for the body. I also probably would have been screened for ADHD much, much earlier which would have made my life a lot easier than it turned out to be.

I do wish I could be cis, but it is what it is. I'll never have a body exactly like a cis man's and I didn't get the adolescence I should have gotten, and I've come to terms with the fact. Gotta come to terms with what you've got and see the benefits.

I really hope that Nex will get justice and that there will be an independent investigation into this because this is a load of bullshit.

Do they think we're stupid? Even if the cause of death was suicide (which we don't know for sure, because the autopsy is shady AF.) it's a known fact that getting a concussion can make people suicidal. Either way, the girls who attacked him are responsible for his death. Pouring water on someone does not justify killing them.

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Hey Riikka. I'm really sorry you're having to deal with this shit. Just hang in there and try to keep a level head (it's really really hard, I know).

Please keep us updated. We are ALL rooting for you. Once you get to safety you can try and crowdfund some money to cover basic costs.

Trevorproject has 24/7 free crisis counseling for LGBTQ people. I highly recommend you explain your situation to a counselor on the helpline and see if they can get you to some resources.


This is a comprehensive list of the plans you need to make and things you need to pack when getting out of an abusive situation:


My DMs are open if you ever need to talk. Stay strong. I believe in you ๐Ÿ’œ

I don't even remember, funnily enough. It was a slow process that happened over time.

Most of my pre egg cracking symptoms started at around eleven or twelve, but I was a pretty masculine child in personality.

I greatly exaggerated having voice cracks when I was going through first puberty. It made me feel masculine.

I always spoke in the lowest possible vocal register.

I refused to shave any body hair and never even entertained the idea despite significant outside pressure to.

I rarely showered because I wanted to stink like a teenage boy. I also dreaded any puberty pains or growth that was happening. It felt like body horror.

I had so much trouble understanding pubescent girls in the media, how they were so excited to have their first period or wear their first bra. I thought everyone experienced the absolute dread that came with puberty and they were all just pretending. I was fully expecting to get a huge growth spurt one day and grow to be 6ft tall and look like Jim Morrison. It felt like someone had made a mistake and it would correct itself naturally.

I remember getting on my knees and praying to God (i didn't even believe in god, that's how desperate i felt) not to let my chest to develop at all. I remember one time I read in a news article about moms in indonesia or something would put hot rocks on their daughter's chests to prevent any breasts from growing and it was being touted as a gross human rights violation. I tried to put burning hot rocks on my chest when I was maybe thirteen or fourteen. Didn't work, unfortunately :'(

I always wanted to go shirtless all the time. My mom had to practically wrangle me into a bra. At the same time, my newly developing chest seemed wholly foreign to me. It felt like a completely separate entity that was latched onto my real body.

I never really related to any girls my age when I was growing up. Always felt like an outsider in large groups of girls. Felt like they spoke a language I couldn't understand. Of course, I always had extremely codependent intense "friendships" with one girl at time. Took me a while to realize that was me liking girls.

I watched a lot of anime around that age, and for about a week after finishing one I'd adopt the personality and mannerisms of any male character that I thought was cool. One time I barely talked for a week so I could be just like jotaro from JoJo's bizarre adventure ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Despite all of this, it would take me a while to figure out that I'm trans. That was never an option for the longest time.

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 29 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I stink now. Wasn't expecting it to happen so soon (bout two and a half months low dose) Have to change my boxers more often than I used to and shower more (the horror). I smell more sour.

T made me more emotionally stable. I'm way less depressed than I used to be despite not changing much about my life. I used to wake up and the default would be sad, now I wake up and feel neutral (not in a numb antidepressant way, just in a normal way) most days. Worked way better than any antidepressant I've been on. Wasn't expecting that to happen. I've heard people say they're happier on T. Feels like I'm on default mode nowadays. Never felt that way before.

Occasionally I'll have dreams of... anger? I'll be asleep dreaming and feel angry, then when I wake up I'll be normal again.

Also I've been getting more bloated after eating or drinking anything. Apparently T can increase water retention.

After consistently passing as a man, I noticed that women that I meet are much more guarded around me than before. I definitely have to make more of an effort to appear "safe" to strangers.

Another thing is that I can get away with previous behaviors more without as much social repercussion. Due to being neurodivergent, I've always been socially unaware of things, never really tried to be polite or say all of the socially acceptable niceties as often as expected. People used to perceive me as "rude" or a "bitch" and now I'm just "blunt" and "get to the point." When I'm not in a talkative mood I used to be "cold" and now I'm just "preoccupied."

[-] cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I wish they'd listen to our voices instead of infantalize or demonize us. We're just people, not all bad, not all good, just like everybody else. Just happen to be trans.

Basically people noticed the colors of Blahaj were similar to that of the trans flag. They'd take funny pictures of Blahaj in weird places. After the meme took off, IKEA made a couple of references and leaned into it, which made it even more of an icon.

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