[-] elvith@feddit.de 66 points 1 month ago

I remember having a defective hdd in my PC. I brought the pc to the shop, where I bought it from to get it replaced under warranty. They told me they couldn't restore my data (I had backups) and asked if I wanted them to install windows on it. When they asked for my key I was like "FC..." and they responded "ok, we know that one, no need to spell it out" and proceeded with the installation

submitted 2 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/privacy@lemmy.ml


Consent plays a profound role in nearly all privacy laws. As Professor Heidi Hurd aptly said, consent works “moral magic” – it transforms things that would be illegal and immoral into lawful and legitimate activities. As to privacy, consent authorizes and legitimizes a wide range of data collection and processing.

There are generally two approaches to consent in privacy law. In the United States, the notice-and-choice approach predominates; organizations post a notice of their privacy practices and people are deemed to consent if they continue to do business with the organization or fail to opt out. In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) uses the express consent approach, where people must voluntarily and affirmatively consent.

Both approaches fail. The evidence of actual consent is non-existent under the notice-and-choice approach. Individuals are often pressured or manipulated, undermining the validity of their consent. The express consent approach also suffers from these problems – people are ill-equipped to decide about their privacy, and even experts cannot fully understand what algorithms will do with personal data. Express consent also is highly impractical; it inundates individuals with consent requests from thousands of organizations. Express consent cannot scale.

In this Article, I contend that most of the time, privacy consent is fictitious. Privacy law should take a new approach to consent that I call “murky consent.” Traditionally, consent has been binary – an on/off switch – but murky consent exists in the shadowy middle ground between full consent and no consent. Murky consent embraces the fact that consent in privacy is largely a set of fictions and is at best highly dubious.

Because it conceptualizes consent as mostly fictional, murky consent recognizes its lack of legitimacy. To return to Hurd’s analogy, murky consent is consent without magic. Rather than provide extensive legitimacy and power, murky consent should authorize only a very restricted and weak license to use data. Murky consent should be subject to extensive regulatory oversight with an ever-present risk that it could be deemed invalid. Murky consent should rest on shaky ground. Because the law pretends people are consenting, the law’s goal should be to ensure that what people are consenting to is good. Doing so promotes the integrity of the fictions of consent. I propose four duties to achieve this end: (1) duty to obtain consent appropriately; (2) duty to avoid thwarting reasonable expectations; (3) duty of loyalty; and (4) duty to avoid unreasonable risk. The law can’t make the tale of privacy consent less fictional, but with these duties, the law can ensure the story ends well.

ich🚉iel (feddit.de)
submitted 2 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de

Nochmal ein Versuch, da es beim letzten Post wohl Probleme gab?!

i🍺itrl (feddit.de)
submitted 3 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/i_itrl@feddit.de
[-] elvith@feddit.de 76 points 3 months ago

Das solltest du lieber nicht Andy Grote Glocke hängen…

ich🚗iel (feddit.de)
submitted 3 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
i💩itrl (feddit.de)
submitted 3 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/i_itrl@feddit.de
[-] elvith@feddit.de 99 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

So, to summarize: He's a far-right extremist from abroad. His agenda is to promote the deportation of foreigners from Germany and keeping foreigners out of Germany. The government officials found out about him and grant his wish by banning him - a foreigner - from entering Germany. And now he's mad, because... They did as he told them?

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Edit: I see what you did there !europe@feddit.de...

submitted 4 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Der EuGH machte mit dem Schufa-Urteil deutlich, dass ein Score nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen zur automatischen Entscheidung genutzt werden darf und kritisierte die zu lange Speicherung von negativen Einträgen.

Nun hat sich der deutsche Gesetzgeber auf den Weg gemacht, eine Rechtsgrundlage zu erlassen und will mit dem neuen §37a BDSG eine „Lex Schufa“ schaffen, der:

Scoring legalisiert


automatische Entscheidungen basierend auf einem Score erlaubt

und dafür einige Do´s und Don´t enthält sowie Transparenzpflichten und Einspruchsmöglichkeiten auferlegt.

Es ist zu befürchten, dass die auf den ersten Blick recht kleinteilige Regelung (Entwurfstext siehe unten) weniger dem Ziel "Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher zu schützen" dient sondern im Gegenteil neue Möglichkeiten des Scorings ermöglicht werden.

Der Entwurf des §37a sollte deshalb noch einmal auf den Prüfstand, der Versuch der sehr detaillierten Regulierung verbietet zwar einiges explizit, lässt aber darüber hinaus viel Gestaltungsspielraum für Scorings.

Am Rande: Mit der Reform wird die Datenschutzkonferenz der Aufsichtsbehörden institutionalisiert, so dass sie künftig ein stärkeres Gewicht als bislang hat.

submitted 5 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Quelle: Karrikatur von Tjeerd Royaards

submitted 7 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Eine Wanderung machen und den GPX-Track mit Freunden teilen? Das wird schwierig, wenn ein Referentenentwurf des Bundeswaldgesetzes so verabschiedet wird.


