[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 13 points 10 hours ago

So are the "elite" brigades just the ones that aren't comprised entirely of prisoners at this point?

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 3 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

A really good example of this is when humans decide in Adrian Tchaikovsky's "Children of Time"

SPOILERto extinct an entire civilization made from uplifted spiders because they have the audacity to inhabit the planet the humans want to colonize

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Way to stick it to that drone!

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 80 points 2 weeks ago

Despite spending a lifetime living with this reality, it still seems so fucking wild to me that one of the two major political parties in this country is just entirely peopled with assholes. It's like they have a secret competition amongst themselves to see who is the biggest bag of dicks.

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 105 points 1 month ago

Well, not that we needed one, but I really appreciate you giving us a reminder for why we should never ever make you president, Mittens. It's very thoughtful of you.

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 144 points 3 months ago

So, Kobach et al's complaint is that the plan to replace lead pipes is underfunded and so probably won't cause enough of an impact on lead levels in drinking water to even bother, and yet the reason it's underfunded is because Republicans specifically voted to not fund it properly. So instead of funding it 100% (or close to 100%), they chose to only fund about 1/3rd of what it would cost to replace all of the lead pipes.

It almost seems like Republicans want potential voters to imbibe neurotoxins that will negatively impact their IQ, harm their ability to concentrate, and make them more easily swayed by emotional appeals. I wonder why that could be?

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 92 points 3 months ago

I really can't comprehend the level of hate that these motherfuckers must possess to write or support such a bill. I mean, let's say you're an incredible asshole who doesn't think that trans people exist, like you think that you know who they are much better than they actually know themselves. Even with that as a baseline, isn't it still just the polite thing to treat them with basic respect?

If I found out that someone I just met preferred to use their middle name instead of their first name, I would 100% use that person's middle name when addressing them. It's just common courtesy. The same thing goes with a person who's transitioning - I will use their preferred name, because I'm not a completely deplorable piece of shit.

But this guy is way worse than someone who intentionally antagonizes people by using their disliked name when addressing them. This guy wants to actively punish anybody who has the rock bottom bare minimum of civility by destroying their lives and livelihoods.

I just can't grasp that level of hatred. How is it that this piece of shit shares enough genes with everybody else that he's recognized as human?

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 123 points 4 months ago

Others are in favor of their Cybertrucks developing orange stains, saying that they’re looking forward to the patina the stainless steel may develop.

LOL - that's some straight up 🤡 shit.

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 92 points 7 months ago

why do conservatives want x?

Because they're cunts. That is the answer. It doesn't matter what the question is, the answer is that conservatives are cunts. It explains the entirety of their behavior.

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 107 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The guy went down a rabbit hole that eventually led to him deciding to kidnap and/or murder a sitting US Representative because of a fucking youtube comment? Jesus Christ. This fucking country...

Edit: fixed her job title

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 96 points 7 months ago

The thing I love most about this article is this one throw-away little line right here:

He ... claims that all of his legal troubles amount to "election interference" as he campaigns in the 2024 presidential election.

It just illustrates who Trump is so well. First, he hears a term that he doesn't understand, like: "election interference". Like what he did when he incited his cult of morons to attack the capitol during January 6th to prevent Congress from certifying the election. Then, he takes that term that he doesn't understand and uses it improperly to insinuate that that's what's being done to him. This is either because he's too dumb to know what it means and too stubborn to look it up, or because he believes that about his cultists.

This is the exact same playbook he used for "puppet" during his debates with Hillary, "Fake news" when he was campaigning, "witch hunt" when he was being investigated for impeachable offenses, etc.

The man is a complete god damned moron, and yet somehow, he's managed to figure out that a significant number of Americans are even dumber than he is, and he has become their messiah. It's awe-inducing.

[-] elbucho@lemmy.world 97 points 7 months ago

So this article makes it seem like he's got dementia and was under the spell of a delusion when shooting his partner & daughter. But it's written so vaguely that it's hard to know for sure. So I found another article that seems to be much more clear about what happened:


TL;DR: 66-year-old man is in rough shape; has Hepatitis B, Emphysema, and COPD, and needs an oxygen tank. His partner (a much younger woman), their daughter together (8 years old), and his son from a previous marriage (18) all came to his house. The article doesn't say what happened in the conversation, but he apparently became enraged thinking they were trying to get him out of the house. My guess is that they were trying to get him to go into a care facility due to his many, many ailments.

Dude saw red, grabbed a gun, and started blasting. Shot his partner, then tried shooting his son, missed, and hit his 8-year-old daughter in the back as she was running away from him.

So it sounds much less like dementia (though that could still very well be a factor), and more like a miserable piece of shit reaching for a gun first to solve all of his problems.

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