[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 29 points 2 weeks ago

It is essentially just extra maintenance of a feature in Firefox that (statistically) not many people use

As such, it's marked as "unsupported" to make clear that if any issues arise, Mozilla won't help you with those issues.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 28 points 1 month ago

no I don't believe a damn word of what apple's gonna say on this, I just wanted to get the message out there that generally file deletion works by allowing data to be overwritten, so if the images are local this could very well just be that either it's showing data that hasn't been overwritten yet or it accidentally brought things out of the "recently deleted" depending on how long ago it was deleted.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 23 points 1 month ago

Musk himself hasn't actually provided any sources either, all his statements made on Twitter recently are basically pulled from thin air, almost like vague references

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 38 points 1 month ago

it sucks but can you blame them?

For picking discord I very much can blame them, I figure it won't be long until that goes down the drain too.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 22 points 1 month ago

(the sync can actually be self-hosted and is OSS, the DRM is third-party and proprietary)

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 25 points 1 month ago

Proton and Wire didn't share any decrypted ciphertexts, Wire shared a ProtonMail address and Proton an iCloud Address that they had set as a recovery method.

Personal info like where they live came from Apple.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 41 points 1 month ago

The case is essentially "hey you kinda passed a bill that's against your own constitution? You're kinda supposed to follow that..."

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 26 points 1 month ago

Counterstrike is the easiest example

Counterstrike, where the Official Anti-Cheat is VAC; An Anti-Cheat system that isn't Kernel-Level?

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 20 points 1 month ago

a bit late to crosspost that here, no? 🤔

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 18 points 2 months ago

If you look at the roadmap they have in the blogpost, they are apparently planning tighter integration with the existing bitwarden suite

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 26 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

but I can't really think of any non invasive solution to draw away cheaters

Server-Side Anticheat. The Minecraft community has been doing it ALL ON THEIR OWN for YEARS, effectively.

[-] cyrus@sopuli.xyz 29 points 2 months ago

Just so you know, AOSP is short for Android Open Source Project.

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