[-] elvith@feddit.de 55 points 3 months ago

Everyone besides Russia: "You should watch out, Russia is about to meddle with your elections."

US: "Pfft, yeah, riight..."

[-] elvith@feddit.de 43 points 3 months ago
C:\>type autoexec.bat
REM -- HDD cache:
SHARE.EXE /F:150 /L:1500

And don't forget to set the jumpers correctly!

[-] elvith@feddit.de 43 points 6 months ago

Das schöne an so einem Programm? Man kann solange an den jeweiligen Metriken schrauben bis

  • Man alle unliebsamen Mitarbeiter rausgeekelt hat (und ein bisschen Kollateralschaden)
  • Die verbleibenden Mitarbeiter statt sinnvollen Dingen nur noch die Dinge tun, die sie in der Metrik gut da stehen lassen. Scheiß auf das, was die Firma/das Team gerade bräuchte
[-] elvith@feddit.de 46 points 7 months ago

....so nothing really changed for them and they're still doing basically the same things? /s

[-] elvith@feddit.de 45 points 8 months ago
[-] elvith@feddit.de 54 points 9 months ago

Kleiner Denkfehler in deinem Kommentar - es geht nicht darum, dass die Positionen schlecht wären, sondern dass diese für die Parteien, aus deren Programm sie stammen, heute undenkbar wären, weil "zu links".

Wenn also entsprechende ablehnende Kommentare von den Vertretern dieser Parteien zu diesen Positionen kommen, sollte man ihnen diese vertretenen Werte/Aussage um die Ohren hauen, die von denjenigen historischen Figuren ihrer Partei stammen, auf die sie sich gerne berufen.

[-] elvith@feddit.de 60 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Imagine a bug in the ALU when adding two octal values - Octoplussy

Or a bug in a specific Intel generation - Skylakefall

[-] elvith@feddit.de 62 points 11 months ago

I’m not sure what to think of this article. I had to read for several paragraphs to get to know, that the problem is neither selling any user data collected by the browser (e.g. text inputs), nor is it the fact that they’re a search engine. It just that they offer an API for search which not only lists the same data as on the website, but offers a longer excerpt/text snippet for each result as it is seen on other search engines for some featured results. Depending on which UI you might want to develop for the results, that’s basically a nice feature as your app can decide which snippets get shown.

And now the problem seems to be that they offer a paid API and these results are a part of it? From data that was crawled by them by (as they’re saying) respecting robots.txt and - in most cases - was public anyways?

[-] elvith@feddit.de 53 points 11 months ago

As far as I know, no one tried to clone TikTok for the fediverse. But I think the inherent problem is the algorithm. TikTok isn't like Youtube or any other social network, where you follow people. You have an algorithm that tracks everything you do and watch and then suggests you video based on their topics, less on the people in them. I guess it'd be hard to implement, as many in the fediverse are not keen about tracking.

[-] elvith@feddit.de 44 points 1 year ago

The GDPR states, that request must be completed within a month. In case you're from Europe, you could report reddit to your local authorities if they don't respond within that time frame. A single report won't probably cause a reaction. But several reports from several individuals on the other hand...

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