[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 23 points 1 month ago

You can democratically elect a party that will impose a 99% corporate profit tax rate.

Please, enlighten us and show where that was done. If it was never done, then no, you can't.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml to c/prolewiki@lemmygrad.ml

Hello, comrades!

I'm here again to proudly announce that we've established a Persian language ProleWiki, managed and developed by our Iranian comrades @sudo_halt@lemmygrad.ml and TheSinnerOne. Their selfless contributions are a testament to the unwavering dedication and perseverance of our comrades in delivering a service to the international proletariat.

The expansion of our encyclopedia into Persian not only signifies the growing reach of our revolutionary knowledge but also symbolizes the unity and solidarity of comrades across languages, and cultures. And to think ProleWiki started with only myself in September 2020... And now we're spanning and delivering content up to 8 different languages, with editors from all over the world!

It reminds me of an excerpt of Pablo Neruda's poem, To my party, which I will highlight:

You have given me fraternity towards those I do not know.
You have added to me the strength of all who live.
You have given me again the homeland as in a birth.
You have given me the freedom that the solitary does not have.
You taught me to kindle kindness, like fire.
You gave me the righteousness that the tree needs.
You taught me to see the unity and difference of men.
You showed me how the pain of one being has died in the victory of all.
You taught me to sleep in the hard beds of my brothers.
You made me build on reality as on a rock.
You made me the adversary of the wicked and the wall of the frantic.
You made me see the clarity of the world and the possibility of joy.
You have made me indestructible because with you I do not end in myself.

And indeed, ProleWiki did not end in myself! Long live the international collaboration between comrades!

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 3 months ago

politics cannot be brought up at all when I meet them

What was the reasoning given for this?


With the help of our comrade Syntrofos, we have opened a Greek language ProleWiki! Of course, since we have just opened it, you shouldn't expect to find much, except an article on Marxism-Leninism at the moment. Irrespective of that, having an open Greek wiki will allow people speaking that language to contribute with the wiki independent of the English language instance.

Our editors have done an excellent job in ProleWiki, but it's a job that is never really finished. There will always be something to add, a fact, a specific knowledge, and it's wonderful that we are opening up to further languages so more people from more places can know about our project and contribute to them.

All glory to the comrades at ProleWiki! Thank you comrade Syntrofos for your work!

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 3 months ago

Luntz acknowledges Israel’s mounting PR problems in a slide identifying the most powerful tactics employed by Palestine solidarity activists. “Israelis attacking Israel is the second most potent weapon against Israel,” the visual display reads beside a photo of a protest by Jewish Voices for Peace, a US-based Jewish organization dedicated to ending Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

“The most potent” tactic in mobilizing opposition to Israel’s assault on Gaza, according to Luntz, “is the visual destruction of Gaza and the human toll.” The slide inadvertently acknowledges the cruelty of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, displaying a bombed out apartment building with clearly anguished women and children fleeing in the foreground.

Hmm. Good to know.


Special thanks to comrades @Elara@lemmygrad.ml, @ComradeEd@lemmygrad.ml and @ksynwa@lemmygrad.ml. Your patience and assistance were honorable

Right now, registration is closed and probably will continue to be closed for a while. Only editors can choose to have an account with the ProleWiki handle.

Now for step two: implementing a matrix-discord bridge. May take me a while 🥲


We can no longer ignore there are Matrix users among our editorship, who prefer it over Discord for various reasons, some being they had to use VPN, they prefer Matrix for privacy and security, or simply because they hate Discord for some reason

There's also the problem our organization is currently intrinsically tied with Discord. So if we ever "found" to "break the rules" of the "community guidelines," which is always a bullshit excuse for censorship, we will face a major setback in our organization before we re-organize ourselves more autonomously.

Having a Matrix server and channels neatly organized can be a safe backup from such a setback, but the major reason we (and by this I mean mostly myself) are currently researching into implementing a Matrix server, is to host a bridge which would allow seamless communication between our Matrix and Discord members

Comrade @Elara@lemmygrad.ml from GenZedong has generously offered support in implementing the server, but neither of us knew how to configure the Apache webserver, which is the stack used by ProleWiki, and I'm currently stuck figuring this out. She has also set up a Matrix-Discord bridge herself for us to use, but it's safer for us to host one ourselves, to avoid leaving the server dependent on other servers.

