[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 11 points 10 months ago

Playing a bard can get pretty close 🤔

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago

I’m deep into act 3 now and this game does not pull punches. I’m loving it (even if it hurts sometimes)

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago

No 12-20 please, 5e is not balanced for that. I’d rather have a new adventure built on the same assets / engine, a majoras mask approach even.

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 17 points 10 months ago

Just me or the version number is still there?

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

You don’t seem to understand the comment. Shove is not nerfed, it’s overpowered. As a result the sleep spell is further nerfed (they already nerfed it by making it have a short duration) because enemies can just bonus action wake each other up, instead of being out of commission for multiple turns.

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 21 points 10 months ago

I’m sure it’ll address at least a couple of the issues I’m having. But considering how broken other games release and you basically need to wait weeks (or years if it’s cyberpunk) to get it in a playable state? This game is polished as fuck.

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

Because the enemy gets the same thing. I meant it nerfs the sleep spell.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by dingsbums@feddit.de to c/baldurs_gate_3@lemmy.world

Really enjoying finally having the full game but some small things have been slightly annoying:

  • they apparently forgot to disable the debug version label so there’s a massive version string floating around most of the time
  • I’m getting bad screen tearing even on tripple buffering.
  • can’t believe shove is still a bonus action. Sleep was already pretty nerfed, with shove as a bonus action it’s almost as useless as true strike.
  • some of the cutscene transitions are a bit janky here and there but nothing completely broken. Just an annoyance. Sometimes that means audio cuts halfway through sometimes that means the audio plays when the cutscene is still loading. Nothing game breaking so far.
  • some spells don’t seem to work consistently or correctly? Spiritual weapon will sometimes lose a turn. Complete skipped.

On the other hand, mage hand (hehe) finally interacts with buttons. But why can it attack and shove? And why limited per short rest?

Weird decisions I think. Sure 5e is pretty bad with balance and inconsistent rules and the game would’ve benefited from a better designed system like pathfinder 2e but some of these decisions don’t seem to improve on the issues just worsen them.

Rant aside: what an amazing game 🥰🥰

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

Damn. I stand corrected haha


For the inpatient and the people who enjoy watching more than playing.

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 3 points 10 months ago

I Imagine gog might be doing a bit better there. I’m getting close to 28mb/s. 👌🏼🤞🏼


That’s it folks. About four years waiting comes to an end. Enjoy 😊

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 5 points 11 months ago

One of my favourite games from that era. Nice to see I’m not alone :)

[-] dingsbums@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago

I have but their other games were on their own system. Bg3 is supposedly on 5e, a system that has already plenty of balancing issues without homebrew. Things like bonus action shove makes the sleep spell a waste, on top of being absurdly over powered that you can just shove a boss down a cliff line it’s made of paper.

All in all probably a small issue that shouldn’t detract too much from what looks like an amazing game with a ton of role play freedom but I for one am looking forward to combat mods. They got some of that on early access and it made a big difference.

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