
joined 1 year ago
[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 2 days ago

Came across this today, and it looks like the kind of new tech that could make smart prosthetics more comfortable / better.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 4 days ago

That's cool!

If you feel so inclined you should submit that as a post!

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I met a medically retired marine back when I was in school that changed my view on this. His superior insisted on his group walking as much as possible with their packs, but instead of it just being extra exercise he wound up having to get an amputation after all of the stress on his legs lead to an issue with the arteries or veins. At a certain point, extra punishment isn't beneficial, and a mechanism to manage it would be useful.


Just got my Saturn 4 ultra, and it just doesn't seem to be very good. I'm toying with the idea of sending it back and paying the restocking fee, but that's a lot of money (and shipping fuel, etc, etc) to waste.

Upgraded from a Mars 2 Pro and Mars 4, and I just can't believe how clunky the Saturn is. The build plate is too tall and too crammed into the case to make a decent tilting adapter, and a ton of resin gets wasted when removing parts. The touchscreen UI is almost as bad as the Mars 4, with horrible use of screen space (multiple prints with same name but different date at the end? Too bad, you can't see any part of the title past the first two words) and poorly designed features.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has this printer or a similar one figured out, and is actually enjoying using it.


Their pitch expressly claims the device isn't AT... But it is to help more people access the outdoors, which I think counts to an extent.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Just learned about this, made editing speed limits a lot easier!

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You can! Browse to the location, and then click menu button > "Download data here" and the questions will appear.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 week ago

I didn't know about map complete, thanks!

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That makes sense to me. Going to space is going to space; astronauts go to space.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 4 weeks ago

It's been a long time since I last tried shotcut. Just loaded it up to try following along with the video, and it looks way more user friendly and capable! Thanks for sharing the video!


I edited this video with Pikimov! It worked well, and was easy to use once I had chromium up and running.

This post is a follow up to vid.stab.

For general camera wobble it corrects nicely, though if the shaking is moderate the correction leads to some nauseating wiggling effect in the resulting file. I'm still looking for a way to fix that.

Here's the current shell script I use on the footage:



if [ $ARG_COUNT -ne 1 ]
	echo "Usage: ./stabilize.sh input.MP4"
	exit 1

ffmpeg -i "$VID.$EXT" -vf vidstabdetect=shakiness=10 -f null -
ffmpeg -i "$VID.$EXT" -vf vidstabtransform=smoothing=30:zoom=5:crop=black "$VID.stab10_z5.$EXT"
#ffmpeg -i "$VID.stab.$EXT" -filter:v scale=1920:-1 -c:a copy "$VID.stab.small.$EXT"
[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thanks for the heads up. The channel has a newer tutorial for 2.8 but I haven't followed it and haven't used the newer Blender much.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 1 month ago

Mikeycal's video tutorials were my first real introduction to video editing on Linux that I felt worked for me. I'm immensely grateful for the work he's put into helping others learn about Blender's NLE.

[–] ctag@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Just providing some unrequested feedback: The bottom of the sidebar text about the mod's familiar tools and descriptions should be a post! Maybe stickied so that there's quick access to good tools for people who are just looking to get started.

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