Instead of requesting for a single person, anyone willing to help, please do so in the comments, and I'll answer you. I will share some information about our server configuration in the process, and since any conversation here is public, try not to ask any sensitive information.

I think this way more people can chime in and help us out, I've been having headaches with this 🥲

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 5 months ago

Also, smoking a pack a day had become part of my identity

Not many people realize this, but this is a part why many smokers have trouble quitting. Close friends of them smoke, or everyone associates them with smoking, so they also smoke to claim their own identity, or that of their group.

To stop smoking for your own sake, and for your own health is already a noble enough cause. You're more useful to the revolution if you're alive


We know some comrades would love to edit the wiki but they do not feel "ready" to do so theoretically... Considering that, it's my duty to present the Lemmygrad community the library editors role in our wiki. Library editors are users who have access to editing our library, so they can help expand works available for everyone to read!

First of all, I understand those who feel they are "not ready" to create an account and edit. But you're not really required to be extensively well read on everything so you can contribute. Most of what I've learned about theory, history and politics was a consequence of my editing on ProleWiki, as I learned in the process of researching stuff to put on the wiki.

Second, if you feel like you're not currently able to research and edit stuff, it's understandable, since it takes work to do that. But by contributing to the library, you're helping others have easier access to important works.

Have you ever read anything you felt like everyone should read it? And when you search for that book, you realize it's very hard to find? Your contributions could help others have access to that very important information in a very accessible form. You'll be doing your part in elevating the consciousness of the people from the comfort of your home

So, go ahead and request an account already! Fill in the questions based on what you know, and if you're interested specifically in a library account, tell us so in your request form. This means we'll take it easy on your answers. Those who wish to request a full fledged account, just answer the questions to your best ability, but we're usually more rigorous with the answers.

We'll give everyone from Lemmygrad feedback about their answers, so you can see this as an opportunity to test your knowledge too 🤓

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 7 months ago

The West ≠ Western citizens

North Atlantic imperialist countries is what we refer as "the West". They have shared interests and in terms of foreign policy act almost in unison, so much so that a single term to describe North American and Western European countries is not a generalization, it's quite appropriate actually.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 7 months ago

Israel has killed more civilians (mostly children and women) in a month of war than Russia has killed in almost two years. The Russians actually target almost exclusively military infrastructure, they have preserved electrical grids, water stations, communications infrastructure, etc.. Not because they are "good guys", obviously, but it's a part of their strategy. But it shows genocide is not a part of this strategy.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 7 months ago

How about criticize both? Do you have to accept and defend one? By showing Democrats and Republicans are the same, we are already fighting the greater evil.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 30 points 7 months ago

tankies are not bastions of logical and rational thought

Apparently you aren't either, since you mindlessly use the term "tankie" when it doesn't mean anything. You've been conditioned to have an aversion to "tankies" when you aren't even able to accurately represent what this group defends, I'm sure.

When you're ready to think for yourself or if you feel like a "bastion of logical and rational thought", try to engage with us on Lemmygrad and see if you can point out the flaws of our "irrational and illogical" views. I'm pretty sure you'd be easily crushed in any debate. 😉

We communists base our views on facts, on historical phenomena, not our feelings or wants.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I don't think you even know what "totalitarianism" is. You know why? Because that term doesn't mean anything. It was popularized by Hannah Arendt, an academic author indirectly associated with the CIA (as thoroughly discussed by Frances Stonor Saunders in her book The Cultural Cold War). The term was used in the context of the Cold War to promote the idea that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were the same thing or very similar. It served the interests of the US and Western European countries.

Now to call our userbase racist, I would expect at least further explanation. We have very strict moderation, and racist garbage is severely dealt with. So if you seen someone being racist in Lemmygrad, please let me know. I'm an admin there, and we could quickly resolve this. If you haven't, then you should quietly think with yourself why you are lying to others here. You hate us based on a lie?

