reminiscent of:
Ask HN: Are there any substantial examples of blockchain solving a real problem? (2020)
reminiscent of:
Ask HN: Are there any substantial examples of blockchain solving a real problem? (2020)
It's clear that they didn't stop uploads of the torrents. It hasn't been established in the documents we've seen so far that they actually had downloaders in turn. But they did clearly make the works available for upload.
oh dont' worry - they prop up the appearance not the usability. They look smoother but user input is still sampled at the slower rate, so the games aren't actually any more reactive.
it's basically a number crunching workstation
even the commenters get stuck into Sam Axon this time
ehh. even in the original text it rapidly decays into anything that annoys him is a hyperkludge. Successful things have problems that are only problems of success.
the new FB standards guy is a Heritage Foundation guy, he would be the precise vector
oh they know what's causing it lol
this is a fun followup as the gamers ask Jensen wtf
Day 2: this episode contains the most accurate description of linux users ever
(half will rush to help you secure your stuff against evil, the other half have strong concerns about the age of consent)
just when you think you're at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the rationalists take you lower
and it still is