[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If anything, installing GrapheneOS on a Pixel probably reduces the risk of something happening to your phone, that's kind of the point with having an Android distribution that maximizes security and privacy.

And because the installer is so simple that you just connect your phone, open a browser and hit three buttons, it's really unlikely that you'll accidentally brick your phone trying to install it.

submitted 3 days ago by cyrus@sopuli.xyz to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I've been playing a lot of blazing beaks with a friend of mine, and I've been interested in other indie games which take this arcade approach of being infinitely replayable whilst still being a multiplayer experience that I can maybe take on a goal to play with a friend

Any recommendations?

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 29 points 1 week ago

It is essentially just extra maintenance of a feature in Firefox that (statistically) not many people use

As such, it's marked as "unsupported" to make clear that if any issues arise, Mozilla won't help you with those issues.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 89 points 1 month ago

This is a deliberate decision to force people to turn off tracking protection.

No this is a hilarious fuckup where they forgot to move twitter.com, pbs.twimg.com and more off of the Twitter domains, so Firefox started blocking it because to Firefox it looks like Social Media trackers.

Mozilla already pushed a fix.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 204 points 1 month ago

This issue comes from the fact that even though the domain is now changed to x.com, it still tries to load content from twitter.com which Firefox thinks is social media tracking because it's coming from a different domain than the one you're on.

It's a hilarious and dumb oversight with this change.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 49 points 1 month ago

no when I say "overwritten" I mean that the area is set as deleted in the filesystem and the next time something writes to that area the data that was there before is disregarded.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 68 points 1 month ago

I mean, to be completely fair, that's how data storage works.

We cannot really just make data disappear, so we let it get overwritten instead

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 38 points 1 month ago

it sucks but can you blame them?

For picking discord I very much can blame them, I figure it won't be long until that goes down the drain too.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 41 points 1 month ago

The case is essentially "hey you kinda passed a bill that's against your own constitution? You're kinda supposed to follow that..."

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 43 points 1 month ago

They are technically not wrong when they say that the whole experience isn't made up of just an App

They are intentionally dodging the ACTUAL question.

Anyways here is a leak of their "LAM", which is just playwright for the most part. https://web.archive.org/web/20240424133441if_/https://pixeldrain.com/api/file/vYHXbUwP?download

With that, we have both components, yay?

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 45 points 1 month ago

We really need someone with budget to take Nintendo to court over this.

Sadly, I don't think that will happen.

submitted 1 month ago by cyrus@sopuli.xyz to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Currently there is a lot of functionality that in theory does not require an account, although Voyager still prompts you to create one.

Whilst I now have one, I initially intended not to.

Either way, there are a good amount of features that could be adjusted to fit guest / offline accounts, including:

  • Changing the guest instance
  • Allow saving posts locally as guest (not synced, ofc)
  • Allow changing subscriptions as guest (there's already some in guest view anyways, I figured being able to change them would be nice)
[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 155 points 1 month ago

To those that are confused about this:

Bitwarden does indeed handle TOTP directly in the password manager, but only on paid accounts and only logged in.

This is a completely offline app, separate from your existing Bitwarden account, that is entirely free.

It might serve as an alternative to e.g Aegis to some.


I've always found the Matrix User option that Lemmy has quite interesting, but I have noticed that...it does not even show up anywhere?

The fact this option exists is cool, but what is the use if it doesn't show up anywhere?

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 29 points 1 month ago

Just so you know, AOSP is short for Android Open Source Project.

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