hey cool trans people in my phone that are in the E.U

cw surgery, anatomy, and sexIve been trying to find any surgeons that can do no-depth bottom surgery (i think its called a vulvoplasty) in the area but am having a really difficult time getting any info with how shitty search engines are.

I won't ever have penetrative sex and I have a micropenis, so this is the way I want to go, and would appretiate any info.


Love to see the comments

glad to have my weekend trans-gaming group its nice to have community when there are 0 local trans people other than me (village of 1,000)



Perfect no notes mama-miba


A list of LGBTQ+ resources focussed on transgender individuals

[-] dialectical_analysis_of_gock@hexbear.net 40 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

t3t "oh no we lost one!"

t2t t "send out someone to search"

t2t t2t "found the bastard"

t4t "together again!"

wanted implanted hormone for the longest time but could never find a doctor that would do it or insurance that would cover :<

Dudes Rock (hexbear.net)




Gay liberal trying to pull up the ladder, no trans person gives a fuck about marriage when they are getting murdered. Look up trans murders per year in the United States and China, I'll wait, as I know that Russia has less trans murders than the United States

Stalin for example was a mass murderer just like Hitler. So why would anybody like him?

Here is a mainstream Jewish holocaust survivor saying equating the communists and fascists is holocaust trivialization.

You have compared communists and fascists, thus trivializing the Holocaust.

Are you referring to famines caused by the Kulaks destroying grain exacerbating a natural famine cycle, something that was somewhat common before the modern era. If you are, would you also say that every death caused by starvation due to poverty in capitalist countries should count towards the leader's "death count"?


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1987563

Hey Adventurers! Our staff got together for a big meeting yesterday and made a few rules changes. They will be added to our published rules soon, but until then, they are in effect.

First, some minor changes:

  • Female Drow can now choose to swap their +2 bonus to Intelligence for Wisdom
  • The Gray and Sun Elves now have a Level Adjustment of +1. Existing characters are grandfathered in. Our DM team is working on slightly buffing the races to make them worth the Level Adjustment, but these changes are still in development.
  • The Psychic Reformation power is banned.
  • The Imbue with Spell Ability, Psionic Identify, and Bestow Power spells/powers cannot be used by Spell-casting Improvements.
  • Feats that reduce the cost of crafting magic items are banned.
  • The Rapid Reload feat works with Renaissance firearms. With this, they take a move action to reload.

New Improvements! We've added two new Improvements to our Organization rules: A Barracks that gives an organization several NPC henchmen, and a Locus that allows the Organization free access to psionic powers.

Rules for Guilds! We've released official guidelines for Guilds fixing prices! Current guild leaders have access to these guidelines, and they will be published soon.

Crafting Points! Characters with magic item-crafting feats will get a reserve of "Craft Points" every level based on the number of crafting feats they have. The exact formula for these points is to be decided soon!

Anniversary Dungeon! Starting November 16th and running for a week, the Axe and Sickle will be holding its second bi-annual Anniversary Dungeon! Our DMs are hard at work putting it together, but start sharpening your chalk and polishing your 10-foot poles!

If you're not already playing with us, join us on our Discord server! https://discord.gg/R5dPsZU


"So to preface this is posted in literature.cafe’s meta community but this question is primarily aimed at generally anyone in the lemmyverse who is NOT a cisgender man no matter what instance they may be in. The purpose of this thread is to present a stage for conversation for those willing to contribute, and although cisgender men are not excluded I kindly ask you to be mindful of the fact what this thread is meant for and try to avoid talking over others here. If you are a cisgender man interested in learning and seeing how lemmy can improve like I am: welcome. For those who are here to cause issues or talk over others though, you will be promptly removed.

I do not know the demographic data of lemmy, but I would wager a large portion are male. And over the past few weeks I have witnessed women on numerous occasion discuss their discomfort on here. Reddit very much had a very “bro-y” feeling culture for many, that felt like a barrier to entry to many women. With lemmy, there’s a potential to break this. But the answer really is how? Lemmy has begun to develop into its own culture already independent of Reddit quite rapidly, and it’s been awesome to see but I am wondering if there’s a way we can push it a step further and implement ways to make the platform more welcoming to women than Reddit previously did.


why can't mainland Puerto-Rican people vote for the legislative or executive branch?

why should the judicial branch exist?

who opened the cages? Obama

who was president during Roe-Wade restriction? Biden

troll = someone who is left of me and correctly realizes the futility of electoralism.

Go cry to the others in your liberal echochamber

where are my stimulus checks?? the democratic party owes me money

where is my healthcare?

where is my loan cancelation?

why are billions being sent to ukraine?

why are the kids still in cages on the southern border?

why did you say covid is over?

Did you name yourself after the RAND institute?

view more: next ›


joined 10 months ago