[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 48 points 23 hours ago

If they aren't going to charge for access otherwise then I don't think being ad supported is such a bad thing. Much more honest than subscription pricing and ads in my opinion.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 34 points 1 day ago

Every time I think about the kind of car I want the next time I need to replace mine I am reminded that I miss my old 1994 Chevy S10, and options for something like that these days is rather limited.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 18 points 5 days ago

These days I care a lot less that a package is outdated than I do it being unstable personally. If security concerns are getting patched and it is still doing what I want it to do, I couldn't care less about UI elements getting moved around just to make some PM happy.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

Whats crazy is Hangouts is still going (in the form of Chat and Meet). I've had the same group chat going with a few buddies on it for years and years now. And it is still better than anything outside of Signal in my opinion for messaging.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

I still don't understand how Google thought it had a chance at success. They had the same model as Onlive had 10 years prior. It ended up failing for much the same reasons.


Well, at least they aren't outright throwing the functionality in the trash.


I can't imagine anyone that has decent prospects would agree to go back to Tesla after getting canned with those kinds of wild swings in decision making.


As if the Prime Video app couldn't get any worse.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 89 points 2 months ago

As much as I like Linux, and use it almost exclusively on desktop/laptop, every time I see something like this I am reminded how much I hate the fact that Apple of all companies is about the last bastion of commercial and consumer operating systems who isn’t trying to derive the bulk of their revenue from advertising.


Jesus, again already?

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 264 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

People need to stop holding Jobs up as some deity of tech. He was a marketing and hype man that was in the right place at the right time and knew how to take advantage of that luck. Nothing more, nothing less. It is equally possible his leadership style would have squandered the opportunities Apple has had since his death had it been him and not Cook in charge.

By any metric other than "line must always go up" Apple is doing just fine.

"Oh no, they haven't found another multi hundred billion dollar product to release since the iPhone, even though there are no signs that the iPhone won't continue to be a very profitable business for years and years to come...better go dig up Steve jobs, shove a stick up his back, magic his corpse back to life, and beg him to save the shareholders profit margins", the horror.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 108 points 5 months ago

This sort of thing is why I dislike legislation that mandates the use of something very specific. Things change and it is better to create laws that don’t become outdated as fast as tech tends to.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 81 points 5 months ago

"Your honor, we actually operate 5 different app stores.....that all just so happen to be called the same thing, share the same backend infrastructure, etc. With what you end up being able to see device side depending on device metadata. But they are 5 different stores, we swear"...... /s

Or something like that.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 95 points 7 months ago

When do the alcoholics get to sue the bars/pubs for "forcing" them to walk through the door and order a drink?

Another good thing falls to the whims of lack of personal responsibility, parenting, and Helen (won't someone think of the children?!) Lovejoy syndrome. Now the predators will just continue to do there thing in a darker hole that is even harder to find.

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 87 points 9 months ago

And Mexico was going to pay for that southern boarder wall...

[-] flop_leash_973@lemmy.world 97 points 11 months ago

Jokes on my employer, I have been effectively working less than 3 days a week in active hours actually doing something productive beyond meetings and forced chit chat for years.

Most employers in my experience care far more about the appearance of working than they do actually working. Once you realize this it is amazing how little actual work you need to do to make them happy.

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