
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah offering people a chance to escape poverty and then watching them lose that hope is pretty brutal.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago

Fair enough! Yeah a lot of people complain about Mr Beast, but I've yet to see something that isn't a knock off of other game shows, so that's why I was curious if people in general just have turned against the more insane game shows.

90% of his game shows are survivor/big brother knock offs, which sounds like you probably detest as well.

Price is right is pretty chill! feel like people are less likely to wanna commit suicide over not winning compared to some other shows.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah I guess for me the mr beast stuff are almost always just exact clones of other game shows so that's why I'm like... I wonder if Mr beast is just bringing out the fact that a lot of people hate the more insane game shows.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

Wait, he doesn't have giant conflict of interests?


[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Yeah I'll need to measure and might have to do some fenagling, also there were some... other weird choices made. Like a tree that has since been removed was at one point part of the fence, like it just ended where this tree started, so now there is a hole where it was.

Also the chain link fence goes past the vinyl fence post and ends after it.

There were about 4 different "Not my job, not my house, not my problem" choices made at the very least with the back yard.

Figured I would ask here in case someone with more experience had thoughts on any potential pit falls!

[–] 43 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I feel like they could be the main characters in a dozen different movies.

Buddy cop film where old style cop has to team up with young tech assassin.

Average man tries to solve a murder while being hunted by a cyborg

Young group of hackers led by this woman is being hunted by corrupt police as they try to expose the government.

Like either one of them could be the protagonist or antagonist of any number of movies depending on the genre, or team up for a clash of styles type think.

[–] 58 points 1 month ago

I want them to be in a buddy cop movie together. The young tech assassin and old no nonsense cop.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago

I'm afraid it's nothing fun.

I had two cats, one young, one old.

My old 17 year old cat passed recently, and my 3 year old cat has been super erratic for months since. I've tried tons of things from calm down treats, pheromones, different toys... he's just a very unhappy young cat. He runs around just meowing a ton at random times, which he never did before. There is my room mates cat so there is another cat, but my cat has 0 interest in this other cat. He's unhappy.

I'm hoping maybe I can hide this in different places each day and he'll have something to hunt when it makes a noise and give him a sense of schedule and things to do?

I've tried most of the advice I can find online, so now I'm trying to make things up. I didn't give very many details because I knew if I did, I'd just get a whole ton of advice that I already tried.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

The VP having control over the platform they announce things?

What a novel idea /s

So dumb how much power twitter got for politics. Fediverse for life!

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oof, sounds like you might be looking up what countries you can get to with low cost of living soon.

Or home steading.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago

I mean the example I gave was a guy who fled over student loans, which can't be discharged through bankruptcy and the US government can not be stopped from coming for you!

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Honestly never paid attention to charging speed, never actually gotten the silly thing under 25%, and most of the time after riding it's still over 50%. So I just plug it in whenever I'm done with it and I know it'll be full when I get back.

not a super helpful answer.


Seems wild that a now beloved phrase, started as a government slogan to get people to stop throwing trash on the road.


c/fitandnatural and c/mmababes are the two that show up on my local a lot... and like I COULD block them.

But... I clearly haven't.


So long story short I've worked with proprietary software X for a long time, and specifically I do a lot of work investigating the SQL database for software X. Writing custom reports, making queries to find problems, the like.

Small to VERY large companies use this software. I'm afraid I'm on the small side so I'm unknown to the community of users and my name wouldn't carry weight.

I feel confident that any report someone asked me to write, I could write and I can write scripts to help businesses find issues they aren't aware are costing them money.

Like there is an issue that if you find it you need to call support asap to get fixed or statements go out with incorrect amounts on it, but the software doesn't warn you, you have to just notice that the balance on the statement you are sending out doesn't "look right" then call support and have them confirm or not. But a query I have will tell you right away, so running it right before running statements makes a world of difference.

But like... how do I even start? Do I just need to start cold calling companies that based on their name "might" have this software as well, and explain my case?

Do I make a website pretending I've been doing this for years, then send out an email being like "Y consulting is now accepting new clients who use software X, check out some of our most popular custom reports, then fill out this form to get a quote for one of your own!" to just every person in the industry and hope someone actually reads the email?

Should I make a blog with free reports, email that out to people, then have a mention that for custom reports I'm for hire?

Like the more I think about it the more this feels like it's probably more of a reputation thing then anything else, so I have no idea where to start. Are these awful ideas? Does anyone have advice for it?


Hear about how much debt everyone in the US has all the time, curious about some of your stories!

My bad debt is 10k left on a school loan from a for profit school that is now out of business.

Only other debt is house.

So how are you all doing with debt management?


They all felt like they "needed" a nice car and bought one at a crazy rate. Or some even took out crazy car loans to repair their current car. Like the perception that you need a nice car is crazy.

A lot of people are actually upside down on their car loans. Those he can he tries to convince to sell their cars, but they straight up fight him on it even after he breaks down how financially devastating it is to have a depreciating "asset" that has a 20k loan at 30% interest rate.

Here are some more shorts of people with insane car choices. Basically 9/10 of his episodes have people with bad car loans, these are clips of just the worst ones. If you search his channel for "Car loan" or "car debt" a ton of his full episodes mention car debt in the title because of how many people are utterly ruined by it.

(Also fair warning, he's super abrasive and direct on people who put themselves into really stupid debt.)

So yeah, fuck car culture that makes this possible and convinces people it's okay.


I know that like Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and Sam from LoTR are all considered green flags if they are considered role models.

But are there any unique role models you have or have seen others have that you consider a green flag?


If you played it in the past you might be interested to see that AOE2 community is doing great, and see one of the crazy players that are part of the community.

This particular player found a way to do absurd things with a unit no one else cares about.

The TLDR about the unit is compared to other castle age (age 3) units, it sucks. In age 2, it sucks compared to other age 2 units. It's a unique unit (so only one civilization can make it) with weird mechanics, but considered worthless. It

It is unique in that it can be built in feudal age. But it has a very weird quirk where nothing in feudal age can do any noticeable harm to its castle age version, and as soon as you hit castle age, it gets its instant upgrade. Archers are considered the counter to infantry units, but they deal one damage a hit if the unit is in castle age.

So this player simply made a strategy that ignores everything else in the game to get a handful of these castle age guys to your base ASAP. Hilarity ensues.


Just looking for a program that let's me go





Then at the end it gives a grade.

Edit: or even easy to use like html template.


The sidewalks are really dangerous where I am, where they are super uneven, have "artistic" curves, and trees that are overhanging really low so like will hit my body.

I go max 15 MPH on my escooter and if I hear a ding ding I jump onto the sidewalk and go a bit slower until you guys pass, since I'm slower and can dismount easier it only makes sense for me to make room. I figure as long as I make room it "shouldn't" be a problem.

But just wondering if there are any bike riders that are just like shaking their fist at escooter riders.


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