[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

If it's on the same drive, after updates, Windows will try to 'fix' ~~that you have another OS~~ itself, and remove GRUB.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

Install Windows again, then install Linux.

Windows is annoying with it's bootloader, but when you have separate drive, it would be way smoother experience.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 19 points 4 days ago

The thing that makes me laugh/cry/be happy I switched to Linux, is that it's in that state, but it's a paid product.

If the license was free it was somewhat okay, but it's not. People are still paying.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 75 points 7 months ago

But they still won't be able to remove all of the baked-in spyware.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 82 points 8 months ago

The latest.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 81 points 9 months ago

Like the other comment mentioned, you don't need to reboot, unless you've updated the kernel.

If you somehow downloaded by mistake an immutable system, like Fedora Silverblue or Fedora Kinoite, know it's not the classic way to manage Linux systems.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 64 points 9 months ago

You can install on it a lot of custom ROMs, including GrapheneOS and CalyxOS.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 185 points 9 months ago

Upgrade, ha?

OK, time to install TempleOS.

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 57 points 10 months ago

Ctrl+Shift+T anywhere.


Hopefully it's the right community, I didn't find more appropriate so post this. I'll remove the post if it isn't.

I'm not really sure if it's a Lemmy or Liftoff problem, but I can't post a message with the words version-number inside angle brackets (<>).

The text just keeping to disappear.

Is it a bug?

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submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by eruchitanda@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Permanently Deleted

[-] eruchitanda@lemmy.world 58 points 10 months ago

As another comment suggests, try to change your user-agent. Chameleon is great.


I can't login to my account. It works both on browser, and on Jerboa v0.34 (latest Jerboa - v.35 has a lot of problems).

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