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

their users deny genocides

If you are referring to the Xinjiang issue, then it just reaffirms what @davel@lemmy.ml just said:

it’s largely because the Anglosphere has been indoctrinated against real, actual socialism their entire lives

Because the "Uyghur genocide" in Xinjiang is another example of propaganda. Or do you really think the West cares about Muslims and want to protect their "freedom"?

call everyone that has a less extreme left opinion of politics Nazis

I don't see anyone in Lemmygrad calling other people "Nazis" because they disagree with someone in a discussion. I usually see them criticizing others as "liberals." This is either a misrepresentation of leftists in general, very common among conservatives, or you are frequently being called a Nazi. I don't know, maybe that's on you? 🤔

end up being so “anti-racism” that they’re racists themselves and take all critics as personal attacks

That's so specific you should give at least one example of this. We have very strict moderation against any bigotry, so I challenge you to link any "racist" attitude or comment you have seen in Lemmygrad. I will give you 24 hours, and if you don't reply with an example, I will edit this comment saying you chickened out.

EDIT: They chickened out, as expected.

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I'm sorry you've been through this comrade, thanks for sharing. I've felt this way before for a short period of time and I did the same, I left the internet for a while before I was okay. I also began seeing a therapist at the time, which helped a bit

Hope you'll get better soon enough, take care comrade and good luck

[-] felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 8 months ago

Who would've thought in 1945 that a Nazi government would support a Jewish supremacist government somewhere in history

(cool fact: the Nazis had a friendly relationship with Zionists, look for "Haavara Agreement")


Monogamous relationships are centered on a single partner with whom you share intimacy and sexual desire. This type of relationship can already bring out some challenges, like jealousy, resentment, fights, or insecurities in general. Even with a shared agreement that you and your partner will exclusively dedicate their intimacy with yourselves, these feelings already pop up here and then.

Polyamory, polygamy, or non-monogamous relationships in general can have different "formats", but this type of relationship is solely focused on dialogue and internal agreements. Here is the main points and difference between them:

  • Open relationships: usually there is a single partner with whom you develop intimacy and sex, but both agree that sex outside the relationship is allowed, but not intimacy.

  • Polygamy: it's based on a shared relationship between more than 2 partners. Like 3 people under the same relationship, and having a relationship with each other. Intimacy and sex is usually shared among all partners, but it sometimes happen that 2 partners do not share a relationship. For instance a relationship where a woman has 2 boyfriends, and the boyfriends may have a friendship between each other, but not necessarily have sex together.

  • Polyamory: it's an absolute non-exclusive relationship, similar to open relationships, but intimacy and sex is allowed. It tends to revolve around two partners, each allowed to have other non-exclusive relationships, be them casual or fixed.

It's an illusion to think these types of relationships are exempt from insecurities, jealousy, and that every person involved in the relationship are confident enlightened higher beings incapable of feeling insecure. This is a distorted characterization of these relationships. In polyamory, you'll still have to deal with jealousy, envy, resentment, and insecurities in general, both from yourself and your partners, but it can be a thousand times more intense than monogamous relationships.

There's always that male chauvinist who loves the idea of dating two women, but they can't fathom the idea of the woman he loves meeting, loving, kissing and having great sex with another man. For men, indoctrinated on the idea of sexual exclusivity (for women, not them lol), it can be quite tough to accept this situation and learning to deal with it. Polyamory is a journey in dealing with your deepest insecurities, and learning to deal with your partners' insecurities as well. It's definitely not an easy task, because it's already not easy to be responsible with a single partner's emotions, let alone two or more.

This is why I say polyamory is not for every one. Though it's solely based on dialogue and mutual freedom, it involves much more responsibilities than monogamous relationships, and it's way tougher to deal with insecurities and self-esteem crises. You need to be prepared to suffer a lot, and be ready to deal with your own issues, and also talking to your partners about it.

I've been in a non-monogamous relationship for 4 years now, and it's been a ride. For the most part I felt self-confident, but here and then I felt really bad, like anxiety, low self-esteem, jealousy and envy. Even though it happened only a few times, it was one of the worst sensations I've ever felt in my life. And even though I have a second partner, this shit's not easy, and it doesn't get easier lmao. For me, I adopt this relationship because of self-discovery. You learn more about yourself by exposing yourself to certain situations, and you find in yourself things to work out on.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by felipeforte@lemmygrad.ml to c/communism@lemmygrad.ml

There are many Marxists who look at the US/NATO war against Russia without historical materialism. They condemn Russia and the war in Ukraine as an "inter-imperialist war" between Russia and the US, but this is wrong mainly because they ignore the historical aggression movement of the "traditional" imperialist countries.

One such movement was the expansion of NATO, where the EU and the US were funding NATO and EU membership campaigns, especially in former socialist republics. They took advantage of nascent states and low institutional complexity to spread propaganda in these countries, initially through television and today through the Internet. They manipulate the public opinion of an entire nation, just to serve their interests.

