
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

I work full time while also going to school so no freedom during summer or anything.

I'll see if any foss projects look interesting!

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

If I could get an internship that could pay all my bills I would love one. But I have a mortgage as I'm currently 30. I probably don't have time for college, my full time job, and a part time internship!

If there are any internships paying around 70k a year I mean I'll start it in a heart beat XD

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

This post was 4 months ago.

Fun to know that it's still absolutely screwed.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I used it years ago and it didn't pay super great, I'll have her check though and see what it's like now.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Every mc pvp server I looked at had wonderful "Supporter packs"

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Brain says bad. Because I'll be there, working on trying to get a new shiny ship and then the brain is like... "You make 40$ an hour overtime. That's a lot more ship than doing this." or "instead of checking in on your skill queue every day for two years to make sure it's optimal $300 worth of plex and you have your dream toon. "

And yeah... I know myself. I need to avoid games that make that lil voice pop up.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

My brain is like "I played that game just like... last year right?"

Nah bro, you played that in high school, which was most certainly not last year.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I mean... in eve you were allowed to straight up buy perfect characters or skill injectors, then the isk to buy a ship. So you could have a newbie with the same character power as a 3 year old player.

My brain does not like grinding games with strong P2W aspects, it messes with me.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I see gold is for sale in the shop, is store bought gold a big influence in the game? Or pretty irrelevant?

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

... I have a scooter.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that as well :( those old cats who love you with all their heart are just so amazing. He would happily sit on my lap all day and whenever I sleep he would come up and rub his face against me and then sleep on my chest.

Like I keep thinking I want another cat... but I don't want another cat. I want MY cat back who I had for 16 years!

But now I gotta take care of my little 3 year old boy and figure out how to keep him happy!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I did find this and am gonna look more into these.

But I bet yours is swanky.


That kid would have gotten a million death threats and his house maybe burned down if in the real world if he came out with evidence to try and discredit someone's favorite dead celebrity.


The page was just made so not a lot of sign ups, but last year was a great success and I hope lots of people join this year!

(I'm not an organizer, I just volunteer to help)


I grew up with $20 walmart blenders, and hated anything that required a blender.

Recently bought a ninja and there is no going back. I'll never use a crappy blender again.

Anything else like that?


At least in the US. Hopefully other countries do better.


So either a trait or idea someone has that others make fun of, that saves the day?

My example:

Mine is back in 7th grade there was going to be a chocolate fondue day. 5 kids volunteered to bring chocolate chips for the chocolate fountain, then everyone else just said what they would bring. Most people said like marshmallows, Graham crackers, pretzels, the like.

One kid said he's bringing chocolate bars. The teacher was confused and actively tried to discourage this idea. But the kid was insistent that dipping cold chocolate bars in a chocolate fountain was amazing. Some kids even made fun of him a bit, but the teacher moved on cause at the end of the day he could could bring what he wanted and it was all volunteer so can't be picky.

The day comes along and... most of the kids who were supposed to bring the chocolate chips for the chocolate fountain didn't. The fountain couldn't even start with how little chocolate showed up. I think only one person brought a bag, which was not enough at all for a class of 25.

Then comes in our Rudolph with a giant bag of fun sized hershy milk chocolate bars.

There was no clapping or anything dramatic, but as soon as he showed up the teacher pulled him aside and a few minutes later his chocolate bars had been melted in the teacher break room and chocolate fountain day was saved!


For me, crepes ain't worth the stress to make fresh. Just buy a little pack from store and focus on filling is my go to.


Musical improvers sing made up songs, in this case to a made up song called "Horsegirl" by Billie Eilish, then Deep Blue Ink animated this.


Deep blue ink animates shenanigans, in this case they animated a bit from a College Humoar/drop out show Make Some Noise.


Follow up from Karl Jobst basically just showing clips of what Jirad said in his apology, contrasted with clips from the past where he said the exact opposite.

One would hope this seals the deal and convinces everyone that Jirad did it on purpose, but we all know that's not the truth.


If you haven't seen Drawfee before, give it a try! I adore them. They are 4 professional artists that draw stupid things.

They used to be part of College Humor, but they became an independent channel when CH went bankrupt, and they are still going strong.


This is just one of my favorite videos on the internet, and I wish PE teachers were this smart and kind in elementary school. Because I remember everyone trying to do pull ups for the test and most people couldn't do any. But like... if they had taught us how to do intermediary ones and had us do them before the test we actually would have succeeded and learned the importance of building up to exercises.

Which I feel like would have been a much better education compared to having half the class fail to do a pull up.


So house bots function as the refs in battle bots. They are used to separate stuck bots so a fight can continue and the like. Each team also gets one "unstuck" from the house bot per fight, where if they get stuck on the edge of the arena but are functional they can have the house bot come give them a push to keep the fight going.

They weigh WAY more than the little bots they are reffing for, so the little bots shouldn't be able to do any damage to the house bots or interfere with them.

Kevin disagrees.

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