In der "Forst-Praxis" wurde dies plakativ als "komoot-Paragraf" bezeichnet. Heiko Mittelstädt von der Deutschen Initiative Mountainbike e. V. (DIMB) verdeutlicht die Empörung der Waldnutzer: "Der § 33 enthält Regelungen, die jeden Erholungsnutzer, ob zu Fuß, mit dem Rad oder zu Pferd, betreffen. Wer mit seinem Smartphone seine Route trackt, oder einfach nur ein Foto in den sozialen Medien teilt, der kann bei falscher Voreinstellung schnell mit einem Verbotstatbestand konfrontiert werden."


Der Entwurf könnte auch das bloße Erfassen der Wege und Wegmerkmale infrage stellen, was die Arbeit der OpenStreetMap-Community unmittelbar gefährden könnte. Weiße Flecken gibt es nur in sehr wenigen Staaten, würden dann aber in Deutschland auftreten, wenn ein Waldbesitzer zum Erfassen der Wegedaten etwa keine Erlaubnis erteilt. Sie einzuholen, ist auch praktisch schwierig, denn Kontaktadressen der Besitzer sind an Ort und Stelle kaum aufzutreiben.


submitted 7 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

A friend of mine is a huge portal fan, so I made him this card for his birthday.

[-] elvith@feddit.de 93 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)
[-] elvith@feddit.de 92 points 7 months ago

If you’re a resident of Texas, please be aware that watching porn is bad for you, jacking off will make you blind and that you’re a filthy person for coming here. If you’re from the rest of the world, why are you reading this instead of watching porn?

[-] elvith@feddit.de 82 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Any chance, that this CEO just got divorced and has no motivation to work and wants you to replace his wife and do his and his wifes tasks?

maid-like tasks as needed

Uhm… so, about that…

[-] elvith@feddit.de 67 points 8 months ago

Don’t forget we’ve put more people into space than have been to the deepest point on the planet.

Fun fact, space is easier. It takes more effort to get there, sure. Coming from the "normal pressure" here on earth (about 1 atm) and going to space (0 atm) is a pressure difference of 1 atm. But: Diving into the ocean, the pressure increases the deeper you go. For every ~10 meters (~33ft) you go deeper, the pressure increases by 1 atm.

That means, that a space ships would only need to dive 10 m deep to get to the pressure difference it experiences in space. They went to see the Titanic which is about 3,800 m deep. So the sub needs to withhold a pressure difference that's about 380 times higher than a space ship experiences.

(OK, little difference I omitted: In space you need to prevent the vehicle from exploding, while in the deep sea you need to prevent it from imploding)

submitted 8 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

The Wall Street Journal reported that Meta plans to move to a "Pay for your Rights" model, where EU users will have to pay $ 168 a year (€ 160 a year) if they don't agree to give up their fundamental right to privacy on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. History has shown that Meta's regulator, the Irish DPC, is likely to agree to any way that Meta can bypass the GDPR. However, the company may also be able to use six words from a recent Court of Justice (CJEU) ruling to support its approach.

Wimmelbild Verschwörungsmythen (www.polizei-beratung.de)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by elvith@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Dieses Wimmelbild mit über sechzig Hinweisen auf Verschwörungsmythen, urbane Legenden und Radikalisierungsanzeichen haben das LKA Baden-Württemberg und das Programm Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention der Länder und des Bundes (ProPK) veröffentlicht.

Bestellt werden kann das Poster kostenlos unter dem Post-Link.

Direktlink zum Download der digitalen Ausgabe - Achtung, 5MB PDF

Auflösung, was alles zu finden ist

[-] elvith@feddit.de 62 points 9 months ago

Hey, when your game runs on my PC or console, I am the one paying the electricity bill for your game. Why the fuck do I have to pay for this, when I already bought the game? Isn't it enough, that we gamers invest real money and our time into your game? We want to get paid, too!

[-] elvith@feddit.de 65 points 9 months ago

"None of your business" (NOYB) is already on it and complained to the data protection authorities.

For context - NOYB is the organization with Max Schrems, the guy who is constantly fighting Meta (and slowly winning)

[-] elvith@feddit.de 62 points 11 months ago

I’m not sure what to think of this article. I had to read for several paragraphs to get to know, that the problem is neither selling any user data collected by the browser (e.g. text inputs), nor is it the fact that they’re a search engine. It just that they offer an API for search which not only lists the same data as on the website, but offers a longer excerpt/text snippet for each result as it is seen on other search engines for some featured results. Depending on which UI you might want to develop for the results, that’s basically a nice feature as your app can decide which snippets get shown.

And now the problem seems to be that they offer a paid API and these results are a part of it? From data that was crawled by them by (as they’re saying) respecting robots.txt and - in most cases - was public anyways?

submitted 11 months ago by elvith@feddit.de to c/memes@lemmy.ml
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