And worse, NATO demands from these countries "political reforms" in order to enter NATO, which eventually resulted in extreme right-wing governments in these countries.

NATO has been expanding eastward into Russia, settling in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, then Estonia, Latvia, Romania, and Bulgaria, with Estonia and Latvia bordering Russia. Furthermore, NATO has already stated if I'm not mistaken since 2008 that it intended to host Ukraine and Georgia, and not only that, it has frequently held military exercises with these countries. Both Ukraine and Georgia border Russia, Ukraine being the country that has the longest border with Russia.

In Ukraine, a government has been in place since 2014 that has openly advocated neo-Nazism and incorporated Nazi militias into its army. It promoted the persecution of ethnic Russians within the country and for 8 years the Ukrainian army assaulted the population of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces. School children were taught to hate Russians with children's stories portraying the Russian nation and its people as barbarians, monsters, as every government does with its enemies.

And now, with the Russian invasion, Finland, which also has a long border with Russia, has joined NATO. We already know what the historical trend of this will be. In addition, NATO has an indirect presence in Asia, mainly in South Korea and Japan, due to the presence of US troops in these countries (more than 80,000 soldiers in all).

It is very clear that NATO has been expanding toward Russia since the late 1990s, setting up governments hostile to Russians in its member countries for the sole purpose of generating a conflict with the country. In this way, it becomes possible to fragment the whole of Russia, to facilitate the plundering of that country's natural and human resources, and especially to prevent a competitive country from outgrowing the USA.

The idea that Russian aggression is part of an "inter-imperialist" conflict attempts to equate the US with Russia, as if both countries are waging war for similar reasons, or as if both are in the same position. The US/NATO has been hostile to Russia for decades, it's decades of constant aggression. To any Russian, who has seen it up close all these years, the war was a surprise, but everyone knew it was inevitable.

Marxists who defend the thesis of "inter-imperialist war" to condemn Russia and the US on the same "level" ignore all this historical development, and on top of that they use the argument that in Russia there is a right-wing conservative party in power. Or worse, they say that Russia is a bourgeois state and therefore does not deserve support.

It is true. In many aspects the Russian government is anti-communist, even. But all over the world we have bourgeois dictatorships or conservative governments. To take only this criteria of support would result in condemning the "inter-imperialist" war between the U.S. and Iraq, equating aggressors and aggressed. Because both are bourgeois dictatorships, therefore they do not deserve special consideration.

In the case of the war in Ukraine the "aggressor-aggrieved" relation is more subtle, because in the immediate appearance Russia invaded Ukraine. The aggressor-aggrieved relationship is between Russia-Ukraine, right? That seems to be the view of our Marxists, apparently. Losing sight of the background of NATO's actions, this war becomes a meaningless thing, as if Russia is wanting to take Ukraine for itself, to export its capital and control Ukraine's markets. It is a very similar discourse to the one NATO reproduces, of the invader Russia.

So who does the "imperialist Russia" discourse serve? Exactly the NATO side. Exactly the usual imperialists, which we are sick of knowing, the imperialists of the North Atlantic, the US and Europe. This discourse is aimed at undermining support for Russia in other nations, and gradually manufacturing a consensus that justifies a war against Russia.

The two sides of the war are not equal, and they do not wage war for equal reasons. Russia is a bourgeois dictatorship, as in much of the world, but it is part of a positive movement regarding the world market, an alternative movement to the US hegemony that for decades has plagued the countries of the world with its political and economic interference. Russia's partnership with China also adds strength to this alternative movement to the US-dominated institutions, the domination of the dollar, and the arbitrary interference in other countries.


Looks nothing like him lmao, but that's the best I got. I tried numerous times for a result like this.

Parameters used: Mao Tse-tung, cyberpunk, hyper realistic, neon --q 2 --v 4

I had to use "Mao Tse-tung" because "Zedong" was banned by Midjourney. Funny stuff


Using the parameters Fidel Castro, cyberpunk, hyper realistic, neon --q 2 --v 4


Done using Midjourney with the parameters Che Guevara, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4



Made with Midjourney using the parameters Vladimir Lenin, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4


Made with Midjourney using the parameters Karl Marx, cyber punk, neon, hyper realistic --q 2 --v 4

view more: next ›


joined 4 years ago