submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

I likely accidentally counted people twice or skipped someone, but regardless here's a general idea of the makeup of our population from the sample size of the post I made.

Also, it shortened transmasculine/feminine nonbinary on the graph.

I typed in the value for cis women as zero, and it didn't show up on the chart so keep that in mind.

What's your gender identity? (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

I'm curious about the makeup of this community. Might make a graph later.

Posers (lemmy.blahaj.zone)

Introducing !random@lemmy.blahaj.zone , the place where there's no set topic. This is where you can ask questions about random stuff, share a cool fun fact you found, vent about stuff, or whatever else you want.

You can post and share whatever you want, provided it does not promote misinformation, isn't spam, and isn't hateful/bigoted.

I made this because I find myself wanting to post stuff, but there's no community where it would fit. So now there's a community for it to fit.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Here's a funny (but also FUCKKKKK) moment that just happened to me. Figured y'all would like to hear.

So there's this large group chat for students that are going to the college I plan on transferring to in the fall. I was trying to send a link to the course catalog projection but my dumb ass accidentally sent this instead:


I immediately deleted it but like two people saw it immediately cuz of the link preview. I have no clue if it briefly shows to people who just open up the chat or not. I said "oops, was helping a friend look for stuff" trying to play it cool ๐Ÿ˜‘. I may or may not have accidentally just outed myself to an entire group of people.


You are loved ๐Ÿฆˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Hello everyone,

This is regarding Keris, also known as RiikkaTheIcePrincess. Link to the previous post.

The last post that I made about Keris got a lot of engagement. She was able to get some financial help and other support, which was great, however their housing situation is still non-existent. The person who offered to let them stay in a couple of weeks fell through, so they have nowhere to go. Keris did make it safely to Minneapolis and is staying in a hotel until Monday. That means that they need a place to stay ASAP.

They really, really, need a place to stay while they search for a job. This is the thing that they most need right now. If anybody in the Minneapolis area has a spare bed, couch, or floor for her to sleep on, that would be a lifesaver. Seriously. Even if it's just for a week or a few days, it would be a huge help and would keep them off the streets for the time being while they figure things out and get back on their feet.

I understand that this isn't the usual type of content on this community, but it's a very time sensitive thing. There are projects in the works to assist future people who are in need on here, but for now this is all there is.

Keris said that she greatly appreciates everyone who has helped out with advice, support, resources, and donations so far.

Edit: Read her comment below for some corrections and clarifications.

What internalized transphobia does to a gal

Keris's situation (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cowboycrustation@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/trans@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Hi everyone,

This is an update regarding Keris (also known as RiikkaTheIcePrincess). Many of you already know of the situation, but if you do not, go check out her posts on this community.

TL;DR Keris is and has been in an abusive situation with their parents in rural Oklahoma. They gave her a seven day eviction notice, and now they have to leave. They are trans, neurodivergent, and have no place to go.

Keris is in desperate need of a place to stay in Minneapolis. She has gotten their ticket and is set to arrive tomorrow at 4:20pm in Minneapolis. The shelters there are night-only, and are not a good fit due to a variety of factors.

If there is ANYONE who can host Keris in Minneapolis for even a couple of days that would be a huge help. They are in a very bad spot right now and could really, really use your help. If you know someone who could host, that works too.

Thank you for your consideration.

Edit 1: if anybody also knows of any programs in Minneapolis that can help get Keris less temporary housing and/or a job that would also be very helpful.

Edit 2: Keris has found someone to stay with in about two and a half weeks. For now, they are going to try and stay in a cheap hotel. Thank you to everyone who came together to support Keris in her time of need. Please keep sending support and kind words their way. Their PayPal is LuxStellae@gmail.com for those who have asked.

I love y'all ๐Ÿซ‚

Edit 3: It sounds like the place she was gonna stay in a couple of weeks fell through. They did make it to Minneapolis okay and are staying in a hotel. Keris still needs some kind of living arrangement (and friends).


With warm weather just around the corner, that means that the dysphoria hoodie must be retired. Any insight on styling and types of clothing that help with achieving a straight figure but won't overheat?

That sounds very fun. Glad you got to go and had a blast!

I've always wanted to visit a Unitarian church. They seem so cool. They're somewhat rare, though.

I'm very very curious about your experience with United Church of Christ. My only experience is with the run-of-the mill Church of Christ people with their odd, repressive rules, speaking in tongues, and general bigotry. I'm assuming the two differ significantly, but how exactly?

Nex used he/him and they/them pronouns.

"Benedict, a 16-year-old Indigenous person who used both he/him and they/them pronouns according to friends and family"

Source: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/15/1238780699/nex-benedict-nonbinary-oklahoma-death-bullying

I know all too well about these kinds of situations. My first thought when this story broke out in the news was "this could have been me." I'm from a state in the deep south with similar politics, and I know how easily local politics can get corrupted. I was a baby trans in a shitty, transphobic school system too. There are good people and people who care and want to help who are from there I'm sure, but the system has been built from the ground up to enforce the status quo.

I hope that there will be justice for Nex Benedict. If not now, then someday when things change for the better. In the meantime, we have to fight to get there and hold people accountable for their actions.

^ this

Have an escape plan. Reach out to friends or relatives who you think would let you stay.

Haven't watched it but my friend's really into Umbrella Academy. In season three Elliot Page's character transitions to male and I've heard it was handled well.

Thanks, wouldn't be able to do everything without my lovely team of co-mods.

Those were some pretty brutal bills. Glad they didn't get passed. Whoever wrote those to begin with is a sick bastard.

Do your research before partaking in any drug, because all drugs have risks attached to them. It's just like with prescription drugs, you research the risks and benefits and decide which outweighs the other. You can do significant harm to yourself if you don't do your research.

Use good sources such as peer reviewed journals for your primary sources because they are backed up by science. Reddit and Lemmy are likely to give you inaccurate information, so it's wise to use them only when there's little scientific research for the drug you're researching (which is somewhat of a red flag in itself, because you don't know all of what you're getting into).

There are many risks and interactions that come with almost any drug out there that you've got to be aware of before taking anything. Supplements, genetic risk factors, and lifestyle risk factors need to be taken into consideration.

Not saying all drugs are bad, but all I'm saying is that they're drugs at the end of the day and as such they aren't to be taken lightly. There can be benefits to using them, but also significant drawbacks.

Do your research, use good judgement, listen to your body, and know your limits.

Illicit (and legal) drugs aren't a good first option if you're experiencing problems in your life. Therapy, exercise, building a support network, etc. are much more likely to be helpful long term than drugs are. They're better off being used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.

If you're in significant distress, Trevor Project offers free 24/7 crisis counseling for LGBTQ people.


This is so relatable. I do this especially around family because I desperately don't want to be judged and talked about (but it happens anyway).

"Transfeminine AMABs (people assigned male at birth) with testicles experience surges in testosterone in relation to attraction and desire, which can make them more dysphoric." -Biochemical dysphoria, The Gender Dysphoria Bible

Sexual Dysphoria

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joined 5 months ago